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Overcoming Sleepiness to Study the Falun Gong Teachings
2005-11-24For example, when we feel thirsty during Fa-study, we will stop to get some water. When we feel cold or hot during Fa-study, we will stop to add or remove some clothes. These things seem like very normal things to do. But for a practitioner, it is not normal. Sometimes, when I was in a very good state and studying the Fa, suddenly I would feel thirsty. When I stopped to drink some water and returned, my focus would be gone. Why had this happened?
Studying the Falun Gong Teachings Well is the Essential Requirement for Taking the Right Path
2005-11-22During these past few years as I distributed materials containing factual information about Falun Dafa in or spoke about Falun Dafa and the persecution face-to-face, I often faced danger. However, each time Teacher helped me and rescued me. My understanding is that as long as we believe in Teacher and Falun Dafa on our cultivation path, we can brave through anything no matter how difficult it appears to be.
Some Thoughts on "Letting Go of Life and Death"
2005-11-22In the past six months, several Falun Dafa practitioners in our city were illegally arrested, after which we held some sharing on this among local practitioners. We all realised that we fell short in saving sentient beings because we could not let go of life and death, and we all had different degrees of attachment to fear.
Strive Forward, Become a Qualified Fa-Rectification Period Falun Dafa Practitioner
2005-11-21After I took this task, I began to look for the next level contact person. I found three practitioners and told them my thoughts, and asked them to find practitioners who would be in contact with them. In this way, we set up the distribution network. Due to many practitioners having righteous thoughts and righteous acts, and who were rational and cultivated their speech, the network ensured the safe operation and fast distribution of materials from the production site.
Recalling Teacher's Lecture Series in Guangzhou
2005-11-21There were many moving stories throughout the Guangzhou seminar. Before the lecture, Teacher would come to class early and answer questions for everyone. Before beginning to lecture, He would pick up off the ground lost money and train tickets dropped by practitioners and place them on the table and announce that whoever lost anything should come and pick it up after class.
My Understanding of Taking the Fa as the Teacher
2005-11-18Actually, "good or bad" can not be seen by others; the true measurement is in the heart and mind of the individual. If a practitioner is able to keep his righteous thoughts at all times, that would be considered solid cultivation. What is seen on the surface, is, in a way, only a matter of formality. The status of another practitioner's cultivation practise is impossible to determine.
Studying the Fa Well and Looking Inward Are Keys to Good Coordination
2005-11-18It's normal that practitioners have different views. But when conflicts arise, the key is to put the Fa as the most important and look inward according to the standard of the Fa. When stalemates occur, the major reason is that we are not studying the Fa well and not looking inward to find out our own problems, but instead blaming others.
The Difference Between Life and Death Depends on One Thought
2005-11-15On September 12th, 2005, after getting off work, I was suddenly hit by a horrendous headache. I sent forth righteous thoughts on my way home. After I got home, it only got worse. I felt dizzy and chilled, and my heart was beating rapidly. I could barely stand to change my clothes. It was indescribable how I felt; the headache was unbearably intense. I realised that it was evil interference and that I had to disintegrate and eliminate it, so I sat down to send forth righteous thoughts. I felt so dizzy and my heart was so painful that I thought I was going to die.
Coming to Practise Falun Dafa after a Myriad of Tribulations
2005-11-15When I told this practitioner about my thought, he laughed, "You must be joking." He really thought I was joking. At the time, the environment was still very evil as the persecution was rampant. Besides the local police station sending people to investigate him, the school officials also named him in the school meetings. But I still said to him seriously, "Really, I want to practise!"
Changing Notions - Stepping Out For Falun Dafa
2005-11-13Although we could not have a time and place to study the Falun Gong teachings or practise with other practitioners, we kept studying and practising at home. We kept exchanging views with fellow practitioners, no matter how great the pressure we didn't give up practising. How can suppression change a heart enlightened by the universal truth?
Breaking Down Barriers - The Mighty Power of Righteous Thoughts Manifest
2005-11-13During the stalemate I said, "I won't run away, but first, listen to me!" I held his hand and spoke to him about Falun Gong and how the persecution was initiated by Jiang Zemin out of his own jealousy and pride for over 20 minutes. He understood somewhat and said, "Ok, just go." I thought, "I can't just go like this." I continued to clarify the truth about Dafa to him until he completely understood and promised he would no longer persecute those who practise Falun Dafa.
Resolving Family Conflicts with Pure Kindness
2005-11-11When I heard about a fellow practitioner who wanted a divorce, I thought of talking about my own experience. My past history is very similar to the situation that the fellow practitioner discussed about his wife. I was addicted to smoking, drinking, and playing games all day long and couldn't control myself. Afterwards, I met my husband, who started to practise Falun Dafa not long after it was first introduced to the public in China and soon his righteous thoughts changed me.
Experience Sharing by a Young Falun Dafa Practitioner in China
2005-11-11Before I was a weak child and often fell sick. My family went to a lot of trouble to take care of me, but my health didn't improve. In the spring of 1998, my whole family started to joyfully practise Falun Dafa. I was four and half years old then. Within six months of beginning to practise Falun Dafa, my health greatly improved.
Falun Gong and Traditional Chinese Culture Highly Welcomed in a German High School
2005-11-09The news that I would conduct a project on Falun Gong travelled around the 12th grade quickly and was well received and supported by fellow students. Every student could choose any project as one pleased. To my surprise, half of the students attending the 12th grade chose my project. Since each project could accept at most twenty students, additional students had to be assigned to other projects. The school assigned a teacher as the manager.
A Falun Gong Practitioner from a Small Village Shares Her Experience of Uprightly Resisting the Persecution
2005-11-09A few times practitioners heard that government officials were coming again to confiscate our Falun Dafa books. I told them to send forth righteous thoughts to deny the evil people coming to our area. We sent forth righteous thoughts many times under these circumstances and everything turned out fine.