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My Life Is Fulfilled in Falun Dafa
2006-01-12By following the instructions I made informational materials. Basically I clarified the facts wherever I went. In the beginning I didn't know how to answer questions such as, "What is Falun Gong?" Gradually I was able to clarify the facts logically and reasonably. Some people would sincerely say, "Thank you" after they understood the facts. One cab driver shook my hand and expressed his gratitude repeatedly.
Experiencing the Magnificence of Falun Dafa through "Pudu," Clarifying the Truth and Encouraging Fellow Practitioners with Falun Dafa Music
2006-01-12So I started to sing Pudu quietly. The leader felt strange after I finished the prelude and asked, "Your song doesn't have words? Only notes?" I turned around and looked at practitioners. Everyone was surprised with joy and some of them even hummed a little with me. Realising that everyone had understood me, I ignored the leader's question and continued. Before long, the class leader became quiet, and the beautiful melody made the environment peaceful and calm.
My Fundamental Attachment
2006-01-10Recalling when I first came across Falun Gong, what was my mentality? I didn't think I belonged to any of the people Master1 mentioned. I thought the reason I could enter my cultivation in Falun Dafa was because I truly felt the boundlessness of the principles taught in Falun Gong and I felt fortunate that I was not one of those people Master mentioned and that I didn't have to get rid of any fundamental attachments. In the meantime, I felt smug and thought, "I have good enlightenment."
I Finally Realised That This is Cultivation
2006-01-10Both of us enjoyed discussing the interesting experiments described in the book. But later on, my colleague was careless and I did not get the book back. I felt rather disappointed. Meanwhile, though, I suddenly realised that if even water could form beautiful crystals because of kind thoughts from a human being, then what might happen if a person follows the teachings of Falun Gong - "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance?"
Recalling the Founder of Falun Gong, Master Li, Lecture in Taiwan in 1997
2006-01-09Falun Dafa was first imparted to Taiwan in April of 1995. Today, more than 10 years have passed, and there are now over 1,000 places where Falun Gong practitioners get together to practise the set of five exercises in Taiwan. Practitioners there range from university professors to doctors, lawyers, engineers, public servants, police, farmers, businessmen, students, and housewives. Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) is highly recognised by local Taiwan governments and societies.
Letting Go of My Own Attachment and Changing Myself
2006-01-08When I was young, I was very smart and a bit self centred. During my school days I studied very hard and always got very good grades, winning praise from both the teachers and other students. I had therefore nurtured a notion that I was always right. I did not even notice that I brought this notion into my cultivation. Only when something happened recently did I begin to examine myself.
The Attachment to Time Is the Main Reason That Some Practitioners Become Lazy
2006-01-08After communicating with each other, I realised the reason for his laziness was his strong attachment to time. Since he was attached to time, he often thought about when the persecution would end. However, when the persecution didn't end when he expected, he was disappointed and didn't have complete faith in Falun Dafa, which finally led to laziness.
The Cultivation Experiences of Two Elderly Women
2006-01-06Elderly individuals know all too well the many joys and sorrows from a life long lived. Many suffer from sickness and are disturbed by the sentimentality between their relatives. Their years of experience are written on their faces. The stories of these two elderly Falun Gong practitioners, however, demonstrate that this unique cultivation practice of mind and body can stop people's minds and bodies from ageing.
Getting My Job Back With Righteous Thoughts and Actions
2006-01-06I learnt that the officials who supported me were the ones who changed their minds after I had spoken to them about Falun Gong and the persecution on many occasions. They learnt the truth and were blessed with promotions. With power in their hands, they sided with justice and spoke out for Falun Dafa practitioners on the issue of personnel transfers.
A Seventy-Year-Old Practitioner's Experiences Memorising Zhuan Falun
2006-01-03Around March, due to a change of environment, I stopped memorising the Fa for more than ten days. I thought this was not right, so I planned to memorise the Fa for two hours, from six to eight o'clock, every morning. I did not finish memorising Zhuan Falun until November. I then continued to memorise the book for the second time, when I memorised the book for the second time, I felt that I had improved and the words became easier to remember.
Group Study of the Falun Gong Teachings Is the Key to Making Progress As a Whole
2006-01-03We printed materials and made banners. Some made the banners, while others hung the banners. Inspired by our efforts, other practitioners began to step forward. We began with one practice site, and there are now five practice sites. Now the general public can come and study the Fa and practise the exercises. With the situation of Fa-rectification moving forward, participation at our exercise sites has increased.
Thailand: Overcoming the Attachment of Fear to Distribute the Nine Commentaries with Dignity
2006-01-02A female police woman who was originally rude to practitioners regretted what she did and cried after she heard the truth and saw practitioners' real demeanour of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The same night, after negotiating with the Thai practitioners, the police agreed to release everybody. Our shortcoming in this was that some practitioners were anxious to save fellow practitioners and paid fines.
Learning the Truth About Falun Gong and Having the Good Fortune to Cultivate
2006-01-02Furthermore the fact that Falun Gong had spread to many countries all over the world was also withheld. It cannot be that so many Falun Gong practitioners all over the world have mental problems and ask to be deceived. This made me think more deeply. Because of this, I wanted to find out and learn more about Falun Gong.
Working With a Falun Dafa Website Is My Honour
2005-12-31Besides, other than typing, I knew nothing about using a computer, not even sending and receiving emails. I doubted my abilities since I knew so little, even though I wanted very much to get involved. Why not start learning, fellow practitioners encouraged me. That's right! I can learn! I thought that since Falun Dafa needs it, why not learn it.
Let Go of the Human Mindset While Reciting the Falun Gong Teachings
2005-12-31Having recited Zhuan Falun four times, I couldn't understand why I never seemed to have many of the experiences described in the articles shared by fellow Falun Gong practitioners, such as "the feeling of being reborn" and "the manifestation of the boundless Fa principles." During the past three years, when I was reciting the Fa1, similar tribulations occurred again and again, but every time I felt the same helplessness.