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Minor Details Are Also Important
2005-09-16We were bestowed with such a heavy responsibility. Then won't our actions and demeanour be imitated by people in the future? Although we may view this as a minor detail, it is in fact closely related to the future of mankind. This is not something minor. Master said in the article "Sage" that "he is full of great aspirations while minding minor details". I understand that he is actually telling us the characteristics a cultivator should possess. Therefore cultivators should be strict with themselves in their demeanour and actions, including details that are considered to be minor by others.
A Discussion on Marriage - Part 1
2005-09-15Ancient people believed that marriage was predestined. There is a Chinese saying, "It takes a hundred reincarnations to bring two persons to ride in the same boat; it takes a thousand years to bring two persons to share the same pillow." It demonstrates how precious the predestined relationship between husband and wife is. In a vast human world, two persons who do not know each other originally are able to join together through their predestined relationship.
My Experience Participating in a Fine Art Exhibit in Philadelphia
2005-09-15Being a docent was a new challenge for me, because I knew nothing about traditional Chinese painting and I was going to have to talk about the ideas, the spirit, and the painting skills of these traditional Chinese paintings to Americans. But in order to allow more people to learn about Falun Dafa and the persecution, this challenge was no reason to feel intimidated or to walk away. Moreover, I believed that the wisdom gained from Falun Dafa would allow me to fulfil this responsibility.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: Transferring Illness--Cultivation Story of Buddha Milarepa
2005-09-15Master Milarepa said, "Since you insist on it, I will transfer half of the illness to you. If I transfer all of it to you, you definitely cannot withstand it!" Then he transferred half of the illness to Caopu. Caopu immediately suffered from great pain and he nearly fainted. He could not even tremble or breathe. When he nearly died, Master Milarepa took back most of the illness and asked him, "How do you feel after I transferred less than half of the illness to you? Can you withstand it?"
2005-09-12One time I carried sandbags to the sixth floor. It took me less than a half hour to bring up eight sandbags, each weighing 110 pounds. The customer was very surprised and said, "You're so skinny. How can you do that?" I said, "I am a Falun Gong practitioner." I told him about my health situation before I started practising and showed him the scars from my surgeries. I told him how I'd sold the house to cure my sickness, but it hadn't worked. Then I told him how I was cured after practising Falun Gong for a month. Falun Gong gave me a second life. He said that Falun Gong was miraculous.
How the Pills and Injections Forced on Me in Detention Had No Effect
2005-09-12They held me down and gave me the injection and the medications by force. The drugs were discharged from my body almost immediately via sweat and urine. They were discharged via all kinds of channels including my feet and palms. I did not feel any discomfort. Seven or eight people tortured me for a week. They forcibly administered drugs by injection and by force-feeding me pills every day. Having seen that the drugs had no effect on me, they said that I had strong resistance to the medication, so they increased the dosage every day.
My Experience of Using the Internet to let more People know the Facts
2005-09-07I told a woman a couple of years older than me the facts about Falun Gong. She asked if I could call her. I agreed, but quite often when I called her, she was in a meeting. I learnt that she actually was a high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official. I asked her, "You are a Party member, but you did not know about this?" She asked me eagerly. "What is it? Please tell me." After she found the truth, she was shocked and unable to accept what I told her. Through further contact and reading the Nine Commentaries, she asked me to help her entire family withdraw from the CCP.
My Experience of Getting Rid of Fear While Exposing the Persecution
2005-09-07When I prepared to go out to let more people know the facts, my heart started pounding even before I stepped out the door. When I walked towards people, my heart pounded heavily and I just said to people, "Remember that 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good!'" I then gave people a pamphlet about the persecution and the pracitce and walked away in a hurry. I would hide if I saw the same person again. After several days of practising, my fear lessened. A few more days later and my fear had diminished some more.
Cultivation Experiences of a Young Practitioner in China Who Once Suffered from Osteoporosis
2005-08-23The high school entrance exam put huge pressure on me. When I read Falun Dafa books, however, I realised how happy and lucky I was to have learnt Falun Dafa and so all the pressure disappeared. My exam grades were high enough that I was accepted by a high school, although I had missed many classes because of my illness. I knew Falun Dafa endowed me with wisdom. My schoolteacher said, "Xinling, I knew you had done your best, but I didn't expect you to do so well. I was worried before that you wouldn't get into high school, but now I'm no longer worried." My family also considered it a huge blessing.
The Power of a Letter to Encourage Diligence
2005-08-23Thinking about it really makes me feel ashamed. Master thinks of methods to let every disciple catch up. How can we let them fall? Thinking back on it now, every time I talked to him, inside I had already had some negative thoughts about him. I was not at all thinking 100% for his well-being, and thus this stopped me from showing him the power of a compassionate field. I also noted that I had allowed my competitive mentality to distract me from this purpose; there was always the thought of wanting to persuade others. This further weakened the purity of the energy field of our conversation.
Collectively Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Improved our Prison Environment
2005-08-20When we talked to one another, the criminals no longer interfered. Once the practitioners saw the powerful effect of sending forth righteous thoughts, the other practitioners also took it upon themselves to report the time at the top of every hour. After a few days, we could talk openly with one another. Even when the police were around we also talked to one another, and they saw but did not interfere.
Facts in Reports for Exposing the Persecution Should be Verified and Used Carefully
2005-08-18Looking at the influence of the elimination of Party culture in revealing the facts of the persecution, it is also very important. While online, I often see practitioners' articles reminding fellow practitioners that the news they spread needs to be matter of fact and unexaggerated. I agree very much with this reminder. I feel that only through eliminating old Party culture in our minds and actions can we achieve that form of unexaggerated reporting. Furthermore, if we do not pay attention to eliminating it, there will be negative effects in our efforts to let people know about the persecution.
How a Ukrainian Judean Family Came to Practise Falun Gong - Part 2
2005-08-12Irena and Vladimir are a couple who live with their two children in the south of the garden state of New Jersey in the United States. They are Jewish and were born in Ukraine, they are a first generation of immigrants to the US. Irena was born in Lviv of Ukraine, which was a small town in Poland before being annexed by the former Soviet Union. The following is the cultivation story of her and her family.
How a Ukrainian Judean Family Came to Practise Falun Gong
2005-08-09One could say that Irena’s character had always been special. On buses in Lviv, many undesirable and dirty farmers were avoided; however Irena always looked at them with kindness. She even had the desire to wash them. As a teenager, she used to follow old women with heavy bags. She would silently lift their burden to help them with the weight. Her mother often told her, “You are truly unique.”
My Daughter's Path of Cultivating in Falun Gong During this Special Period of Time
2005-08-01At first, my daughter only spoke to strangers about Falun Gong so as to let them learn the truth, but now she also talks about Falun Gong to her classmates. She even makes use of the QQ on-line chat program in Internet cafés to talk about Falun Gong to people on the net. She sends ancient prophecies to people on the Internet, and slowly starts to talk more and more about Falun Gong and how the persecution is absolutely wrong, as well as answering questions that are posed to her. One day, she came back and told me, "Mom, today I talked to a Communist Party member, and she told me that she is no longer against Falun Dafa."