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Studying the Falun Gong Teachings with Attachments is not True Cultivation
2005-04-28suddenly understood the reason why I was circling around and understood why Master didn't allow people in critical condition to participate in his class. If a patient who is a non-practitioner is in a critical condition, how could he let go of the illness? Master cannot help him if he is not a practitioner and cannot let go of his illness, and the patient might put himself in danger. At the same time, I also understood why some people who were seriously sick recovered by studying the Fa. They did not think about their illness at all and forgot themselves; they were studying the Fa wholeheartedly.
How I Handled the Relationship Between Cultivation and My Job
2005-04-28They threatened that they would fire me if I didn't do what they told me to do. I wasn't afraid of getting fired, but I didn't want them fire me since they would be committing wrongdoings if they hurt a Dafa practitioner. Therefore, I talked to them in a peaceful and reasonable manner. I pointed out to them that it wouldn't do anybody any good if they fired me. One of my bosses asked me to resign. I refused. Later I came to realise that it was a trap. They wanted to use it to slander Dafa by claiming practitioners were irresponsible regarding their jobs and duties.
Only With Trust in Teacher Li and the Falun Gong Teachings Can We Overcome Tribulations
2005-04-28My back ached and my hands were numb from the copying. At night, after I only had a bowl of rice porridge and some pickles to eat, my stomach grumbled. However, I remembered Master Li's words and I felt much better. Then, other practitioners proofread what I had copied. I had done a good job, as I was copying with a calm mind. There were not that many mistakes. So then all three cells had three lectures and each practitioner could have one lecture.
Helping the Family Members of Practitioners Being Persecuted to Have Upright Thoughts
2005-04-25I heard that the arrested practitioner's husband was having a very difficult time since her arrest. He blamed her and was resentful towards the fellow practitioners who contacted her. Her husband did not know of me. Looking at the entire situation, I knew that the practitioner in custody worried the most. To help her family correctly comprehend Falun Dafa and her fellow practitioners was very important. I also wanted to see if her children needed any care or help from me.
Detention Centre Becomes a Falun Gong Class Due To Practitioners' Righteous Thoughts and Actions
2005-04-25As our efforts progressed, many people began to learn about Falun Dafa and their bias toward the Dafa practitioners vanished as the environment swiftly improved. One financial section head asked about the "April 25" incident and the "Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation." After hearing the facts he said, "From the very beginning I suspected there was something phony about it, now I understand."
Study of the Falun Gong Teachings has Been My Shield against the Persecution
2005-04-25Later, fellow practitioners who were arrested confessed to the authorities on two occasions about my involvement in Falun Gong activities. For a third time, I was reported to the authorities by a print shop owner who was forced to confess. She told them that I printed more than forty pages of Falun Dafa materials in her shop. Actually, most of the materials that I made were printed in her shop. It was a very serious matter. If you put all three confessions together, I could have been sentenced to a few years of imprisonment.
A Little Story
2005-04-24One day when packing my suitcase to take with me on a trip to attend a conference, I couldn’t find my passport. I searched everywhere twice, even three times, but I just couldn’t find it. I couldn't even remember having seen it after my previous journey. Therefore the only thing I could do, as it was the day I was to travel, was to go to the police station to have a one-year passport promptly issued.
Exposing the Lies to Tourists from Mainland China
2005-04-24According to people from Mainland China who went abroad, the tour guides and local guides claimed that Falun Gong practitioners who display picture boards and hand out truth clarification materials are hired, and these tour guides also claimed that they were paid for doing this. Some people believed these lies, and this caused misunderstandings. These problems happened in Europe, Macao, Hong Kong and other areas. We have learned that tour guides from Chinese tour agencies are required to slander Falun Gong by their superiors, asking them to claim that practitioners who do truth clarification work overseas are paid to do so. From this we can see how Jiang Zemin's faction and the CCP use lies to slander Falun Gong.
Young Practitioner: I Went to Tiananmen Square and Cried Out for All to Hear "Falun Dafa Is Good"
2005-04-22In Beijing, during a flag raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, I called out for all to hear, "Falun Dafa is good!" After the ceremony, I felt that I should let even more people know, so I turned and ran towards the people walking in the square, shouting, "Falun Dafa is good!" After a while, the group leader discovered that I wasn't with the team and could not find me. He scolded me when he found me, but I did not hold any grudge against him for that.
Informing Everyone I Encounter With the True Facts About Falun Gong
2005-04-22I said firmly, "This practise is great. Our teacher teaches us to be a good person, a better person. Not only does this practise help people become noble, it also eliminates one's sickness karma." I told him that I had suffered from multiple diseases before practising Falun Gong. In particular, I had severe psoriasis. The doctor from the Provincial Skin Research Institute had told me that no medicine could cure this condition. At that time, I also suffered from gastric disease, neurasthenia, and other ailments. All my diseases were healed after practising Falun Gong for half a year."
An Experience of Getting Rid of Symptoms of Illness
2005-04-19In the course of experience sharing, fellow practitioners told me kindly that I have attachments to food and drink. I loved eating hot peppers too much, and any meal without hot peppers was not appetising to me. I also loved drinking tea too much--I almost could not drink plain water. In addition, I also liked to eat meat and had some other relatively intense attachments. These I was able to realise by myself, but had always thought that they were not a big issue and that there was no need to pay much attention to them.
Taking the Initiative to Help Stop the Persecution
2005-04-19Why do you force people to disrespect him by stepping on his photo?" Speaking quite loudly to the police officers, I continued, "Take a good look at me. I am the same person that you once released because I had gotten cancer. But I didn't die like you were so sure I would. My master took care of me again. Do I look like a person who is dying?" I spoke at length in this vein. They all lowered their heads and had nothing to say. That day, all the family members who had come to visit imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners received permission to do so.
Triumph over the Attachment to Sleepiness
2005-04-19It was very hard to describe my feelings after I came back to the Fa. I followed Master's direction and spent most of my time studying the Fa. Instead of being passive about the mistakes I had made, I tried to eliminate the interference and catch up. I realised that time is very precious, and that I needed to catch up with more effort and follow Master's Fa-rectification process since I had lost a lot of time. I quickly went into a relatively good state. Everyday I tried my best to do the three things well. I thought I should be more diligent, but I did not know from which aspect I should improve myself.
Persisting in Studying the Falun Gong Teachings at a Labour Camp
2005-04-16Only a few days after I was illegally detained in a Detention Centre, my wife began to deliver articles written by the founder of Falun Gong, Master Li, to me. Upon returning to my cell, I managed to pass the articles on to other practitioners. In one or two days, all the practitioners there had read the new articles by Master. As more and more practitioners were illegally detained there, I decided to write down some of the contents from Essentials for Further Advancement, "Hongyin" and other Fa lectures from memory to study and share with them.
An Elderly Practitioner Who Has Cultivated Diligently for Ten Years
2005-04-16The first regional Falun Dafa experience sharing conference was held in 1999. Grandma didn't know how to ride a bicycle, but she still wanted to attend. So before dawn, in order to be there on time, she started to walk towards the conference site, which was nine miles from her home. Walking in the dark, she accidentally fell into a ditch but was unharmed. After she started cultivation practice, no matter where experience sharing conferences or other Fa-promoting activities were held, she was never one to be left behind.