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Letting go of Fundamental Attachments and Co-operating well with Others
2005-07-08It was as if I could not fathom the importance of what Teacher said. It was as if I watched everything as an “outsider,” and behaved as some sort of observer. For example, when local practitioners held discussions and planned activities, I distanced myself and waited for a decision to be made. At that time, I agreed with the decision and just moved with the tide. My constant excuse was that I did not quite understand the crux of the matter, because I was not yet fluent in the language
Introducing Falun Dafa to the People of Italy - Part 2
2005-07-07There are more than two thousand people of Chinese nationality living in Turin. Our activities to let people know more about Faun Gong and the persecution during the past years has enabled the Chinese people in the vicinity of Turin to see the truth about Falun Dafa and the facts about the persecution. Many Chinese people work as quarrymen in western Italy near the French border. Practitioners also made trips there to hold Falun Dafa related activities.
Righteous Thoughts Shock the Police
2005-07-07A policeman begged me to do a little work for him. He said that nobody who came into the detention centre dared to refuse to work. Even the family members who came to visit needed to work. I said," I told you the first time you interrogated me that I am not a criminal. I will not join the work and will not cooperate with you. Why do you want me to work? Criminals need to work. I am innocent. What's wrong with practising Falun Gong and being a good person? The policemen could not help letting me go. From then on they did not mention the issue of work to me.
Introducing Falun Dafa to the People of Italy - Part 1
2005-07-06Before the persecution of Falun Dafa started in China, there were very few people practising this cultivation way in Italy. Today there are many people who have a good pre-destined relationship with Falun Dafa, who have done really well in their cultivation and who have shown via their actions the power of the principles of Falun Dafa, “Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance”.
My Cultivation Journey - The Experiences of a Falun Gong Practitioner Living in Austria
2005-07-05During my time at university, I arranged a time and a place where people could come and learn the Falun Gong exercises. Studying the Falun Gong teachings daily and practising the exercises were instrumental in my continuous progress. During that time I was placed first for a scholarship three years in a row. I was at the same time recognised as the “Three majors excellent student.” I am a great example of a cultivator performing outstandingly during their studies, at work and in anything else he/she attempts.
Our State of Cultivation Directly Affects those Around Us
2005-07-05Many things that shouldn't have happened did happen because we hadn't done well. During this special historical period, Falun Dafa practitioners shoulder tremendous responsibilities. Our every thought influences whether sentient beings will be saved. Righteous thoughts and righteous action are not just talk; they are to be genuinely put into practise.
Experiences on Working with the International Fine Art Exhibition in Both Manhattan and Sweden
2005-07-02We have experienced how people really love these paintings. People who see them say out loud how beautiful they think they are. Some don´t seem to be willing to let go of them and have taken photos as a way to remember them and so that they can keep looking at them in the future. In delivering flyers, reception cards and posters, people are so happy, as though they have received a precious gift, which they indeed have. For someone just to look at a picture of these paintings can have a very positive effect on his or her being. The paintings speak the clearest language, directly communicating with peoples hearts.
Holding Anti-torture Exhibitions to Expose the Persecution and Inform People of the Facts
2005-06-30In the process of our efforts to let more people know about the horrific persecution taking place in China against those who practise Falun Gong, we found that it is difficult for many people who live such a comfortable and free life in a Democratic country to imagine how evil the persecution against Falun Gong in China really is. When Falun Gong practitioners started to inform people about the persecution by holding real-life reconstructed anti-torture exhibitions in various places around the world, we thought that it would be a great idea. Through vivid demonstrations of the atrocities of the persecution, we can really touch people’s hearts, motivate their compassion, giving them a chance to come to know the facts about Falun Gong.
Treasuring This Period of Time: A Ukrainian's Experiences
2005-06-29At the exhibition we also had a table where children and their parents could learn how to fold lotus flowers. There was always a crowd surrounding the table. This gave us a chance to tell people about the world project “Petals of Peace” and how it began; the principles of Falun Dafa and how in a very difficult environment practitioners in China can keep the purity of their souls – just like a gracious lotus flower emerging from the murkiest of waters.
A Swedish Falun Gong Practitioners' Cultivation Experiences
2005-06-24I started my cultivation in Falun Dafa in the spring of 2000. I had been searching for several years for a system that could give me inner peace and answers to all the questions I had been pondered. After having read the Falun Dafa book, Zhuan Falun, a few times I now had all the answers.
My Experiences Cultivating in Falun Gong in England and Argentina
2005-06-21I started a practice site in my town with the help from a fellow practitioner, we visited the radio station and the Municipality to clarify the truth. This is a special and relaxing little town in the countryside, where lots of tourists from the capital cities come on holidays. I would have thought that to do this by my self in my town, with so many judging eyes from the people here, would be impossible. But with Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance guiding my voyage I have found strength and peace in my heart, that peace I so longed for, something so special.
Practising Falun Dafa Changed my Life for the Better
2005-06-20The prompt change stunned me, and my health began to show improvement in a very short period of time. The heavy feeling in my body disappeared, my usual headaches disappeared, and food no longer harmed me. I truly experienced a sense of relief all over my body. Furthermore, I really like to practise the exercises as they give me such a feeling of relaxation and comfort which rises from the bottom of my heart
Cultivating in Falun Dafa During this Special Period of Time
2005-06-19One of the practitioners opened her eyes, waved and smiled to me welcoming me into the room, while others made space for me and found a cushion for me to sit on. This simple gesture touched my heart deeply, and I will not forget it. During the sitting meditation on this first day at group-practise, my body was filled with wonderful warmth, and I had an overwhelming feeling of finally having come home, and that this was the greatest, greatest gift.
My Road to a New Life
2005-06-19The news about my parents that I had been looking forward to for so long turned out to be news that they had died from the brutal persecution! The evil Chinese Communist Party took their lives only because they believed in “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.” Again it was Master and fellow Falun Gong practitioners’ compassion that helped me through such a devastating blow
Revealing the Facts of the Persecution at a Half Marathon Race in the United Kingdom
2005-06-18Good day! My name is Ben and I am from the United Kingdom, I have practised cultivation for about eight months and in this time I have had many interesting experiences. Today I am going to talk about a very good experience of informing people about Falun Gong and the persecution that is taking place by running a half marathon in a town called Reading in the UK.