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Lessons Learnt from the Attachment to Time
2005-03-07When Master's new article "New Year's Greetings" was published on the Falun Gong website and disseminated among practitioners, some fellow practitioners around me once again studied the Fa (law or principle, the teachings in Falun Gong) with a human mentality. They claimed they had come to understand when the "conclusion" time would occur and they began to spread their understandings about the "ending time."
Experiences of a Teacher from Taiwan: Immersed in Falun Dafa, My Body and Mind are More Comfortable
2005-03-07My spine always felt unbelievably painful, and I often needed someone to give me a massage. I tried physical therapy and heat treatments, but neither was successful. Not until after I started to practise Falun Gong did I ever think for a second that I could heal this illness, but I became completely healthy in a very short time and haven't seen a doctor in three years.
Understandings Shared at a Recent Small Experience Sharing Conference in Changchun
2005-03-04As an example, a practitioner told a story of "saving sentient beings with one thought." One time a female practitioner was studying the Falun Gong teachings at home, when she saw an elderly woman outside. She had one thought, to let her come in and to tell her the truth about Falun Dafa. As anticipated, the elderly woman came in and said, "I have heart disease. Could I come in to take a rest?" The practitioner warmly gave her a chair to sit in, and then revealed the true facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution to her. The elderly woman thanked the practitioner and stated that she and her husband would recite, "Falun Dafa is good."
My Experience of Practising Falun Gong and Helping Highlight the Persecution in Peru
2005-03-04I told her, "Ambassadress, you have also read the book and practised the exercises. Please frankly tell me, is the practise good?" She said, "Of course it is good! My health improved a lot after practising the exercises. However, since the government doesn't permit us to practise, you must stop it. Moreover, it will have a tremendous impact on your husband's business with China if you persist in it." I answered, "You clearly know it is good, yet you will still give it up. Falun Gong is the cultivation method I have been looking for all my life. I shall persist in it."
Righteous Thoughts Reveal Mighty Power When We Coordinate as a Whole
2005-03-02My father, my wife and my sister-in-law went to the labour camp to request my release. They told the guard that they would bring me home. The guard immediately agreed. At 7:30 a.m. that morning, the instructor in the prison told me that at he couldn't release me because the doctor said I was ok. However, at 9 a.m., he suddenly told me to collect my things and leave. I only understood why after I met with my family. The police car took my family members and me all the way back home.
Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Fa-rectification Period Should Genuinely Abandon the Attachment of Selfishness
2005-03-02Studying the Falun Gong teachings has made me realise that, in this final moment of Fa-rectification, Falun Dafa practitioners, besides doing the three things well that Teacher asks us to do, also need to balance the relationship between cultivation and family, and abandon the attachment of selfishness. In this final moment of Fa-rectification, we must not exhibit extreme behaviour such as just taking part in Falun Gong activities, while ignoring our family responsibilities. If this path of cultivation is to be left for the future human beings, it must be followed in a righteous manner.
Pay Attention to the Accuracy of the Exercise Movements When Teaching New Practitioners
2005-03-02I would like to remind our fellow practitioners: When teaching new practitioners the Falun Gong exercises, please pay attention to the accuracy of the movements. I noticed that the number of new practitioners has gradually increased, but many new practitioners' movements are not accurate. We all know that once the energy mechanism establishes itself, it is quite hard to correct.
Our Fa-study Group
2005-02-28For the past five years, under the protection and care of our compassionate Master, our Fa-study group has not stopped studying the Fa in my home. When the evil launched its worst wave of persecution, we withstood the pressure from outside and have overcome all the difficulties. We do many things to expose the persecution and to give people a chance to find out the truth about Falun Gong. Gradually, we have formed a harmonious body; we upgrade and improve ourselves as a whole body.
Take Advantage of Every Single Opportunity to Reveal the Facts of the Persecution
2005-02-28We should not be discouraged if someone does not accept the facts we tell him, neither should we lose confidence in our efforts. When someone learns the truth from us, even if he probably could not accept it at first, he would look for other opportunities to find out more. When he truly understood the truth, he would tell others. Those who truly understand us will care about us and support us. Such righteous forces will irresistibly spread from one person to another and reach people's hearts.
Thoughts on the Communist Party Relating to Cultivation
2005-02-24Last autumn I returned to my hometown. While clearing out old books, I found a book that was a collection of quotes from CCP leaders. I was going to destroy it. To my surprise, my parents were strongly against it, "We have to keep this! We may need it in the future!" There was a terrible row, "You are not our son, and we are not your parents! We disown you!" My parents are both practitioners. How could this be happening? They did not sound like practitioners. It was all because my mother is a CCP member.
Some of My Thoughts about the Harassing Phone Calls Received by Overseas Practitioners
2005-02-24I want to discuss the issue from the perspective of cultivation. What are the elements behind the harassment? As practitioners we know that all of the interference and persecution in human society actually target our attachments. From the human perspective, the harassment is the result of the deceitful nature of the evil hoodlums; from the perspective of a cultivator, it is practitioners' attachments that cause and allow the harassment to occur.
Western Couple in Australia: From Seeking Health and Fitness to becoming Fa Rectification Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-02-22We had always thought that we were good people and that it would be easy to give up the few attachments that we thought we had. We had not realised that as we had grown up and started our independent lives, we had imperceptibly drifted further away from Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, unaware of what we were losing.
Cultivation Stories of a Senior Falun Gong Practitioner from Anqiu City of Shandong Province, China
2005-02-22One woman in her 40s' used to be ill all year long and could not do any work and required others to take care of her. By practicing Falun Gong she got rid of all her illnesses and totally recovered. Her whole family was very supportive of her practice. After the persecution she gave up practicing and all her old illnesses returned. Others who had given up practicing are all experiencing similar problems. The Communist Party Secretary of my village told me: "Look, they gave up practicing and fell ill again. You should continue practicing!"
Police Are Helpless When Practitioners Resist The Persecution in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
2005-02-22In 2002 and 2003, if someone yelled, "Falun Dafa is Great," no matter where they were, there a dozen people would attack him or her. Some would try to cover his mouth and some would grab hold of his body while others beat him. Now, this situation has reversed. Yesterday, a practitioner yelled, "Falun Dafa is Great!" in the dining hall. One or two dozen people echoed the words. It was a long time before the police came, and two of them tried to pull the practitioner out. However, before they reached him, a dozen or so practitioners stood up, and the police decided to give up and did nothing.
Informing People with the Facts About Falun Gong and the Persecution at the Chinese Consulate in Spain: People's Hearts are Awakening
2005-02-18At the start, many of the Chinese people weren’t willing to take the materials we were distributing due to their being deceived by the former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and his group. They even looked at the materials we were distributing with strange expressions in their eyes. Soon after they received the materials they would just throw them away. It was as if they didn’t want to know anything about Falun Gong. Initially, it was hard for us to part with the materials because the Chinese people refused to listen to us. They didn’t want to understand or know about the facts regarding the persecution taking place in their own country.