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For a Benevolent Girl ---- Yongjie
2003-02-28When I heard that Weiguo Xies fiancée, Yongjie Zhu, had been illegally arrested in China, I was very sad and anxious. When I read an article written by Weiguo which mentioned that, although Weiguos parents were against their decision to get married, Yongjie still waved him off with a smile when he boarded the airplane for Britain, my heart was touched, and I could not hold back my tears over her benevolence.
Diary Entry: Sandra and Her Cat
2003-02-28She had on a smile on her face and talked about her cat that had left this world in a peaceful yet nostalgic tone. I was astonished to discover that all of a sudden, I was very touched. Touched by the gentleness and friendliness of the cat. Touched by how much she misses it as she reminisces over the little details of the memories of the cat.
Clarify the Truth with Our Pure and Outstanding Words and Actions
2003-02-27I am always happy, full of energy and reasonable. The supervisors and colleagues from my original work unit said: "This person would not be able to handle all of this if he were not practising Falun Gong. If we had been in that situation, no one could suffer through it. We respect Teacher Li." One colleague told me: "When you introduced Falun Gong to me before, I didn't care for it. Now I want to learn it from you as I can see that it will be a great benefit to me."
Coming and Going at Ease With Righteous Thoughts
2003-02-27Knowing that the persecution shouldn't exist we kept sending forth righteous thoughts. The two male practitioners left through the side door from the second floor. We, the two female practitioners, decided to go out in a noble and dignified way through the front door. By that time, all the policemen were waiting at the front yard of the apartment building. Talking and smiling, the two of us walked through the watchful eyes of two policemen.
My Understanding Of How To Do Well In The Current Media Work
2003-02-26In the past three years, we have held appeals through parades, hunger strikes, SOS walks, press releases and through the European Falun Gong Information Centre, we have persisted in disseminating cases of persecution in China. Even though these have brought some enthusiastic feedback, on the whole, the results have not reached our expectations, therefore, what shall we do?
Righteous Conduct Leads to Righteous Results
2003-02-24My colleague on the project had some prior film making experience, yet we were both amateurs with little skill in this area. The small team that had been assembled managed to produce a film in about five weeks. I look at it this way: Even though we are not professionals, with our noble hearts we can accomplish great things for Falun Dafa.
A Touching Story of Compassion during a Painting Exhibition in the EU Parliament
2003-02-24The practitioner said: At that moment, my friend did not notice that you were looking at that painting as well, and her act hurt you. We apologize. The artist hopes that you would select a painting you like, and she would like to sign the painting and present it to you. The lady nodded her head quietly, and both of them went back to the exhibition together.
Waking Up
2003-02-24Something happens to me when I wake up in the morning. It happens often, nearly every night, that I wake up in the very early hours of the morning and cannot sleep any more. Yesterday unrolls all over again in my minds eye and this time I can see when and sometimes also why I have not behaved as a practitioner should have.
A Falun Dafa Practitioner's Letter to Her Husband and Daughter
2003-02-23However, I definitely will not forget the day you came to me with 200 Yuan before October 1st this year. You happily said to me, "Mom, this is a contribution for truth clarification. This month the salary given to me was larger." Do you know how happy I was? Later due to the fact that you were a good worker, you had another wage raise. You said to me, "Mom, I will take out 50 Yuan every month for truth clarification."
People Use Their Resourcefulness to Circumvent Repressive Policies
2003-02-22One associate head of a work unit happened to be the husband of a Falun Gong practitioner. When his work unit held a meeting to discuss whether or not they needed to form a "610" office [see main text for explanation], the husband opposed the establishment of such an office and stated the disadvantages of doing it. Other leaders agreed with him, as they were suspicious of the police.
Experiencing the Power of Participating With Righteous Thoughts as One Body
2003-02-22When I am connected from the bottom of my heart through the pictures of practitioners who were practising exercises and sending righteous thoughts, it was just like I transcended the limitation of time and space and joined everything through righteous thoughts with them.
Sweden: Not Missing Any Chance to Explain the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-02-21One night at work I was listening to a radio program that was has an audience of approximately 500,000 listeners. During the program, the host announced that they would give listeners the chance to call in and talk about matters that concerned them. Immediately, I realised that this was a good opportunity to explain the facts of Falun Gong to the Swedish people.
A Few Words About Fear
2003-02-21Owing to selfishness, we unconsciously have misgivings and worries because we have learned to protect our own interests. It comes from the narrow-mindedness and insignificancy of selfishness. We are naturally nervous and cautious when the mentality of fear emerges because this selfishness does not come with the broadness and open-mindedness of selflessness, let alone perfect calmness.
Many of my teachers say that Falun Gong is good. They practise Falun Gong and they are not stupid.
2003-02-21The town I live in is rather small and seldom are Chinese to be seen here. Yet one day all of a sudden, when we stand in the park and practise I see a thin and visible figure slowly walking towards our direction. Its a young woman with an Asian look. I call her and ask if she is Chinese. To my surprise she answers, Yes.
Practitioners Escape Persecution With Righteous Thoughts
2003-02-19She said to the officer, "You should arrest thieves and other people who violate the law. We Falun Gong practitioners cultivate 'Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance' and try to be good people. You should not arrest us." Whatever one's thought is at that moment can bring about different consequences. After hearing this, the security officer understood and released her.