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Everyday People, Good People, and People Who Practice Cultivation
2003-01-27Through this cultivation process, my personal experience and understanding has been this: As Dafa practitioners, we are, first of all, members of society. Therefore, the way we speak and act should conform to ordinary human society's form. Moreover, we must be good people in ordinary human society and demonstrate the righteous human principles of "sincerity, kindness, and tolerance."
Let Us Do Well in Playing the Main Roles
2003-01-26I found that when doing local truth clarification work with the media and government officials, I was often passively holding out hope that everyday people would help us. I had not regarded this as a problem of my Xinxing (heart nature) and had not given myself strict requirements. But isn't this vain hope the same as reliance? It is already an attachment...
Be Upright Without Fear
2003-01-25Once, after leaving my office, I did some things for exposing the evil persecution in China. During the way home, I thought my family would complain about my returning home late without a call to them. As a result, it was indeed so after coming home. After this, I understood that the mentality of fear was the source of tribulation, so I no longer feared anything. In return, I no longer have such tribulations.
Doing Well Outside But Not Doing Well At Home: There Is Still a Gap
2003-01-25The more I reasoned with him the more confusing it got and the angrier I became. I recalled that one fellow practitioner mentioned that to clarify the truth to a few people whom you knew very well might only take a few minutes, but before that, the elevation of ones xinxing [moral quality] took a few months.
"I Truly Believe That Instead of Three Years, I Can Go Home in Three Days"
2003-01-24One practitioner held his court verdict and said, "I am sentenced to one year in forced labour camp. Since two months have passed already, I can go home in ten months." He also held the other practitioner's court verdict and said, "Take a look at yours. You are sentenced to three years in forced labour camp." The other practitioner said steadfastly, "I am not going to look at it, they have no right at all to sentence me to a forced labour camp...I truly believe that instead of three years I can go home in three days."
The Beauty and Goodness of Dafa
2003-01-24What are the beauty and goodness of Dafa? The topic is very broad and the meanings too profound to completely convey. The following is an attempt to explain my understanding of the beauty and goodness of Dafa, which I would like to share with you.
Clarifying the Truth in the Police Station
2003-01-23I said, "You are the police and you should know the law. It should not count if you cannot show me the law. Jiang does not represent the law and he is putting himself above the law. The persecution of Falun Gong violates the 36th and the 41st articles of the constitution: namely, a citizen has the freedom of belief, and the right to legally appeal to the appeals offices."
Let's Not Ignore Our Families while Clarifying the Truth
2003-01-23We are anxious to have them accept that Falun Dafa is good. However haste will solve nothing. We should let them feel we are truly families. Through cultivation we have become magnanimous, open-minded, and more concerned about others. When they accept us, naturally they also accept our choices. Harmonizing the Fa on the level of everyday society is our responsibility
Righteous Thoughts Lead to Positive Outcomes
2003-01-22Once she read about a female practitioner who spent 8 Yuan out of the 200 Yuan [The average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 Yuan] her son gave her to buy a pair of trousers and used the rest to print truth-clarification materials. My colleague said that she almost cried. "Falun Dafa practitioners are amazing. I have not brought my money with me today, but I will pay for some of the materials. This is my tribute to Falun Dafa."
Three Short Stories of Female Practitioner Zhang Li's Righteous Actions
2003-01-22Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Li, female, was a resident of Anshan City, Liaoning Province. Having great compassion, she was always very kind and considerate, and thought of others before herself. In early 2002, police broke into her home and kidnapped her. She was viciously tortured for more than five months. On many occasions, she was brutally beaten until she lost consciousness. On August 27, 2002, she was tortured to death. The following are three short stories of her righteous actions in restoring the reputation of Falun Dafa and clarifying the truth.
My Understanding of full of great aspirations while minding minor details
2003-01-22After growing up, I inevitably learned all kinds of notions. Sometimes I had disagreements or a bad attitude towards my mother. But cultivation has helped me to break away from many concepts. I can see things from different perspectives. So I do not insist my own concepts, and measure others with my own concepts anymore. I have learned to understand others better and from their own perspectives, including my family members.
The Turning Point
2003-01-22Human beings yearn for beautiful lives and strive for every goal all the time. However, if we recall the path of the life we have been through, we rarely find that we can determine our own destinies. Humans are so insignificantly small when facing their complex lives, complicated societies and ever-changing circumstances; so trivial that an economic wave will smash more than ten years achievements...
A New Practitioner Witnesses the Miracles of Falun Dafa
2003-01-21At that time, my younger sister, younger brother, friends, schoolmates, and neighbours all thought that it was too unbelievable that a person who had a stroke could completely recover in 20 days. It was simply a miracle. They asked me what had cured me. I told them frankly, "It is Falun Gong that saved me! [Falun Gong] gave me new life. I hope you also come to learn Falun Gong."
A Letter to Teenage Friends From a Middle School Teacher
2003-01-21But let me ask you, what do you believe in? When I asked this question regarding belief of the children around me, their eyes clearly told me that they have no idea and are ignorant about this. Do you know, this kind of indifference for the meaning of life and the purpose of ones existence and incorrect understanding is the cause of one's life feeling empty and devoid of meaning?
My Trip to China
2003-01-20After washing and dressing, I headed towards Tiananmen Square... I selected a central spot, stood there and started doing one set of Falun Gong exercises. When I was about to leave after finishing the exercise, I heard a policeman yelling, "Stop. Don't go. Stop her over there. Don't let her go." Several policemen quickly surrounded me. I stood there and asked them in an upright manner: "What is the matter? What can I do for you?"