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Believing in Teacher and Dafa
2010-01-17One morning, when I was in bed and half-awake, I saw a myriad of rays of sunshine and a red sky. Across the huge sky, three golden, shiny big characters "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" appeared, slowly rising. When I woke up, the sun was rising on the east and the rays of sunshine came through the window. I could vividly recall what I just saw.
Using Compassion to Resolve Problems
2010-01-17If we use these methods when dealing with problems, we will definitely bring about negative results and create gaps among one another. It is not only ineffective in bringing about the improvement of practitioners, but also can easily lead us to form stubborn human mentalities.
How I Found a Job
2010-01-15For more than a year I searched unsuccessfully for another job, and I decided to share my quandary with a fellow practitioner. Something that this practitioner said helped me wake up and change.
A Stick Wake-up from Master
2010-01-15Every day, whether she was walking, working or even cooking, she thought about Dafa. Since she was illiterate, she asked her daughter and granddaughter to teach her the Fa, working on memorizing it every day and asking for Master's support. Now she is able to read the entire book.
My Cultivation Experience at Work
2010-01-14A few days later, the general manager met with me again. He was moved by a Dafa practitioner's benevolence, kindness, tolerance, and endurance. I not only took responsibility for something not my fault, but also asked forgiveness for those responsible, which was not what he had expected. I told him that I could do that because I cultivate in Dafa.
Have Compassion toward Persecuted Fellow Practitioners
2010-01-14We must have confidence in and patience for our fellow practitioners. Don't give up if you bump into a wall a couple of times, we have to give fellow practitioners the chance to come back. Wounds need time to heal, of course it is better if the recovery time is sooner rather than later.
Cultivating in Falun Dafa with Righteous Thoughts and Actions
2010-01-13Now, I should improve myself and let go of money that does not belong to me. I went back and explained to the cashier the amount I should pay and told her that I was a Dafa practitioner. The cashier was so grateful. I also told her that we believe in Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance and would do everything according to those principles. The cashier said, "How wonderful Falun Gong is! I will practice Falun Gong someday."
Looking Inward Unconditionally
2010-01-13The root of these attachments is selfishness. It is like the root of a tree. The bigger attachments are like tree trunks and large branches, and the smaller attachments are like smaller branches and leaves. Once I find the root and pull it out, all the attachments arising from it will lose their footing.
Treating Practitioners Going Through Tribulations with Compassion
2010-01-12Each and every one of us who has come this far has their merits and great acts. Yet we are still human, and even though we are cultivators, before we consummate, we will still have human mentalities and shortcomings. In the harsh environment in China, when fellow practitioners are faced with tribulations, our first thoughts about them are critical.
Don't Drift along in Dafa
2010-01-12Now, I have realized that I should not run away from hardships and arduousness like before. I should do everything according to what Teacher said to us in Zhuan Falun, "When it's difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it's impossible to do, you can do it."
Overcoming Obstacles While Saving Sentient Beings
2010-01-11We will meet all kinds of people in the course of telling the facts. When we encounter those who do not want to listen or who have different concerns, we should still treat them with benevolence.
Walking My Cultivation Path Well
2010-01-11Cultivation is an endless path. When I felt that I had done well in every respect, I started thinking that I didn't need to cultivate my heart any longer and was karma free. So I would often skip the articles about sickness karma on the Minghui website. Later, I realized the importance of this issue, especially on one particular problem.
Do Not Be Attached to How We Feel
2010-01-10Why did I develop such an attachment? What was its root? I think it was caused by an attachment to pursuit and comfort. In my cultivation, I had not fundamentally changed my human notions. Instead, I used human notions to judge things. I did not use righteous Fa principles to handle things.
One Thought Determines Whether One Is Human or Divine
2010-01-10"I am not afraid of telling you that, but I can't. If I did, you would commit more crimes against Dafa. Falun Gong practitioners are good people, and they do not commit any crimes. What will you or your family do when Falun Gong is redressed in the future? If you knew the truth, you would not do this, even you were beaten to death."
Why We Fail to Look Inward
2010-01-09Master told us that the logic used by human beings is the opposite of what it should be. Hence, in any given conflict we should not use human logic to judge which is the correct way. Actually, cultivating involves letting go of all human notions. Holding on to human notions blocks our cultivation. Things will improve for us when we let go of our human notions.