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Do We Know How to Put the Fa Principles into Practice?
2009-11-05Studying the Fa is for understanding the Fa. And thus we can apply our understanding of the Fa to solve all things we encounter and solve all confusion in our thoughts. The Fa can extricate all of our worries and pain. Some practitioners also know to look inward, but do not understand how to look inward.
Udumbara Flowers Blossom in the United Arab Emirates
2009-11-05Xiao Liu was a metal welder, and his job was physically demanding under the scorching sun. Since practicing Falun Dafa, he no longer complained about his job working under the extreme heat. When he let go of those attachments, he gained more energy and always felt a cool breeze blowing towards him under the heat.
A General Learns the Facts
2009-11-04One time the general's wife told me, "Our living room has been rearranged, and the picture of the general and Jiang (Zemin) shaking hands has been taken down and destroyed." I felt very happy for them after hearing about this. I felt happy for the general and his family for choosing a bright future for themselves.
Compassion Can Change a Person
2009-11-04She was very happy and said she would definitely start practicing after her release. She also told those around her that Falun Dafa was indeed good. There was someone who told her that he had pain all over his body. She told that person to recite "Falun Dafa is good." Afterwards that person also recovered from the pain.
Truly Believing in Master and the Fa in All Situations
2009-11-04Why could I not truly believe in Master and the Fa one hundred percent? The key is that I had not fundamentally changed my conventional thinking and have instead crawled within the boundary delimited by everyday people's ignorance
It Takes a Selfless Heart to Understand Others
2009-11-03Confucius then knew that Yan Hui did not steal the rice. Confucius was moved, and said, "I believe in my own eyes, but my eyes may betray me. I rely on my own thoughts, but my thoughts may not be reliable. Disciples, you should remember that it's not easy to know the intent of another person."
Returning to the Origin of My Life
2009-11-03At the beginning when distributing the materials, I was a little afraid and not very confident. Sometimes I met up with people who did not understand what I was doing and said some bad words. I did not argue with them. I thought that their attitude was because they did not know the facts. Once their misconceptions about Falun Gong were cleared away, they would no longer badmouth the practice.
A Diligent Practitioner
2009-11-02I felt guilty, saying, "You have done very well." She replied, "I do not know about that. I do know we have to hurry up, so that Master can worry less." After that, she turned to speak with a middle-aged man. Soon after, she came back and told me that he had agreed to quit the CCP. She also said she felt a need to hurry up and save more people every day.
Become More Selfless by Not Always Putting the Word "I" First
2009-11-02When I arrived home, I found out to my surprise that my husband, who had been faithful to me, was having an affair with my best friend. I did not have as strong a response as a non-practitioner, but it still hurt deeply. Some bad thoughts kept bothering me, and I even had the thought of leaving him.
Learning to Look Inward to Find My Shortcomings
2009-11-01On this issue, I asked myself why I couldn't pass a test even though I had cultivated for so many years. Teacher often told us that while facing a conflict, one should look inward to find one's shortcomings. Although I understood this aspect of the Fa, I was still unable to do so.
Living Up to the Title of "Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciple"
2009-11-01Studying the Fa and doing the exercises well forms the foundation. Only if one can study the Fa well can one be immersed in the Fa. It is not important how much one studies each day. Even if one only studies a little bit, one needs to quiet down and have no impure thoughts on his or her mind. Only then will the Buddha, Daos, and other immortals display the principles of Dafa to the person. If one does not do this, it will be like an ordinary person studying Dafa, and he or she will not be able to see any Fa principles at deeper levels.
Denying Interference Caused by My Human Notions
2009-10-31At the time, I was shocked and at a loss. My attachment of fear kicked in and I felt tremendous pressure. I was thinking all day what I could do to deal with the situation. Isn't this causing extra tribulations for myself?
Break Through Loneliness and Forge Ahead
2009-10-30.."The monks cultivated hard in the mountains by themselves. Without any contact with other people, that loneliness, which is hard to endure, can wear away a person's many attachments and various desires."
My New Understanding on "Compare in Studying, Compare in Cultivating"
2009-10-30How can you be like this as a cultivator?" I began to compare us and felt that I was the one who was suffering. I thought, "Both of us are practitioners and both are Master's disciples. How can you just not do anything?" I began to get angry and felt unfairly treated.
Don't Easily Give Up On Family Members
2009-10-29I hope that when dealing with family members like my husband, fellow practitioners will use a cultivator's benevolence to help them, don't easily give up on them, and try their best to let them understand the truth and be saved by Dafa.