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Yuanfen (Pre-destiny) with Dafa
2009-05-17 -
Practitioner: I Will Cultivate Diligently
2009-05-16I said to Master Li in my heart, "Master Li, please save me." Then I fell asleep. The next morning, when I woke up, I felt my whole body was light and relaxed and I could even get out of bed to cook for my son. I was very grateful to Master Li and told my son to return the tickets. I would remain faithful to Master Li and Dafa.
One's Worldly Notions and Saving Sentient Beings Through Self-Cultivation
2009-05-16I turned back and followed after him, but I could not see him because there were so many people on the street. After about ten minutes, I suddenly saw him in front of a shopping centre. I was really happy and thankful to Master for giving me another opportunity. I told him right away about the need to withdraw from the CCP (Chinese communist party). He understood what I said and was happy to do it.
Life Is Great When the Fa Is in Our Hearts
2009-05-15When my mother-in-law was illegally arrested for practising Falun Gong and my home was ransacked, I left home for a week due to fear. After I returned home, fear kept bothering me. I told myself that the fear was not me and that fearing persecution was in fact asking for persecution.
Cultivation Is a Serious Matter
2009-05-15My family environment was where my shortcomings were really exposed. For many years I had been complaining that my husband did not do enough housework, that he spent a lot of money, and that he did not talk to me nicely.
What We Want or Do Not Want Is Up to Us
2009-05-14I remember that once I had a conflict with a fellow practitioner. At that time, I couldn't stop thinking about how bad this practitioner was in my mind. However, I knew it was not me who was thinking those negative things, so I rejected those thoughts. All of a sudden, I came to see the deep attachment of my selfishness. Subsequently, those bad thoughts disappeared.
Young Practitioners in My Family
2009-05-13 -
My Understanding on the Pursuit of Comfort with Practitioners in Beijing
2009-05-13In fact, there is a bigger attachment behind the pursuit of comfort, and that is selfishness. It's the nature of every life in the old universe, including Dafa disciples. What are we cultivating for? Isn't it to get rid of the nature of the old universe -- selfishness, and to become selfless lives of the new universe?
Following Teacher's Fa, Every Thing Goes Smoothly
2009-05-12My husband has a job and cannot help me much with the work. I have to work non stop all year. But, I never forget my mission - to save sentient beings. For years, I have distributed truth clarification materials to ten villages. Whether it is hot summer or cold winter, nothing can interfere with me. I distribute fliers, brochures, DVDs, cards and Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to every home.
Get Rid of Notions and Clarify the Truth Face-to-Face
2009-05-12She was obviously moved and said, "Big sister, I withdraw, I was a member of the CCP Youth League." Therefore, I helped her and her daughter withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I also told them about the goodness of Falun Dafa and reminded them to memorize "Falun Dafa is good." Before we departed, I said, "I hope you and your daughter have a bright future." Tears came to her eyes as she said, "Thank you big sister, and best wishes for you too."
Raising Xinxing While Cultivating
2009-05-11Several times afterwards I complained to my husband, "If I were not practicing Falun Gong, I would not be so tolerant. They should take a turn and walk with the kids." Although I said I would do things according to Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, I still felt unfairly treated and even felt justified.
Please Do Not Forget Basic Truth-clarification Issues
2009-05-11My cousin listened attentively and kept nodding in agreement. Finally he said, "I did not know that so many things already happened before April 25, 1999. It seems the CCP was setting things up to frame Falun Gong. The media's propaganda is really misleading!"
Look Inward to Cultivate
2009-05-10When I looked inside, I found an attachment: I like to get things, to acquire things. Isn't that a heart of seeking self-interest? Isn't it a dirty, selfish heart? I thought I could put down self interests calmly, because when I faced tribulations, I did not care for positions and titles.
Incorrect States While Doing the Seated Meditation
2009-05-10I observed that this fellow practitioner's body swung back and forth while doing the seated meditation and this practitioner also often appeared to be on the verge of falling asleep. So I pointed out the problems. However, this fellow practitioner told me that I had the same issues while I was doing the sitting meditation.
Focus on the Actual Effect of Fa Study, Not Quantity and Speed
2009-05-09Some practitioners realized that it was not good to read the Fa too fast. But they also said when they read the Fa quickly, their thoughts were not distracted. However, when they read the Fa slower, their thoughts were easily distracted. After sharing these experiences, practitioners understood that this is the wrong way to do Fa-study.