Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Actually, They Have Done Nothing Wrong

    I stopped for a while and said to him solemnly and calmly, "I know quite a lot about these materials. The Nine Commentaries has exposed the evil nature of the CCP layer by layer, and has stripped off its false mask. Meanwhile, the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" advocated by Falun Gong practitioners is restoring the compassionate nature of humans, purifying people's hearts, improving people's morals and bringing health to people.
  • Taiwan: Vice-president Lu Hsiu-Lien Condemns the Chinese Communist Party's Live Organ Harvesting

    Vice-president of Taiwan Lu Hsiu-Lien attended a gathering of the media in the Chiayi area on the afternoon of April 8th, 2007. She called on people not to randomly go to Mainland China for organ transplants. She said, "Those organs are all taken from living people against their will."
  • Investigation Lead: Tongji Hospital Threatens Staff Not to Disclose Information About Organ Transplants

    Tongji Hospital in Wuhan City, Hubei Province delayed the payment of their staff's February salaries until March 7th-8th, 2007. It was said to be due to some Americans visiting the hospital to investigate their organ transplant practices. The hospital demanded that no staff member disclose any information about organ transplants. Anyone who violated this rule would have their salary reduced or would be fired.
  • In a Family with a History of Hepatitis, Falun Dafa Saved My Life

    In 1985 I was diagnosed with hepatitis B. I took plenty of medication, but the disease got worse day by day. By 1990, it had become HBeAg-positive, in combination with liver malfunction bordering on cirrhosis. I was very stressed and could not go to sleep at night. Especially when recalling the pain of my mother and other family members upon their death, I was very frightened. We could not see any hope for me, since no medication could cure such a disease with an entrenched family history. Therefore, we were looking for a miracle.
  • I Went From Not Believing to Believing and Gained a Second Life Through Falun Dafa

    I was discharged from the hospital on December 30th, 2006 and went home. By then I had lost all confidence in getting well. My uncle who practises Falun Gong came to visit me. He had asked me in the past to practise Falun Gong, but I did not believe in Falun Gong and did not practise. Aware of my illness, my uncle was quite anxious and came again to ask me to practise Falun Gong.
  • My Colleague's Surprising Happiness Upon Finding the Nine Commentaries

    One day during lunch break, just as I was going to step out to buy my lunch, he came to my office. Right away, he asked me with a smile, "I heard about a popular book called the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party but haven't had a chance to see it, yet. Could you maybe find me a copy?"
  • A Teacher's Awakening in Qinhuangdao City, China

    Falun Gong practitioners all volunteer to help people quit. They are not pursuing fame or money, and act according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance to be really good people. Falun Gong practitioners dare to speak the truth, to expose the truth of the Party's evil nature. I admire them from the bottom of my heart, and in them I see hope for China.
  • My Amazing Recovery

    I am a villager from Lingshou County, Hebei Province of China and I used to suffer from liver cancer. I had chemotherapy several times, and surgery, but because of adverse reactions to excessive medication, I developed diabetes and cholecystitis. I had spent all my savings to treat my illness but it was all in vain. I was on the verge of physical and mental collapse. Luckily, before I completely collapsed, I began practising Falun Dafa.
  • Investigation Lead: China Has Become The World Organ Transplant Centre, But Where do the Organs Come From?

    Why does China have such an “ample” supply of organs? OOTC director Shen Zhongyang refused to reveal the source of the organs. Vice Minister of Health Huang Jiefu said at a liver transplant conference in July of 2005 that the majority of organs used for transplant in China were from executed prisoners. Statistics published by Amnesty International show that the number of death row inmates averaged 1,616 a year between 2000 and 2005; yet, the OOTC alone performed 650 liver transplants in 2005, not accounting for other types of transplant surgeries, such as kidney transplants.
  • A Falun Gong Practitioner's Forbearance Astounds a Lawyer in China

    have been working in a police station in the Weifang Area for around 10 years. I was previously unclear about Falun Dafa before, so I did some things to practitioners that I shouldn't have done while I was at work, I also said things I shouldn't have said. As time passed, I learnt that all Falun Dafa practitioners are good people. I have read some Falun Dafa books myself, and I also read through the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party .
  • German Student Who Does Not Practise Falun Gong Makes a Video to Exposé the Persecution

    Recently, a teenage student called Steffi gave me a call and asked me to help produce a two-minute film about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I was a little bit surprised because Steffi doesn’t actually practise Falun Gong. But she is concerned about the human rights abuses against practitioners in China and wanted to do something to make a difference so I was very happy to help her.
  • Epoch Times: Strong Reactions in Russia for Kidnapped Mother and Daughter

    At local time 19:50, the plane left Russia for Beijing. During the forced repatriation, Ma Hui and her daughter were mentally anguished, losing their personal freedom. Those who had been through Russia's communist days, when they heard about the incident, commented that this was like a KGB kidnapping tactic used by communist Russia to deal with dissidents.
  • Letting Go of Self

    When fellow practitioners were persecuted, I did not treat it as my own thing, did not actively cooperate to rescue them, nor paid enough attention to sending forth righteous thoughts. I feel that I am responsible for the persecution of my fellow practitioners. I blamed myself and was ashamed to visit them. Sometimes I feared that their families might not like to see me or I might make trouble for them if I visited the arrested practitioners. In reality, I was protecting myself and my style of “individual cultivation.”
  • An 83-year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner's Cultivation Experiences

    After another practitioner introduced me to Falun Dafa, all of my illnesses disappeared. I have thoroughly gotten rid of the bad habits of smoking and drinking. My bad temper has completely gone away and I became a totally different person.
  • Lies Can't Change the Truth, Everyone Is Equal Before the Truth

    Shi Zhongxin, Mayor of Harbin, once said in public, "Harbin has successfully combated Falun Gong." Shi openly admitted that he and his officials committed brutal crimes. The Denmark Network for Human Rights in China questioned the Aarhus officials. They asked, "How could the Danish people who love peace, freedom, treasure lives and respect human rights, stay silent and shake hands with a slaughterer?"