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  • Former Drug Trafficker Lives a Dignified Life After Practising Falun Dafa

    Hearing that Xiao Qing got out of the prison when her term finished, I asked for a leave from work and came back from Shenzhen to see her. I said to her in tears, "You gave me a new life! Without you, I would never be where I am." Xiao Qing said, "The one you should be thankful to is our Teacher. He has given us so much that one lifetime is not enough to thank him!"
  • Thoughts on World Falun Dafa Day: Human History Is Unfolding Like a Magnificent Drama, and People Should Not Miss This Rare Opportunity

    Facing labour camp sentences, imprisonment and being compelled to stay away from home to avoid further persecution as well as people's scorn, Falun Gong practitioners have not harboured any hatred in their hearts. They have used various ways to clarify the truth to people about Falun Gong. They firmly believe that the truth will finally drive away the lies and peace will defeat violence. Just as sunlight will eventually dispel the fog, Falun Gong practitioners' sincerity, forbearance and compassion will also eventually melt the frost and snow that have covered people's minds.
  • The Final Verdict from Hong Kong's Highest Court Highlights the Illegal Nature of the CCP's Persecution

    On May 9th, 2005, the New York Times published an article with facts that raised doubts about whether the CCP is governing China according to its own laws. One of the examples used was that Falun Gong practitioners were being detained at the Second Forced Labour Camp of Shandong Province without any legal procedures. The CCP claimed through its media that it governs China by law, but in fact China is run by an authoritarian regime.
  • Once My Own Heart Changed, My Husband Watched the Nine Commentaries and Realised the Importance of Quitting the CCP

    I thought about how I have stumbled on my cultivation path. If Teacher had ever given up on me, what would have become of me? I realised that I had been so busy worrying about my husband that I had forgotten to cultivate myself. That's why my words lacked the power to shake his mind so deeply poisoned by the parties ideology. No wonder I could not achieve a good result.
  • A Judge's Unjust Ruling in Singapore - Abuse of Law is Not Rule of Law

    It is hard to imagine the absurdity of a particular court case in Twenty-first-century Singapore. On February 23rd, 2003, two Falun Gong practitioners were practising the Falun Gong exercises which consist of slow moving, meditative exercises at a waterfront park and distributing VCDs containing information on how Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted in China. The case is really a non-issue, but in Singapore, the practitioners were charged one year after the incident and were tried another year later. The most absurd part is that the two Falun Gong practitioners were actually convicted and sent to jail.
  • Clarifying the Facts About Falun Gong to the Plainclothes Police Who Followed Me

    In all these years of clarifying the facts about Falun Gong to people, I have been under surveillance on numerous occasions. I secretly treat the people who monitor me as people who should learn the truth about Falun Gong. I am using the compassion that a practitioner should possess to clarify the truth to them. Most of them have been moved and have given up their evil deeds and stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Overcoming My Introversion to Enable me to Talk to People About the Persecution

    I started with the simplest ways first--posting flyers, and sometimes going on-line to clarify the truth. However, whenever I wanted to clarify the truth to people face to face, it was always difficult for me to open my mouth. I hesitated for a very long time, wondering if I needed to change my personality, or if I could go on clarifying the truth only through passing out flyers. As a practitioner, however, wouldn't it be better to add one more way of clarifying the truth? In this way, I began gradually changing my personality.
  • My 28 Days in a Singapore Jail

    In order to strictly control criminals, they developed some cruel and unusual punishments; for instance they would force the detainees to stand in a fixed position. If they moved, the person would be severely punished. The jail rationed water to its inmates. During my last eight days in jail, I was put in a cell with two others and our water allotment was grossly insufficient. We had no choice but to take the water from the toilet.
  • More and More Turkish People Come to Cherish Falun Gong

    After she read the facts about Falun Gong, the situation in China and the pictures depicting the kind of torture that Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to, she said in a clear mind: “Do you know why your government wanted to do this? They want to deceive your people and force them to only believe them. They want to block any upright faith which contains higher principles than theirs, making your people only care about material possessions. It is such a shame."
  • The Communist Party's Ban on the Nine Commentaries Arouses the Curiosity of Party Members

    This eventually had the opposite effect than what was intended, as it aroused the curiosity of the Communist Party members. Instead of obeying the directives from above, they went around asking people for and looking for the Nine Commentaries. They were determined to take a look and see what was actually written in the Nine Commentaries.
  • Commentary: Denouncing the Verdicts in Singapore - Authorities Suppress Human Rights

    The prosecutor failed to provide effective evidence to show that the accused really held or handed out VCDs. Neither the prosecutor nor the police were able to agree on the legal basis of "assembly." The judge ignored this in her verdict. The verdict gives the police absolute power in deciding the criteria of a permit. It would seem the court hands over the constitutional rights of the people to the government and police. The police can decide which constitutional rights the people can or cannot exercise. Isn't this a totalitarian rule, disregarding the rule of law?.
  • Several Stories of People Who Have Come to see the Truth about Falun Dafa and Benefited as a Result

    As she listened to me, my sister sighed and said, "Falun Dafa is indeed miraculous! I also want to practise Falun Dafa - can I?" I said, "Yes - of course you can." Just like this, my cousin started to practise Falun Dafa. From then on, her health has improved daily. She can now carry out some of the housework. She tells everyone she meets, "Falun Dafa is good; it is Falun Dafa that saved my life."
  • A Few Stories of People Who Have Awakened after Reading the Nine Commentaries

    After he read the Nine Commentaries by the Epoch Times, he was shocked and understood the true nature of the CCP. He came to see how the CCP acts as a group of hoodlums committing any crime and that only by resigning from the CCP could he remove himself from the evil shackles of Communist ideology.
  • An Omen for Singapore?

    Only a nation that reveres morality will encourage its people to care about others regardless of their nationalities, to give back to the community, and to promote humanity worldwide. This is what truly makes a great nation! A great nation does not earn its prestige because of its size or its foreign exchange reserve, but because of its concern for and its contribution to other nations and people of other nations.
  • Completely Shattering the Chinese Communist Parties Evil Spiritual Shackles

    One day in early 2003, I entered into a dreamlike trance state. I was walking on a steel wire above a canyon. What was strange about this vision was that the sky was split into two parts. To my right I saw colourful, rosy clouds covering the sky. It was a spectacular scene. On my left were dark, heavy clouds surging over the sky. At the same time a second vision was even stranger. It was as if my body was divided into two parts. My right side was clear and clean, while my left side was dark and dirty. I could not figure out the true meaning of this scene.