Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • At the Brink of Death I Found Falun Dafa

    Later I was transferred to the No. 1 Hospital of Zhengzhou City for 16 days. Though we spent all our money, the treatments were not successful. I lost weight—from over 65 kilo (about 143 lbs) to 45 kilo (about100 lbs). The big hospitals couldn’t treat my illnesses, so I returned home on December 6th, 2005, of the lunar calendar. Each day I went to a clinic to get an intravenous injection to prolong my life that was edging ever nearer to death. On January 23rd, 2006, my family prepared for my funeral.
  • The Security Guard in My Community Helps Distribute Materials in Favour of Falun Gong

    I asked the security guard to protect any Falun Dafa practitioners he might see distributing materials in the community. He replied eagerly, "Not only will I protect them, I will even help them distribute the materials." He had already learnt some of the facts about Falun Dafa from a flyer he had found. But other security guards took it away from him so they could also have a read!
  • Switzerland: Two Swiss Ladies’ Love for China

    Ursula, who lives in the same village as Ingeborg, also learned Falun Gong. They started to practise together. After a short while Ursula and Ingeborg realised that their illnesses were cured. Moreover, they also obtained significant changes in their spiritual well being. Ursula realised that before her cultivation in Falun Gong she always looked at others in unfriendly manner.
  • Why Did Heaven Weep? -- In Commemoration of Changchun's "March 5th" TV Broadcast

    The police beat practitioner Mr. Liu Haibo inhumanly with a square wooden baton. After the wood broken, they pushed an electric baton into his anus and electrically shocked his penis. Mr. Liu died after suffering from the excruciating pain. Afterwards, officers who witnessed this scene could not bear their pangs of conscience. They exposed this incident on an overseas website and described a scene that scarred their memories forever.
  • Regaining My Life

    I'm a 21 year old woman living in a remote mountain area in Gansu Province of China. I'm a practitioner who started to practise Falun Gong in 2002. I feel that it was only since I began to practise did my life truly begin, as my first 20 years were controlled by illness. When I was only a little girl, I had already suffered from tracheitis, hepatitis and gastroenteritis. There was a problem with my eyes as well. My eyesight deteriorated and my eyes were red and swollen. Each day I had to take medicine and injections. The various illnesses made me very weak. Though my parents kept taking me to see different doctors, the doctors could not help either.
  • The Shamefulness of the Chinese Communist Party's Court in Illegally Sentencing Cao Dong

    On May 21st, 2006, Beijing Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong was illegally arrested soon after he met with the Vice President of the European Parliament, Mr. Scott-Macmillan. Before New Years Eve of 2007, Cao was illegally sentenced to five years in jail. At this time, his wife, who was recently released from a forced labour camp, is seeking help from various organisations for his release and his safety while she herself risks being monitored and followed by Chinese Communist Party agents, and even risks another arrest.
  • A Retired Farmer in China: "Now I Really Believe in the Divine"

    I am a 70 year-old farmer, and I live in Henan Province, China. In 2001 I fell very sick after suffering from a stroke and hemiparalysis. When my niece heard this, she came to see me. She urged me to learn Falun Gong, or if I read and say "Falun Dafa is good," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," I could also achieve a good effect. I just dismissed such ideas as make believe and carried on as usual.
  • An Appeal from an Awakened Senior Citizen in Hunan Province, China

    After reading Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in 2005, my heart had finally awakened. I felt deeply regretful and let out a great sigh; I had been so ignorant and numb as a result of the CCP's poisonous culture and then wasted decades of this human life that I can never regain. I sighed because nobody knows how many more people in China are like me. Moreover, some of them are still unaware of the fact that their whole lives are soaked in the venom of the evil Party, and this is so even in the face of death.
  • My Stepfather's Miraculous Story

    My stepfather has practised Falun Gong for about 9 months now and the oedema caused by the low-protein syndrome has never reoccurred. Now he is in good physical condition and is able to save the large sum of money he previously had to spend on medicine. My mother said joyously, "It is Falun Dafa that has given him a new life."
  • Reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party Brought Me to My Senses

    They deliberately went to a high part of the building, above the tenth floor, to avoid public attention. They came with cameramen and many thugs. The purpose of the trip was to coerce the practitioners to say that they had been taken good care of and were not mistreated while they were in the forced labour camp. As the camera was running, the group said that they had come here because they cared about the practitioners' situation in the camp. But practitioners who did not follow the cue were immediately forced into silence. The whole thing was a farce.
  • After Four Years of Chemotherapy and Unbearable Pain, Ten Days of Practising Falun Dafa Made My Cancer Disappear

    After checking it out at a hospital, cancer cells were discovered in the lymph nodes of my pancreas, lungs, and abdominal cavity. It was late stage cancer. The doctor suggested chemotherapy. This time, there were nine treatment cycles. Nine months after the treatment, the cancer reoccurred, and I had another treatment of chemotherapy. At that time, my white blood cell and platelet count was very low, and I could no longer receive chemotherapy.
  • A Policeman's Open Letter to His Fellow Police Officers in Chengde, China

    Just like you I'm a policeman, but looking back, what have we done for the people? What have we done for the Chinese Communist Party? We've become the weapon the party uses to attack people, a sword to kill people! Ultimately we will also be destroyed by it. Our fathers met their ends this way, and now we're following them. The "Great Cultural Revolution" set a precedent, and since the Communist Party decided to persecute Falun Gong, we policemen have been committing major crimes.
  • Team Leader Wang Yajie from Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp Dies from Malignant Tumour

    In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution.
  • A 78-Year-Old Man Jumps with Joy

    The old man took out a whole pile of materials including a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party , which was well read and very worn. He said, "I have been secretly rooting for Falun Gong for quite some time. I have read these materials several times. I am most sympathetic with Falun Gong. So many good people have been persecuted like this.
  • Cultivation Experiences Performing with the Divine Land Marching Band in Paris

    On New Year’s Day of 2007, the Divine Land Marching Band was to perform in Paris. A fellow practitioner called me and asked if I would participate. There were only two weeks left and the band really needed some more supporters. I did not have any experience on any musical instrument, nor did I have a musical instrument, but the fellow practitioner said that I would get a drum in Paris.