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England: Cultivation in the Family Environment
2006-08-31Due to a lack of righteous thoughts, I was passively enduring it, without much effort to change the situation. In the end, things had gotten worse and I had other complications, which made it very difficult for me to even walk. I was, most of the time, confined to the house. I was lacking the environment of my fellow practitioners and was drifting further way from Falun Dafa, immersing myself in worldly worries.
England: A Teenager’s Experience Sharing Article
2006-08-30My name is Christina Yip and I come from Oxfordshire. I have just turned 16 this year and have been practising Falun Dafa with my mother for 7 years. I decided to write an experience sharing article on my cultivation as a young adolescent disciple to share the problems I have been faced with as a teenager and how I overcome them.
Righteous Thoughts Create a Good Environment - An Experience Exposing the Lies Behind the Persecution
2006-08-30Everybody in the office did their best to avoid him. I had clarified the truth to him before, but he was too deeply poisoned by the CCP and did not want to withdraw from the CCP. As soon as he said those words, everyone in the office suddenly became quiet. I got the impression that if I did not reply to his question, no one would ever dare to raise this issue again. Moreover, the people to whom I had successfully clarified the truth and who had withdrawn from the CCP, would lose their righteous thoughts if I did not correct the environment.
Let Go of Attachments and Walk a Righteous Path in Cultivation
2006-08-30I began to talk to this practitioner and asked her when she started to lose weight and when her sickness karma began. She said she used to work in a pharmacy, and all her coworkers went on diets to look pretty. She also wanted to lose weight, and began to eat less. Later, when she didn’t feel hungry she skipped meals. She lost weight quickly, growing thinner and thinner. Her family took her to the hospital for a checkup and she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I was shocked to hear this.
My Relationship with My Mother-in-Law
2006-08-29Looking back at my path over the past few years, I felt embarrassed to face Master and Falun Dafa because I didn’t balance well the relationship with my mother-in-law. I couldn’t control my xinxing - character- and so I failed to treat the issue as a cultivator every time a conflict arose. Rather, I tolerated with tears in my eyes like a regular person. I didn’t thank my mother-in-law in my heart for helping me raise my xinxing. Instead, I developed many attachments.
Memories of the Inaugural Zhuan Falun Book Publication Ceremony
2006-08-29I stood there watching other practitioners going into the hall in groups of two or three. They were smiling and looked so happy. I envied them, thinking how great it would be if I had a ticket too. I decided I would stand there until the ceremony was over. It was just a couple of minutes before the ceremony was to start and just a few people were left outside. At that moment, a female practitioner came up to me and said, "Do you have a ticket? I have a spare ticket that you can take. Get in there quickly."
Two Brief Accounts of Falun Dafa's Amazing Power
2006-08-28Her husband and children were all very happy. The whole family held a feast to celebrate the amazing event. They were amazed by the power of Falun Dafa and asked practitioners to convey their gratitude to the founder of the practice, Teacher Li Hongzhi via the web.
Investigation Lead: Kidney Transplant Business at the No. 1 Hospital Affiliated with Jilin University is Expanding
2006-08-28If center director Fu Yaowen has performed more than 2,600 transplants in the past several years, how could so many family members have donated their kidneys? The media would widely report any such "selfless" deeds whenever they occur, and yet we’ve found only one report of this type in the past several years. In other words, aside from executed prisoner’s organs, the source of the majority of these organs remains a mystery.
Investigation Leads: Suspected Live Organ Bank Located Near Shijiazhuang City, China
2006-08-27The Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui/Clearwisdom website formed the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" (CIPFG) on April 4th, 2006. The coalition collects evidence of the persecution and leads pointing to the existence of mass-scale organ harvesting. The following is recent information that the coalition has obtained.
"This Book Saved My Life"
2006-08-27Mr. Hu first listened to the founder of Falun Gong, Teacher Li lecturing on the principles taught in Falun Gong and felt very good. That same day, his appetite improved and he was able to eat two bowls of food. From then on, Mr. Hu either listened to Teacher’s lectures or read Zhuan Falun on a regular basis. He was able to read through the entire book once every week. Currently, he has read Zhuan Falun at least a hundred times. Today, not only is Mr. Hu in good health, but he can also work in the fields.
A Baby's Recovery from Congenital Defects Awakens an Entire Family to the Greatness of Falun Dafa
2006-08-26In our darkest hour, Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) gave us new hope. A middle-aged woman that I once practised the Falun Gong exercises with told us, "Many people recovered from illnesses when they recited, 'Falun Gong is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good.' Why don't you try it?"
Those Who Have Persecuted Falun Gong Will Not Escape Punishment
2006-08-26This is the first international human rights lawsuit that Falun Gong has filed specifically regarding the atrocities related to live organ harvesting. A Canadian independent investigative report concluded on July 6th, 2006, that allegations of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China are true.
My Understanding of What It Means to Be Kind As a Falun Dafa Disciple
2006-08-25A cultivator and a non-cultivator have fundamentally different understandings on what it means to be kind. Non-cultivators make judgments on whether a person is kind based on selfishness. A non-cultivator perceives you as a kind person if you satisfy his requests or provide him with benefits in your speech or actions. Additionally, he may call you unkind if you disagree with him or fail to satisfy his requests.
Any Thought That Is Not Upright Will Be Transformed into False Images or Occurrences
2006-08-25enlightened to the understanding that the dimensional space around a cultivator changes with his mind-set. If our conduct is upright, it will have a positive influence on everything around us. False occurrences and images will not be allowed to manifest if we do not have that particular attachment, or if the field that is not upright isn't there. When we look at others with sexual attraction and desire, we have already created karma due to these attachments.
Extreme Actions of Police Arouse Peoples Anger in China
2006-08-24The people standing around were angry, "She is disabled, had so many sicknesses - even vomited blood - but regained her health due to practicing Falun Gong. Why are they arresting her? She practices at home, without disturbing anybody. These officers are bad - so evil! If they worked as hard to chase down killers and bad guys, that would be better."