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A Confrontation Between Righteous Thoughts and Human Notions
2005-05-01I was struggling with myself as I listened. I felt terrible inside. It became clearer and clearer to me: it was because of my lack of righteous thoughts. In the battle between a cultivator's righteous thoughts and human notions, my righteous thoughts had been unconsciously substituted with human notions. I had been using Falun Dafa as an excuse to hide my attachment to fear and had provided the evil with an opportunity to strike.
A British Practitioner's Perspective about the April 25 Peaceful Appeal In China
2005-04-30After talking to many Chinese people in the U.K, many say that the CCP has improved the economy and people’s standard of living and so the CCP is therefore good. However, what they don’t consider is that although improving the economy is a good thing, when it is at the expense of people’s lives, where human rights are flagrantly abused, it is like covering a rotten apple with sugar to make it taste better – and in no time the rotten part spreads and can not be sweetened.
Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2005-04-30The unexpected happiness of our family attracted neighbours, friends, and people who believed in Buddhism to our house. Some people asked me "How did you regain your life?" Some people jokingly asked, "How much did you hand out under the table in order to cheat death?" I said, "I did not go to the hospital, I did not take medicine, and I did not have any injections. Falun Dafa saved me. All I did was recite 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and Falun Dafa are good' for eight days and my illness was gone."
A University Department Dean Resigns from His Party Secretary Position after Reading the Nine Commentaries
2005-04-30Later, he passed on the Nine Commentaries to many other fellow teachers to read. He was also the Branch Party Secretary and recently turned in his letter of resignation to the school authority so he could resign from his Branch Party Secretary position. People did not understand why he had to do this, so he explained, "Since I have already learnt and understood the nature of the CCP to be completely evil, I should quit so that I will not be implicated because of the evil CCP."
On the Chinese Communist Party's Trampling on Freedom of Belief Under the Banner of "Atheism" - Part II
2005-04-29In the fabricated lies and slanders used in persecuting Falun Gong, the CCP focused on demonising Falun Gong's belief in gods. They have suppressed upright religions and ways' beliefs in gods. The CCP propaganda talked extensively about the adverse effect of ignorant and backward "superstition," as well as "witches and sorcerers," which have no relationship with Falun Gong. This is absolutely not the real underlying connotation of "belief in gods."
Staff Member Quits Administration for Persecuting Falun Gong After Coming to See the Truth
2005-04-29He added that through the five years of persecution that he had witnessed, all of the arrested practitioners had been good people who observed public order, abided by the law and worked hard without complaint or desire for personal gain or fame. However, the authorities jailed these good people for persecution in labour camps, detention centres, psychiatric hospitals and brainwashing centres. So many corrupt officials, including the plant managers had divided and weakened society by making so many workers lose their jobs, only to face hunger and the lack of means to pay for medical care or their children's schooling.
Is Sun Kong "Getting Political?"
2005-04-29If you have read the Chinese classic novel "Journey to the West," you no doubt loved the stories of how Sun Kong eliminated demons. Do you remember the story about the Wuji Kingdom? A demon killed the king of the Wuji Kingdom and disguised himself as the king. Sun Kong saw through his trick with his sharp eyes. However, the demon had deceived the people so much that even the prince wouldn't believe Sun Kong.
Studying the Falun Gong Teachings with Attachments is not True Cultivation
2005-04-28suddenly understood the reason why I was circling around and understood why Master didn't allow people in critical condition to participate in his class. If a patient who is a non-practitioner is in a critical condition, how could he let go of the illness? Master cannot help him if he is not a practitioner and cannot let go of his illness, and the patient might put himself in danger. At the same time, I also understood why some people who were seriously sick recovered by studying the Fa. They did not think about their illness at all and forgot themselves; they were studying the Fa wholeheartedly.
How I Handled the Relationship Between Cultivation and My Job
2005-04-28They threatened that they would fire me if I didn't do what they told me to do. I wasn't afraid of getting fired, but I didn't want them fire me since they would be committing wrongdoings if they hurt a Dafa practitioner. Therefore, I talked to them in a peaceful and reasonable manner. I pointed out to them that it wouldn't do anybody any good if they fired me. One of my bosses asked me to resign. I refused. Later I came to realise that it was a trap. They wanted to use it to slander Dafa by claiming practitioners were irresponsible regarding their jobs and duties.
Only With Trust in Teacher Li and the Falun Gong Teachings Can We Overcome Tribulations
2005-04-28My back ached and my hands were numb from the copying. At night, after I only had a bowl of rice porridge and some pickles to eat, my stomach grumbled. However, I remembered Master Li's words and I felt much better. Then, other practitioners proofread what I had copied. I had done a good job, as I was copying with a calm mind. There were not that many mistakes. So then all three cells had three lectures and each practitioner could have one lecture.
On the Chinese Communist Party's Trampling the Freedom of Belief Under the Banner of "Atheism" - Part I
2005-04-27"I'd like to ask you the following question. If, upon death, I find that God does not exist whatsoever, that Jesus is not the son of God, and that what is said in the Bible is not true, what loss do I suffer if I believed in Jesus for my whole life?" The scholar who advocated atheism thought about her question for quite a while. The whole audience kept quiet. They agreed with the woman's reasoning. Even the atheist scholar was amazed by the pure and simple logic in the woman's question. He replied in a low voice, "I don't think you'll suffer any loss."
Family and Medical Staff Witness the Miracle of Falun Dafa
2005-04-27At my family's encouragement I went to have a medical examination on November 9th, 2004. The resulting indicators showed my condition was back to normal. The doctors and my family were happy. I clarified the truth to the experts and professors, telling them how I miraculously fully recovered, to a state better than a normal person, only because I cultivated in Falun Dafa.
Comments on the Chinese Communist Party's Persecution of Falun Gong Overseas (Part I)
2005-04-26What Jiang is most afraid of is that the foreign governments and their righteous officials will stand up to oppose the persecution of Falun Gong. Therefore, Jiang has ordered the Chinese Embassies and Consulates to exhaust their efforts to promote slanderous propaganda and apply diplomatic and economic pressure to the different levels of foreign government officials.
My Recovery from a Terminal Illness: A Cancer Survivor's Story
2005-04-26It is November now. I have survived through October, the month in which my doctor expected that I would die. I did not die. Instead, I am much healthier. The clerk from the village health department took me to a city hospital for another examination. The doctor asked: "Can the patient get up from his bed?" The doctor couldn't believe that the result of the CT exam was correct. She asked me with confusion: "How could you have such strong immunity? Did you take any other medicine?" After she heard the details of how I became healthy, she praised Falun Dafa as being something very marvellous.
Doctor: "Falun Dafa Is Just Miraculous!"
2005-04-26Seeing the radiant glow on my face, my colleagues asked me what kind of makeup I was using or if I had been receiving facials on a regular basis. I was happy to tell them, "It's because I have cultivated in Falun Dafa and practise the exercises." They felt it was strange when they heard this and asked me, "Is it really so miraculous?" I said that it was true, and that I hadn't needed to take any medication since I started practising Falun Dafa.