Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • How the Chinese Communist Party Spreads Lies in Order to Persecute Falun Gong (Part 2)

    On the other hand, the CCP is very interested in brainwashing genuine practitioners in order to use them to defame Falun Gong. Teng Chunyan, a US resident, after being detained and brainwashed for three years in a Chinese prison, stated on a TV show that she really did not want to leave the prison, because the CCP officers were so "nice" and the prison was like "a paradise."
  • Falun Dafa Cured My Arthritis and Gave Me a Second Life

    My mother was very worried about my condition. She repeatedly advised me to come home to learn Falun Dafa. Although I had read in many Falun Dafa materials about the numerous cases of Falun Dafa curing strange and stubborn diseases, I still did not quite believe it. Could Falun Dafa really be so good?
  • Historical Photos: Ring of Light Captured on Film at a Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in 1997 in Guizhou, China

  • Persecutor of Falun Gong Practitioners Now Practises Falun Gong

    When I played the role of monitoring the practitioners, I was deeply moved by the practitioners' courage. I was constantly thinking about the same questions over and over again: Why are they so firm, even under such inconceivable torture? How can they hold their temper with so much tolerance under such indignity? No misbehaviour was observed. They continued obeying "not striking back when beaten, not swearing back when sworn at." They truly have morality, conscience, dignity, and noble actions, and they are good people.
  • The Benefits I Experienced after Starting to Practise Falun Dafa

    Later on however, the shots and medicine became ineffective and the swelling of my legs became ever worse. My doctor suggested having an operation to insert a stainless steel brace for supporting my legs. It would only last for a couple of years, though, and then the operation would be need to be repeated. After practising Falun Gong, the pain I had for more than ten years in my knees disappeared. In the last four years, I have not spent any money for health expenses, and for this I would like to thank our compassionate Teacher. If I did not learn Falun Dafa, perhaps I would be both paralysed and blind by now.
  • NTDTV: Focus on Negotiations with Eutelsat

    The CCP strictly monitors the media and blocks any media that supports democracy and freedom. NTDTV has been transmitting uncensored programs around the clock to people in Mainland China and other parts of Asia via Eutelsat's W5 satellite. NTDTV opened a historic window of freedom in the sky above China.
  • Statement by the Head Secretary of the Alliance of Chinese Democratic Parties on Singapore's Detention of Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Sixteen years ago, after the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre, Singapore Prime minister Lee Kuan Yew praised Deng Xiaoping after the killing of students and civilians in Beijing. Today, Singapore turns out to be the only country on earth, besides China, which detains Falun Dafa practitioners. It can be seen from these two incidents that the Singapore government is the ally of the ruthless CCP regime, a public enemy of the Chinese people, and it is against the battle of democracy and human rights in China.
  • UK: The Conscience and Future of Singapore

    Before the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party took place in 1999, Falun Gong was also welcomed in Singapore. But after 1999, the Singapore Government closely followed the Chinese Communist Parties (CCP’s) footsteps, creating hundreds of difficulties for Falun Gong. The reason is simple: if one falls, the other is in danger; fellow sufferers commiserate with each other. In 2004, Li Guangyao praised the Tiananmen Massacre on 4th June 1989 launched by Deng Xiaoping, saying that if he were at Deng’s position, he would also have killed 200,000 students.
  • Stay Alert and Notify Immediately

    Upon contacting the bookstore I found that there were two problems with the ordering system. First, the name Li Hongzhi was not spelt correctly when ordering the book “Zhuan Falun.” Secondly, somehow the re-order system for “Zhuan Falun” had not been activated. Therefore, my call to the bookstore corrected the problem immediately. Also, if the practitioner hadn’t contacted me, the bookstore nor I would not have noticed the problem.
  • Contradictions Revealed in Singapore's Unjust Policies

    The media in Singapore has frequently echoed the CCP's slander of Falun Gong while seldom, if ever, allowing the publication of articles defending Falun Gong. It appears that the persecution of Falun Gong was exported to Singapore from the very beginning. The witness police provided for this case is a local woman who, influenced by the media's slandering propaganda, mistakenly believed that Falun Gong is illegal in Singapore. So, when she saw Falun Gong being practised openly in public, she reported the practitioners to the police based on her "social responsibility."
  • The Epoch Times: Dictatorship and Autocracy in Singapore

    It is very difficult for people who have never lived in Singapore to imagine and understand the nature of its dictatorship and autocracy. On the surface, it looks like Singapore has a democratic system and that people are granted the right to choose and vote. However, in actuality, it is a country with complete dictatorship and autocracy.
  • Western Practitioner: Living a New Life

    That week I did less and less negative things until the morning of the next group practise I came to the realisation that I didn't want to do these things at all. More than anything, I wanted to go to that next class clean. I threw out my drugs and alcohol and from that day since, I have never gone back. What is even more miraculous is that I didn't encounter any degree of cravings or a desire to go back to that way of life. My life was utterly changed, so quickly, so naturally. My family and friends were completely amazed.
  • A Letter More Precious Than a Thousand Pieces of Gold

    knew that Canadian practitioners were very busy; they have their jobs in ordinary society, and spend a lot of time working on Falun Dafa projects, but this practitioner's letters to his mother, each one very long and written late at night, managed to communicate key issues while on the surface seeming to discuss everyday topics, providing major assistance to practitioners in tribulation. A letter that can strengthen our righteous thoughts is more precious than a thousand pieces of gold.
  • Reflecting on the Historic April 25th Appeal

    The unusual attitude of the Tianjin City government and the ruthlessness of the police made it clear that they were acting under pressure from the central government. Nevertheless, the practitioners believed that it is not wrong to be a good person according to Truth-Compassion-Forbearance; they had witnessed firsthand that Falun Dafa is good. With trust in the government and the hope of abolishing the apparent misunderstandings, 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners voluntarily went to Beijing and petitioned at the State Council's Appeals Office near Zhongnanhai on April 25th, 1999.
  • My Uncle, A Party Official, Finally Realises That Falun Dafa is Good and the Communist Party is Evil

    Next we showed him a VCD that exposed many evil aspects of the persecution. After the video ended, his first statement was, "How can the CCP be so bad now? It looks like the persecution is really unjustifiable. The government should not treat you people this way." This was a huge change from his former attitude, but when we continued and talked about how the CCP has brought disaster to the world's people, he reverted to his former opinions. He said, "The CCP is very cruel and harsh. We should not go against something stronger than we are."