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Which is the Real "Counterrevolutionary Political Organisation?"
2005-05-06For more than half a century, the CCP has held political power over the Chinese people, and it is so corrupt that when people on the street argue, they say to one another, "You are as bad as the CCP." In the people's minds, the CCP is a synonym for being corrupt and evil.
Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes - Looking Back at the April 25th Spirit
2005-05-05The persecutors have pushed themselves to the point of no return with deception and violence. The CCP brought its experience with criticism, fighting, deception, and propaganda from the past several decades into full play in the persecution of Falun Gong. Jiang's regime has lost people's hearts worldwide. Who would trust and support a party that accuses people for what they didn't do? It's time for people to see clearly the evil nature of the CCP.
Although the Persecution of Falun Gong Continues, the World's People are Gradually Learning the Truth
2005-05-05On April 25th, 1999, 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners went to the Appeals Office of the State Council, which was located in Beijing's Zhongnanhai Compound, to peacefully appeal for Falun Gong. It was the most peaceful and rational group appeal held by Chinese people since the CCP came to power. However, it was used as an excuse for the CCP to thoroughly repress and persecute Falun Gong right afterwards. To date, 1933 Falun Gong practitioners are confirmed to have been tortured to death during the persecution.
My Acute Leukaemia Disappeared within Two Weeks of Practising Falun Dafa
2005-05-05My family sold almost everything in the house that could be sold and also our land to pay my medical bill. Everyone understands what this situation means for a farmer. In China, many people cannot afford medical care. After being hospitalised for forty days at the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University, the doctors said, "You peasants have no money. It would not help even if you had any. You must depend on chemotherapy to be kept alive." I left the hospital, because my family had no more money.
Let's Explore What is Behind the So-called "Propaganda Ideology Task Meeting"
2005-05-04Some people may think, "Why should I care whether it is true or false?" In fact, it has a lot to do with each one of us. For example, there was a report by the media about "Sudan Red 1," a substance that might cause cancer. The Chinese media only started to report and investigate it after the substance was discovered in Europe and widely covered by the foreign media. The truth is that a cancer causing substance such as "Sudan Red 1" had been clearly outlawed in China more than 10 years earlier. But who knows? Did the Ministry of Health ever intervene? Did anyone ever investigate it? Did the media ever cover it?
Teacher Guides me In Every Step of my Cultivation
2005-05-04Usually, I am quite introverted and never speak with a loud voice. It was Falun Dafa that gave me the strength to shout with such hope from my heart. At that moment, simultaneous shouting of "Falun Dafa is good," "Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa," and "Give us back our Teacher's good name!" could be heard from every corner of the square. Each banner spelt out "Falun Dafa is Good" in bright yellow letters on red cloth. People stood and watched the contest between righteousness and evil unfold.
Break Through Obstacles in Order to Clarify the Facts to the World's People
2005-05-04Whenever I happen to come across some people, I seize the opportunity to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution. It is really miraculous. Whenever I want to meet somebody, I run into him or her the next day. I know this is Master's great compassion towards disciples and sentient beings, so I make it a point to clarify the facts on all occasions, such as classmates' gatherings, weddings, visiting relatives or friends and shopping, not leaving out anyone with whom I have a predestined relationship.
Germany: The April 25th incident: The view of a Berliner
2005-05-03The question in her mind was “Is the freedom of assembly really allowed in China?” and “Is it possible that it was merely a trap set up by the Chinese communist regime?” On the other hand, her hope was also very definite upon seeing the people on the TV screen: These people were very peaceful, indicating that they had rationality. Trying to reflect their opinions to the government illustrated their intention to participate in decision-making for their own future.
Some Thoughts on the 200,000 "Solemn Declarations" Published on the Minghui Website
2005-05-03Over the six years of persecution, we do not know how many practitioners were actually subjected to imposed penance against their will. Nonetheless, looking at the two-hundred-thousand-plus solemn declarations, and the recent drastic increase in the average daily number of people making declarations, we wonder how many kind-hearted people were tormented by this brutal persecution.
Photos: Group Practice of the Falun Gong Exercises before the Persecution Began in the City of Yushu Jilin, China
2005-05-03 -
On the Chinese Communist Party's Trampling the Freedom of Belief Under the Banner of "Atheism" - Part III
2005-05-02In discussions about atheism and theism, the atheists often tend to believe that they are more realistic, and thus they feel their perspective is more justified. After all, theistic views cannot be concretely seen or touched. Atheism and theism seem to be incompatible, like fire and water. However, there are some interesting phenomena when we investigate atheism and theism from a broader or world outlook.
Human History has Already Remembered this Day: Recollections from an Eyewitness to the April 25th Incident.
2005-05-02Some Falun Gong practitioners went to clarify the facts of Falun Gong to the magazine publisher. Thus the Tientsin incident happened in which the police beat and detained the practitioners for no reason. When being informed of the news, I felt obliged to appeal at the Appeals Office of the State Council in the hope of telling the authorities the facts, asking for an immediate release of the detained practitioners, and requesting normal and interruption-free circumstances to practise cultivation. Our appeal involved no appeal for political power.
What if the April 25th Appeal Took Place Around the White House Rather than Beijing?
2005-05-02The background of the "April 25" event is that some official branches of government had interfered with the Falun Gong practitioners' legal cultivation environment. Falun Gong books were forbidden to be published, and the news media defamed Falun Gong. The police had already started to arrest and beat Falun Gong practitioners. In China, how should these victims react to injustice? What normal people do is clarify the truth to higher government branches, hoping the problem can be solved rationally.
Reflections on April 25: Appealing for Human Rights Should Not Be Labelled "Being Involved in Politics" and Persecuted
2005-05-01When Falun Gong practitioners sued the ringleader of this persecution in order to stop it, someone blamed them of being "involved in politics." For example, if a government official murdered your family member and you tried to disclose the crimes of that official or file a lawsuit against him, would you be "involved in politics?" When did "politics" become an excuse for persecution and murder? Is politics that terrible? Doesn't Chinese law provide citizens the privilege of participating in politics? How could exercising one's rights be committing a crime?
Russian Falun Dafa Practitioners Share their Understandings of the 6th Anniversary of the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal in China
2005-05-01Mary, a Falun Dafa practitioner of over 70 from St. Petersburg said: “The appeal by Falun Dafa practitioners on the 25th of April in China was a legal action protected by the Chinese constitution and would be permitted in a democratic country. Everyone should have the right to express their opinions, yet only those people living under the Chinese Communist Parties (CCP’s) brainwashing education for so many years could incorrectly consider it as obstructing social “security” or be an act of “getting political”, with which the CCP could use as a reason for persecuting Falun Dafa.