Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Falun Gong Practitioners Talk Candidly of Their Heartfelt Wishes

    "The important distinction comes from the fact that these Falun Gong practitioners went there to appeal for freedom of belief. They bravely stepped forward to clarify the truth. This was something that had never happened in all of China's history. They did not shout slogans, but just stood or sat there peacefully. I asked myself, 'What kind of inner strength helped these people to step forward?' This fact alone drove me to get to know more about Falun Dafa.
  • My Leukaemia Disappeared after Accepting the Facts about Falun Dafa

    On my way to the hospital the next day, I could feel a new hope emerging. When I was at the hospital, I was constantly telling myself, "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good" and "Falun Dafa is good." My temperature returned to normal and my health improved day by day. My doctor could not believe what he was seeing. After one week of observation, I left the hospital as I had fully recovered.
  • A Government Employee in China: "Now I can clearly see the destructive nature of the Chinese Communist Party"

    "What's more, have you ever heard about this? During the June 4th incident, they used tanks to crush the students. It was really horrifying. The Chinese Communist Party has always persecuted its own people. All these years, they have done nothing but harm people and make their lives miserable. Yet the media still cover up for them, glorify them, and claim that everything is great and glorious. They always lie. The way I see it, they won't be able to keep it up for much longer."
  • 2005 New York Fa Conference: Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts in front of the Chinese Consulate in New York

    Once in the rain, while we were sending forth righteous thoughts, an American girl stopped her car, walked to us in the rain, squatted and asked us, "Why do you stay here and never leave?" Sympathy showed on her face and she looked as pretty as an angel. I gave her some materials and replied to her with my broken English, "We hope the Chinese Communist Party stops persecuting Falun Gong." She also asked whether she could write this down for publication to let more people know. We expressed our sincere gratitude to her
  • New York Times Exposes How China's Forced Labour Camps Are Used by the Communist Regime To Persecute Innocent People

    Since the Chinese communist regime is in power, China's labour re-education system has become a tool for the party to persecute innocent people in each political movement. A New York Times reporter interviewed some Falun Gong practitioners who were imprisoned in China's labour re-education camps. The following is an excerpt of his report entitled, "Issue in China: Many in Jails Without Trial" published on May 9th, 2005.-Ed.]
  • Past Incidences of the Singapore Government's Discrimination and Suppression of Falun Gong

    They were allowed to hang banners that read, "The great cultivation law of Falun Dafa, free instruction" and hand out introductory materials free of charge. All of these activities, including practise by groups of several hundred people, did not need the authorities' approval or permission. This open environment continued until July of 1999 when the Chinese Communist regime (CCP) officially started persecuting Falun Gong.
  • Former Party Secretary Who Persecuted Falun Dafa Renounces His Communist Party Membership After Reading the Nine Commentaries

    The former Party Secretary of our township participated in the persecution of local Falun Dafa practitioners. Through the persistent efforts of local practitioners in the past few years, he gradually realised the error in his thinking. And after he finished reading the Nine Commentaries, he realised that he had been so deeply deceived by the evil spirit of Communism that he had made a terrible mistake in his actions against Falun Dafa and those who practise Falun Dafa. He voluntarily went to the Township Committee and openly renounced his membership from the vicious CCP.
  • Incidents at the MacRitchie Reservoir and the Merlion Statue Show Singapore Placing Its Future in the Hands of the Chinese Communist Party

    Prior to when the CCP started the persecution in 1999, we were not required to apply for a permit for any public activities. Falun Gong practitioners had the freedom to practise and promote Falun Gong to the public. Several hundred practitioners had repeatedly practised Falun Gong exercises publicly in Singapore in the past without needing a permit.
  • Chinese Communist Party Attempts to Bring Down Falun Dafa Website in Kansas

    At approximately 3:00 a.m. Central time on May 2nd, 2005, the web site was shut down due to a CPU over utilization spike on the hosting provider's server. This triggered an automatic shutdown by the hosting provider. When I called the hosting provider, they looked at the server log files and discovered that there were over 180 simultaneous downloads of several videos exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in China. This is a very unusual traffic pattern for this site.
  • Facts About Wiretapping and a Few Suggestions on Its Prevention

    The Chinese regime has spared no expense in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in and out of China, and tracking the practitioners' conversations and their locations is a vital part of that persecution. To help practitioners avoid the damage caused by their actions, we would like to disclose some of the techniques that are used, so that we may negate them in the future.
  • Western Practitioner: Giving Up Personally Set Limitations and Wholeheartedly Participating in Fa-rectification

    After our assignment was finished, this practitioner shared with us a tribulation that was really bothering him. The three of us talked quietly for about an hour. When it was time to leave, I felt that a major breakthrough had occurred in my heart. I was experiencing and manifesting genuine compassion. That's something that's hard to describe but it is a priceless treasure that comes when we improve in our cultivation.
  • Strong Righteous Thoughts Are Omnipotent

    At the exhibit case, I gently pulled on the lock once. The lock simply opened. Meanwhile, another practitioner also unlocked the other lock by gently pulling on it once. The practitioner who had tried and failed to open them on his own repeatedly expressed his amazement. All of us were witnesses to the power of Falun Dafa. We removed all the propaganda materials slandering Falun Dafa and destroyed them.
  • Hong Kong Supreme Court Overturns Conviction - Sets Example for Singapore

    On May 5th, 2005, in a historic ruling that has produced positive responses from around the world, the Hong Kong Supreme Court overturned the convictions they had filed against Falun Gong practitioners. The Hong Kong court shares the same common law with Singapore, and this action sets a good precedent for Singapore.
  • American Law Professors Who Understand the True Situation

    When I talked with a professor who works a lot with human rights law he understood very quickly how oppressive the Communist system in China can be. He told me he was once invited to give a scholarly talk in Beijing. When he arrived there the person in charge asked him what his speech would be about. He told them it would be about human rights, and the person in charge said that he wasn't allowed to discuss that topic.
  • Blood Tests on Falun Dafa Practitioners Amaze Specialists

    The specialists were shocked by the results. While pointing out the results, the specialists commented that out of the numerous healthy people they have examined, they have never seen so miraculous a result. Moreover, the practitioner is already over 50 years old and will soon be a senior citizen.