Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Righteous Thoughts Reveal Mighty Power When We Coordinate as a Whole

    My father, my wife and my sister-in-law went to the labour camp to request my release. They told the guard that they would bring me home. The guard immediately agreed. At 7:30 a.m. that morning, the instructor in the prison told me that at he couldn't release me because the doctor said I was ok. However, at 9 a.m., he suddenly told me to collect my things and leave. I only understood why after I met with my family. The police car took my family members and me all the way back home.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Fa-rectification Period Should Genuinely Abandon the Attachment of Selfishness

    Studying the Falun Gong teachings has made me realise that, in this final moment of Fa-rectification, Falun Dafa practitioners, besides doing the three things well that Teacher asks us to do, also need to balance the relationship between cultivation and family, and abandon the attachment of selfishness. In this final moment of Fa-rectification, we must not exhibit extreme behaviour such as just taking part in Falun Gong activities, while ignoring our family responsibilities. If this path of cultivation is to be left for the future human beings, it must be followed in a righteous manner.
  • Pay Attention to the Accuracy of the Exercise Movements When Teaching New Practitioners

    I would like to remind our fellow practitioners: When teaching new practitioners the Falun Gong exercises, please pay attention to the accuracy of the movements. I noticed that the number of new practitioners has gradually increased, but many new practitioners' movements are not accurate. We all know that once the energy mechanism establishes itself, it is quite hard to correct.
  • My View on Why Jiang and the Chinese Communist Party Persecute Falun Gong

    At the beginning of the persecution, many Falun Gong practitioners, including me, thought that the reason for the persecution was simply because some individual leaders didn't understand Falun Gong, and that as long as we made it clear to them what Falun Gong was, the persecution would just stop. This unrealistic way of thinking was the result of the fact that although we were in China, we did not have a clear understanding about China's "general condition."
  • Words from a 6-10 Office Staff Member: "Falun Gong Is Really Great! Go Ahead and Practise It!"

    Since practising and cultivating Falun Gong, this man has never smoked again and remains in good health without requiring any pills or injections. Although he is over eighty years old, this gentleman's eyes are clear, his hearing is good and he walks as if full of energy.
  • Master Gave Me a New Life

    My parents went to many places to seek doctors' advice, but none of the doctors knew what was afflicting me. I took loads of medicines, but nothing worked. The disease quickly spread to my whole body. My arms and legs developed the same uneasiness that I felt in my stomach at the beginning. The symptoms occurred more often than before. It felt as if millions of ants were digging into my bones. It was unbearable. I begged my mother many times, "Just let me die!" My mother cried and felt helpless.
  • Our Fa-study Group

    For the past five years, under the protection and care of our compassionate Master, our Fa-study group has not stopped studying the Fa in my home. When the evil launched its worst wave of persecution, we withstood the pressure from outside and have overcome all the difficulties. We do many things to expose the persecution and to give people a chance to find out the truth about Falun Gong. Gradually, we have formed a harmonious body; we upgrade and improve ourselves as a whole body.
  • Take Advantage of Every Single Opportunity to Reveal the Facts of the Persecution

    We should not be discouraged if someone does not accept the facts we tell him, neither should we lose confidence in our efforts. When someone learns the truth from us, even if he probably could not accept it at first, he would look for other opportunities to find out more. When he truly understood the truth, he would tell others. Those who truly understand us will care about us and support us. Such righteous forces will irresistibly spread from one person to another and reach people's hearts.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners and Relatives Bring Charges against the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp of Hebei Province for Torturing Good People

    The labour camp cemented ten rows of handcuffs to the ground, which were used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale from 2002 to 2003. They still keep the ground handcuffs inside a one-story house right now in order to persecute practitioners and they have hired criminals Chang Jinliang and Fang Bao to maintain it. In addition, Fang Bao also privately raised five to six ferocious dogs. The dogs have already bitten and hurt many people, but the Labour Camp still sends detainees to feed them.
  • Uncovering Criminals in China's Radio and TV Broadcasting Network

    Since July 20th, 1999, the CCP has used radio, TV, and cable network to spread its slanderous propaganda about Falun Gong to every household. The broadcasting network has become a tool of the CCP to spread lies to poison sentient beings. When practitioners tapped into nationwide cable TV networks to broadcast the truth about Falun Gong in 2002, government officials were seriously panicked. They issued orders at every level, from provinces to cities, districts and streets to implement every possible means to prevent the broadcasting network from being tapped.
  • The Chinese Are No Longer Deceived by the Fabricated Self-immolation Story

    When more and more people have seen through the lies of the Chinese Communist Party, they will no longer willingly participate in and perpetuate the persecution. Then even fewer people will be deceived by the actors in the staged self-immolation incident. Since the Chinese Communist Party is so adept at deception, it, too, has become deluded by its own lies and fiercely maintains them.
  • Chinese Elementary School Textbook Uses Staged "Self-Immolation" Incident to Incite Children to Hate Falun Gong

    Recently I read Thoughts and Moral Education (tenth volume), an elementary school textbook which was printed in November 2003 for the third time. There is one chapter, chapter six, that uses the staged Tiananmen "self-immolation" incident specifically to slander Falun Gong. It also uses the words of twelve-year-old Liu Siying, who was burned in the incident and who later died under mysterious circumstances, to incite children's hatred and fear of Falun Gong.
  • How the Official Propaganda in China Fabricates News and Deceives People

    As a former leukaemia patient, I was given a second life because of Falun Dafa. It was Teacher Li who saved my life when I was on the verge of death, made me a healthy person again, and taught me how to become a person with great morality. "Today I can't betray Falun Dafa just because you attempt to place me under pressure," I thought. "Doesn't CCTV educate people to be honest? Do you want me to tell the truth, or to lie?" I asked. "Tell the truth, of course," both the reporters and my bosses answered. "Good. You're asking me to tell the truth. Now I want to tell you 'Falun Dafa is good', do you dare to videotape it and broadcast it to the whole country?"
  • A Family of Six from Dalian City, China Are Pleased to Learn Falun Dafa

    The boss at one of the family's workplace is also a practitioner. Thanks to the boss' tireless efforts outlining why the persecution against Falun Gong is fundamentally wrong whilst also extolling the benefits of Falun Dafa, one of his employees realised the truth and began to practise Falun Dafa. Then, this person went home and passed on Falun Dafa to the parents, brothers, and sisters.
  • Thoughts on the Communist Party Relating to Cultivation

    Last autumn I returned to my hometown. While clearing out old books, I found a book that was a collection of quotes from CCP leaders. I was going to destroy it. To my surprise, my parents were strongly against it, "We have to keep this! We may need it in the future!" There was a terrible row, "You are not our son, and we are not your parents! We disown you!" My parents are both practitioners. How could this be happening? They did not sound like practitioners. It was all because my mother is a CCP member.