Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • I Wish More People would Discover the Benefits of Falun Gong Practice

    I was lucky to find Falun Gong. Within a month of learning the exercises, my condition began to improve. I felt that my uncomfortable body recovered a little after every practice session. The effect was even better each time I could follow Falun Gong’s principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance through handling conflicts with others well.
  • Senior Police Officer Finds Opportunities to Protect Falun Gong Practitioners in China

    My classmate's father is a senior police officer. Once he learnt that I had once again been taken to the detention centre simply for practising Falun Gong, he tried everything to help rescue me. After I was released, I learnt that after I was transferred to the detention centre, he was the one who coordinated the effort resulting in my unconditional release.
  • "We Need To Learn from Falun Gong Practitioners and Conduct Ourselves as Good People"

    Over the last five years, she has been witnessing the noble deeds of the Falun Gong practitioners around her. She has also seen her mother regain her health to the extent that she could take care of her father, who has lost the ability to take care of himself. The relationships within the family are very good and in harmony. The family's lifestyle is admired by the people in her village. The lady's right thinking interpreted these fortunes and blessings, given to her by Falun Dafa.
  • A Secret Notice From the Chinese Communist Party "Guard Office"

    However, no matter whether it is called the 6-10 or "Guard Office," the title cannot cover up its crimes. The "secret" notice from the "Guard Office" in Gaocheng City, Hebei Province reveals that the CCP has not changed. The so-called "influence of education" is still actually evil mental torture of innocent people, the secret and brutal physical persecution and torture of genuine believers, as well as the impudent and shameless deceit forced on the entire population of China.
  • The Number of Falun Gong Practitioners in a Village Increases Seven-fold Since the Persecution Began

    Eight out of ten families practise Falun Gong in a small village in Hebei Province. From the little children to the elderly, everyone knows that Falun Gong is great. One villager used to be well-known for drinking, gambling, beating his wife, and other bad habits. After he started practising Falun Gong, he changed completely. His wife told others, "I would rather go to prison with him than have him quit practising Falun Gong!"
  • Historical Photos from 1998-99: Thousands of People Practise the Falun Gong Exercises and Experience-Sharing Conference in Laixi City, Shandong Province, China

    The photo to the left was taken on January 1st, 1999 at Laixi City's Stadium in Shandong Province. Laixi is a small city, but the group practice that consisted of thousands of people was so spectacular that many people were attracted to watch and many more began to learn the Falun Gong exercises on the spot.
  • Spain: Revealing the Fact of the Persecution Over the Phone

    The next phone call was picked up by the family of a labour camp’s prison officer . When I told the person at the other end that “Falun Gong teaches people to be better people, the persecution is wrong and sinful and the ban will certainly be lifted in future”, she said: “The people who practise Falun Gong whom I have see are all very good. I just wonder why good people get locked up.” This relative promised to tell the truth to her family and also that “persecuting good people is a thing which we must never do!”
  • Sweden: My Trip to the Western U.S. Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference (Part 3)

    Whenever we travelled to America, we always expected to bring some materials back to Europe. Although it is quite hard to take them, this method enabled us to save a lot of money that could be used to mail those packages and to buy more material. Whilst we we packed those cardboard boxes, we always made sure that we packed them prudently and tightly. This was not because we got them with our own money which had been saved in daily life, but we would use these materials to tell the truth about Falun Gong.
  • "Politics" is a Smokescreen for the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong

    After the persecution began, many cases were reported in which husbands would beat or even murder their wives who practised Falun Gong, so afraid were they of being implicated in the anti-Falun Gong campaign. Young adults, breadwinners and even children were thrown out of houses and asked, "never to return" by parents who listened to the CCP's poison and hated Falun Gong. Family members would assist the CCP's persecution of their loved ones who practised Falun Gong.
  • A Letter from My Friend

    From the very beginning, I have supported Falun Gong. It is not because of my sympathy. Rather, I look at it from the perspectives of humanity and human rights. What I am talking about are the perspectives of the non-practitioners. It is likely that these perspectives cannot touch Falun Gong students deeply, but you need to know that many non-practitioners support you. They may be silent, but there are principles and justice in their hearts.
  • Middle School Student in China: Your Informational Pamphlet Really Moved Me

    "Light the Lamp of the Heart" really moved me. I think your compassion and forbearance are respectable, just like that described in this book. The Falun Dafa practitioners described in the book have done so well by following" Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." In my life, all that I have seen and heard claimed that Falun Dafa was not good. At that time, I doubted these claims. After reading this book, I have become clear just how evil the Jiang regime is, and I also see Falun Dafa practitioners' compassionate hearts.
  • To the People of Mainland China: Those Who Cannot Access the Internet Can Post their Declaration to Withdraw from the CCP at Appropriate Public Places

    Those who are not able to access the Internet feel quite anxious. They hope they can make a withdrawal declaration via a different channel, as every second counts. Here, we make this special announcement: Under the critical circumstances at the moment, people in Mainland China who want to protect themselves by immediately withdrawing from the Communist Party, please continue to try to break through the Internet blockade to send your "three withdrawal declarations" to
  • How Falun Gong Practitioners Live Whilst Making Materials to Reveal the Facts of the Persecution

    The couple left home and set up a Falun Dafa materials production site, and are currently providing materials to practitioners in nine nearby townships. They buy the raw materials, and then print, bind and send the finished products to designated places. They discuss and exchange understandings and experiences with practitioners in these townships every week.
  • "I Did Not Save My Child, My Child Saved Me:" The Story of a 610 Office Employee's Personal Awakening

    The child's aunt continued with the story, "During that time I called them everyday. When I thought of Falun Gong that day, I called them and said, 'This is as far as medical science can go, and it cannot provide a cure. Let's try Falun Gong.' The aunt's mother-in-law was very supportive and said that a neighbour was a practitioner who previously had several illnesses, but that she is now cured and often recommends Falun Gong to the mother-in-law. The aunt's mother-in-law immediately found the neighbour.
  • Sweden: My Trip to the Western U.S. Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference (Part 2)

    There are numerous people practising it because people benefit from it. This made China’s despotic dictatorship, the Communist Party very jealous. To insure people’s absolute obedience to the Chinese Communist Party, they never allow the existence of any viewpoint and belief that are not controlled by them. Therefore the Chinese Communist Party banned Falun Gong, and furthermore used insidious methods to force all Chinese people to keep away from Falun Gong.