Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • Notes From Experience-sharing in Geneva

    One practitioner said, "Why is it that a couple is able to resolve their differences a few days after an argument? Because they are one family. No matter how heated their arguments are, they are one family, that is, one whole body. The husband and wife know each other’s hearts. Then why do we feel that we can get along well with only some practitioners instead of all practitioners? Why can’t our whole body reach a genuine harmony?..."
  • In a Few Words: A Reminder

    Group Fa-study and experience-sharing is a fundamental way and environment given by Master Li for us to help improve our xinxing. In addition to talking about one’s own xinxing cultivation, one’s own problems that one sees through studying the Fa, and how one has improved oneself under the guidance of the Fa, practitioners also need to point out other practitioners’ problems with a compassionate heart.
  • Family Members Of Falun Gong Practitioners In China Express Concern for their Loved Ones

    Several years have passed. Yet at every waking moment, we still worry about our family members who were forcefully expelled from their homes. We are faced with the fact that hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death, with even more deaths of practitioners due to the persecution that has being undocumented. We never know, and don't dare to imagine whether our loved ones were among those Falun Gong practitioners. We still await their return.
  • The Song of "Falun Dafa Is Good" Resounds Throughout a Prison Cell During the Mid-Autumn Festival

    The Falun Dafa practitioners' clear voices were solemn and benevolent, echoing to all the corridors in the detention centre and warming every persons heart. The prisoners broke into tears that showed their appreciation and respect for the practitioners.
  • My Sister-in-Law is Rewarded for Her Benevolent Acts

    My sister-in-law often visits my home. She has seen the improvements in the physical health and xinxing (heart or mind nature, moral character) of my mother-in-law after she started to cultivate Dafa. She is not misled by the deceitful programs on TV that slander Dafa. She has read Dafa books and has helped pass Master's new articles to other practitioners.
  • Our Compassion Should be Shown at all Levels

    Our Assistant Manager often asks me to bring her all Dafa books and our Master’s recent articles. We talk about everything happening in the world every day and each of us sticks to our own view. Some talk from a deeper level, while others talk in a relatively shallow way. All of my colleagues hold a good attitude toward Falun Gong. They all saw a video that clarified the facts made by our fellow practitioners, and brought up some quite valuable opinions.
  • The Murderer Accuses the Victim: China's Show Trial of American Citizen Dr. Charles Li

    Now the murderer even attempts to use the "law" to put illegally arrested American citizen Charles Li on trial. The "law" that they toy with does not represent justice at all, but is the law of Nazi-ism, the law of Stalin, and is a butcher knife used to persecute kind people. The murderer, Jiang Zemin and his accomplices should be the ones on trial to face true justice.
  • After Being Poisoned by Jiang's Propaganda, I Saw the Truth and Began to Cultivate in Falun Dafa

    I recount my three operations and three near death experiences to everyone I meet, and tell them how I am alive again after practising Falun Gong. Falun Gong is quite miraculous. I show everyone the scars on my belly. My experience has spread to many villages. Many people who never knew the truth are awakening to it, including police officials.
  • Illnesses Disappear and Family Relationships Improve After Practising Falun Dafa

    I am a 60 year old woman from the countryside. Before I got to know Falun Dafa, my daughter and I could not get along well. The animosity between us developed over a number of years. At this time, all my illnesses were getting worse; I had insomnia, gastritis, arthritis, heart disease, a protruding stomach and a swollen body. I felt I'd be better off dead. Every day I was worried to tears, moving closer towards death.
  • Remarkable Story of Appealing for Falun Dafa

    Realising that this was a good opportunity , I unfolded a banner that said, "The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos." After the police took the first one away, I unfolded another one that said, "Falun Dafa is Good." Then after the police seized and searched me, I opened yet another two banners that said, "Restore Teacher's Good Name" and "Restore Dafa's Good Name," at different times.
  • The Relationship Between Work and Cultivation

    Certainly, cultivation is the process of continuous improvements. If we are able to step forward to take part in Fa-spreading activities, then we are making progress. Nevertheless, while we are doing Dafa work, we must continuously improve our own xinxing level at the same time. The more we cultivate the righteous Fa, the more our personal cultivation can catch up with the progress of the Fa.
  • Practitioners in Western Countries Should Give Importance to Explaining the Facts to the Chinese people

    When I exchanged my understandings with some of these fellow practitioners, I found quite a few fellow practitioners haven’t directly clarified the truth to Chinese people for a long time. Some of them are nervous when talking about telling the truth to Chinese people, and some of them even never tell the truth actively.
  • Some Enlightenment on "Tests" among Practitioners

    As a disciple, I think that our first thought should be how to help our fellow practitioners. Whether those practitioners do well or not is a different matter. Our first thought is the manifestation of our realm. Enormous compassion is the manifestation of an enlightened being's realm. As Dafa disciples, we should care about every particle of the whole body.
  • Taking the Right View of Charles Li's Case

    I think that we should help people to see the larger picture rather than focusing on smaller details, such as the accusations made by Jiang's regime. The accusations are not what is most important because they are usually groundless, using all sorts lies to cover up their illegal persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Clarifying The Facts At Customs

    I realised that it was not important whether I could pass through Customs; what was more important was to clarify the facts about the persecution of Dafa to more people through this event. It might be a good chance to clarify the truth to the people involved in this event. I conveyed my understanding to my fellow practitioners: “No matter whether I can enter Switzerland or not, we should explain the facts to them; we should not be interfered by any factor..."