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Righteously Standing up Against the Persecution
2003-05-08If you do not practise the Falun Gong exercises and hand out materials, we will give you 400 Yuan in wages, and a two bedroom unit with a separate kitchen." Zhang said: "I am not scared, and I don't want it! I just want Falun Dafa! I will still practise the exercises and hand out materials! I want to be a Falun Dafa practitioner in a righteous and open way!" The evil persecutors were therefore forced to release him.
Miraculous Return to Health After Reading Zhuan Falun
2003-05-07Her in-laws had pleaded with her to give up the practice, but she had refused, and because they were heavily influenced by the propaganda about Dafa from the Jiang regime, they had become very angry with her. But, on hearing the news of her brother-in-law suffering from terminal cancer, she went to the hospital to see him. She advised him to read the book Zhuan Falun [The main text of Falun Dafa] saying, If you truly believe in it, you better start reading this book, Zhuan Falun, right now."
"April 25th Appeal:" A Song of Justice that Displayed Morality and Conscience
2003-05-07Especially during the past 50 years, under the deceit and brainwashing of the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese people have accumulated too much servilism. Under such circumstance, it is no wonder that we feel we have found something new, fresh and extraordinary when we examine the "April 25th Appeal" by over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners four years ago. From this peaceful appeal, we witnessed a display of respect for our own rights and our own values, and a farewell to servilism.
Jiang Zemin Must Bear Responsibility for the SARS Disaster
2003-05-07SARS made its first appearance in Guangdong Province on November 16, 2002. It happened during the meeting of the Sixteenth Party Congress led by Jiang Zemin where he was actively seeking another term as the chairman of the Central Military Commission. In order not to burst the bubble of "peace and prosperity" and not to stain Jiang's image, to successfully keep his power, the Guangdong Province Party Secretary at that time, followed Jiang's orders and tried his best to cover up the facts from the top level to the low, which caused SARS to develop and spread around the world.
Righteous Thoughts And Patience Overcome Interference
2003-05-04With the improvement of my xinxing [heart-nature / moral quality] during my cultivation, my husband has changed from opposing Dafa to supporting my Dafa cultivation. Recently, however, departing from his normal behaviour, my husband unreasonably scolded me for doing Dafa work and studying Dafa books. By looking inward, I found that I had ignored doing housework, and become less concerned with my husband. After I corrected my behaviour, the atmosphere at home eased a bit, but I was still restrained.
Base Our Thoughts and Actions on Fa Principles Instead of Emotions
2003-05-04A person will even take their friends or relatives as his enemies just over a minor disagreement or difference in point of view. This is the limitation of human emotions, for emotions are selfish. Love and hatred have the same root; love is the happiness which comes about when one's emotions are satisfied, while hatred is the anger when one's emotions are not satisfied. So both love and hatred do not have the purpose of others wellbeing. They are for satisfying one's emotions, so both are selfish.
A Chinese Police Officer Sincerely Warns His Colleagues: Stop Persecuting Falun Gong!
2003-05-01My father who rarely talked also grew angry and yelled at me, "From now on you aren't allowed to talk about Falun Gong. What is wrong with people practising Falun Gong and having their hearts becoming more compassionate? It doesn't interfere with the country, society or the family. They all obtain many benefits from Falun Gong without any harm. If everyone practises cultivation in Falun Gong, the whole nation will become very good and we would not have to worry about corruption. Now policemen just like you have done lots of bad things and regard good people as bad people."
Living Our Dignity and Nobility -- Written on the Fourth Anniversary of the April 25th Appeal at Zhongnanhai
2003-04-28"I hope all of us can step forward to safeguard our own basic rights and dignity, and live with dignity and nobility. History has proven that violence cannot destroy faith, and totalitarian power can never suppress the Truth. Any dictator exists for only a fleeting moment. In the future, when we look back at history, we will see the April 25 Great Appeal radiating a forever-indelible brilliance."
The Chinese Herb Golden Thread
2003-04-27One of the travellers in the group happened to be my patient, who happened to carry berberine pills with him. He gave the American some berberine pills, and within two hours, his symptoms disappeared and the amebic dysentery was cured. The American was so grateful that it made my patient speechless. Ever since then, this American will make sure to stop by the clinic before travelling and stock up on the Chinese medicine that solved this medical emergency.
Why I Went to Appeal in Geneva
2003-04-26Since I began practicing I noticed my grades improve and attitude become more open and calm. Concentrating and completing my studies became a breeze. My relationships with peers and family members also improved. Falun Gong helped me become a good citizen. After I saw these benefits I could not imagine stopping the practice, simply because a few leaders in the Chinese government felt insecure about Falun Gongs growing popularity and later on decided to ban it. Rather, I wanted to keep practicing, experience more benefits and give more people the opportunity to try it.
Thoughts On the Fourth Anniversary of April 25: I Hope the World's People Will See Through the Jiang Regime's Lies
2003-04-26Jiang's regime repeatedly emphasised that the Falun Gong practitioners' appeal had "political motives." After the Chinese ruling Party came to power, it started numerous political persecutions in the name of "political struggle" or "class struggle." The victims were usually called "enemy of the people with political motives," but those who truly had political motives were the dictators themselves. Facts during the past four years have proven that Falun Gong has no designs on political power, the political party or on the political system.
A Family of Practitioners
2003-04-24Once the mother was arrested by the police when distributing truth-clarifying materials. The daughter went to jail to visit her and told her, "Mom, you need to have righteous thoughts. Do not cooperate with the evil persecutors. The way to get out of jail is to go on a hunger strike in protest." Watching her daughter's innocent face, the practitioners nearby couldn't hold back their tears. How can an adult not do well when a child has such righteous thoughts?
Changes in Wife's Health Halted the Head of the "610 Office" from Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-24One day, they half jokingly talked about Falun Gong and he asked the head of the "610 Office," "I hear many people say that practising Falun Gong is very good for healing and fitness. Do you believe it? Why don't you give it a try and gain some understandings about it? Let your sick wife practise Falun Gong and read the Dafa books that had been confiscated. If her illness is cured, stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, for they all are good people. When they held a hunger strike, you chain them to chairs and feed them unpalatable food. From my point of view, you all are inhumane. What the ruling Party publicises as being bad is actually good."
How I Learned Falun Gong in Prison
2003-04-23I was only 17 years old and had heard that people would be beaten up when they entered the jail. When I walked in the cell trembling with fear, I encountered a very peaceful atmosphere. It was very cold that day. I only had on a thin shirt and was shivering with cold. One lady let me wear some of her clothes and another one gave me a pan of warm water to wash. They were so nice to me. I later learned that they were Falun Dafa practitioners.
After Numerous Methods of Torture, Labour Camp Police Give Up and Say "You Are Free"
2003-04-23One night the camp police took me to a graveyard next to a ditch. They handcuffed me to a tree in the graveyard and forced me into a kneeling position. Two of them hit and kicked me, and then battered me with a wooden club. Then I was taken to a riverbank, where the police forced my head into the water, threatening to drown me if I did not agree to forsake Falun Dafa. I firmly reminded myself that a practitioner should be full of righteous thoughts. They failed to shake my determination again.