Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • From the True Situation of the Epidemic to Fabricated Lies

    We can see the "tradition" of the Chinese government hiding the truth and lying to its people from many historical examples. During the three years of natural disasters in the 1960's, there were more than 20 million people who died from famine based on a study by foreign experts. However, in China, all the news and media claimed that the government and the Party's policies were always right. Several billion people dared not say one word about the lies under the high pressure...
  • The Story of a Young Practitioner Validating the Fa with her Musical Performances

    One time after she played Chopin’s Nocturne No.8, the piano professors and musicians from the Music College of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatoire said, “The musical space that this child’s soul touches is profound. This is real music.” Liana’s teachers and classmates know that she practises Falun Dafa. Lianna tells them that Dafa bestows her with her unique musical gift and creativity; the elevation of mind (xinxing) and spirit through cultivating Dafa is the only origin of her success.
  • Some Thoughts After Reading “Words From Practitioners Being Persecuted: One Must be Diligent in Studying the Fa”

    I heard the phrase “Falun Wo Gong” (study the Fa whilst lying down) from the audio recording of Master Li’s Fa Lecture in Jinan. These words were from a sentence criticising someone who arbitrarily tampered with the Falun Gong exercises. Yet what I heard was another connotation criticising my posture whilst studying the Fa. At that moment, I drew a deep breath and thought: “Ouch, Master, aren’t you referring to me?”
  • Retaliation and Coercion Cannot Shake My Determination to Expose the Evil Persecution

    The vengefulness towards my family members shows that Jiang fears that his crimes will be revealed and the facts of the persecution will be exposed. Retaliation only strengthens my determination to expose the genocide committed by Jiang Zemin's regime, to bear witness to their criminal conduct, and to use legal means to bring the criminals to justice. The retaliation only adds new evidence to the lawsuit.
  • Falun Dafa Association of Canada: Former President of China Jiang Zemin Sued for Genocide and Crimes against Humanity

    The regime has intensified its efforts to discredit, arrest, torture, and imprison those Falun Gong practitioners who have courageously exposed and publicised the truth about the persecution. It is time to bring the world's attention to the crimes and atrocities committed by Jiang's communist regime. We hope people everywhere will awaken to the truth behind the cover up and stand up for justice.
  • How to View the Problem of Many Practitioners Not Participating in Dafa Work

    For a period of time in the past, I felt myself being separated from other practitioners. When I started to think over this issue, I realised that I was preoccupied solely with doing Dafa work myself. It was merely a formality for me to go to the exercise site. It seemed that I studied Fa seriously and also exchanged opinions with other fellow practitioners. In my heart, however, I was in a hurry to go home to do my own work.
  • Belief and Faith

    Comparing myself with these practitioners, I knew that they had a stronger faith than me; in spite of recognising this, I still failed to do well right away. Later, I recalled that when we once discussed our work, someone mentioned the following: Some young Western Dafa practitioners have been living in societies that believe in gods, and their faith in and respect of gods comes naturally and without competing thoughts.
  • Courtroom Presentation Against Jiang Zemin Shocks the Chinese Government - Officials Are Trying to Find Ways Out for Themselves

    It is said that an investigative group in the upper hierarchy of the CCP has finished investigating Jiang's entire history. Moreover, many things in Jiang's résumé that are related to his history in the CCP are fabricated and these are now being thoroughly investigated. In upper levels inside China, there is a group that is actively seeking to "overthrow Jiang". News about the lawsuit against Jiang has been spread among all levels of Chinese government officials. Some officials have started "finding a way out" and have secretly organised and collected "files" to prove themselves "innocent", and that they were forced to carry out "610 Office" orders.
  • Putting China's Criminal Dictator on Trial Will Generate Positive Results for Sino-American Relations in the Long Run

    The Chinese dictator absolutely does not represent China or the Chinese people, and he most definitely does not represent the Chinese civilization. On the contrary, this cruel dictator is destroying China, persecuting the kindest group of Chinese people, undermining the Chinese civilization's morality, and threatening the future and interests of the world's people.
  • Falun Dafa Gave Me a New Life

    I constantly strived to improve myself, discarding my jealousy, competitive mentality, selfishness, and my bad temper. When conflicts arose, I first looked within to see if I had done something wrong, and if the other party was harmed as a result of my actions. I gradually changed and improved, albeit with considerable difficulty. As I studied the Fa, practised the exercises, and raised my moral character, the ailments I had before all had but disappeared.
  • Practising Falun Dafa Cured My Liver Ailment and Made Me a Better Person

    Since May 6, 1996, I seriously started the path of my cultivation. I study Falun Dafa and practise the exercises persistently. My whole life has been completely transformed ever since. I have become very healthy and energetic, and never feel tired even after work. I know that Teacher has purified my body. From the very first day when I started practising Falun Dafa until the present, for seven years I never took one single pill or received any injections or medication. I feel so delighted not to be bothered by any illness.
  • Clarifying the Facts to Family Members in Ethiopia

    We stayed at home for four weeks, I witnessed them steadily building up a solid and correct view of Dafa. I felt that slander was the last thing which the Jiang evil regime could do to fool the people in Ethiopia. Our practitioners around the world have seen through their attempt, and clarified the truth everywhere. Every single person is waiting for the moment when they can learn of the truth.
  • Lili Lin: Experience Sharing

    During this period I started to turn from thinking of “macro issues” to cultivating myself seriously and solidly. I realized that I am a person with a strong ego. It is not correct, and is dangerous to hold this notion during cultivation. When I found it and tried to eliminate it, I found it was very painful because it filled every single cell of mine. During the process of eliminating it, I clearly felt a huge piece of karma were lying over me. It interfered with me creating a false illusion every minute and strengthened my notion of my ego.
  • A New Spanish Practitioner sees the Magnificence of Falun Dafa

    Many practitioners were fortunate enough to witness the magnificence of Falun Dafa on a trip to the European Experience Sharing Conference in Geneva, in March 2003. Luis is a Spanish man who is about 27 years old. He had been studying the Fa for only a month when he went to Geneva and was still suffering from a badly fractured finger from before he learned to practise...
  • A Diligent Elderly Practitioner

    A few policemen came out of the van and demanded her to get in the van. She stood there and just looked at them. They searched her pockets and took her money. Dayi put out one of her hands in front of the policeman and he was taken aback. He then put the money back in her hand. The policeman said to her, "Just tell us who your work unit is. You don't have to tell us your name." Dayi just ignored them. They waited a little, went back to the van and drove away. As if nothing had happened, Dayi finished what she had to do, went on to buy some breakfast and went home.