Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Looking Inward Unconditionally

    The root of these attachments is selfishness. It is like the root of a tree. The bigger attachments are like tree trunks and large branches, and the smaller attachments are like smaller branches and leaves. Once I find the root and pull it out, all the attachments arising from it will lose their footing.
  • Treating Practitioners Going Through Tribulations with Compassion

    Each and every one of us who has come this far has their merits and great acts. Yet we are still human, and even though we are cultivators, before we consummate, we will still have human mentalities and shortcomings. In the harsh environment in China, when fellow practitioners are faced with tribulations, our first thoughts about them are critical.
  • Don't Drift along in Dafa

    Now, I have realized that I should not run away from hardships and arduousness like before. I should do everything according to what Teacher said to us in Zhuan Falun, "When it's difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it's impossible to do, you can do it."
  • Overcoming Obstacles While Saving Sentient Beings

    We will meet all kinds of people in the course of telling the facts. When we encounter those who do not want to listen or who have different concerns, we should still treat them with benevolence.
  • Walking My Cultivation Path Well

    Cultivation is an endless path. When I felt that I had done well in every respect, I started thinking that I didn't need to cultivate my heart any longer and was karma free. So I would often skip the articles about sickness karma on the Minghui website. Later, I realized the importance of this issue, especially on one particular problem.
  • Do Not Be Attached to How We Feel

    Why did I develop such an attachment? What was its root? I think it was caused by an attachment to pursuit and comfort. In my cultivation, I had not fundamentally changed my human notions. Instead, I used human notions to judge things. I did not use righteous Fa principles to handle things.
  • One Thought Determines Whether One Is Human or Divine

    "I am not afraid of telling you that, but I can't. If I did, you would commit more crimes against Dafa. Falun Gong practitioners are good people, and they do not commit any crimes. What will you or your family do when Falun Gong is redressed in the future? If you knew the truth, you would not do this, even you were beaten to death."
  • Why We Fail to Look Inward

    Master told us that the logic used by human beings is the opposite of what it should be. Hence, in any given conflict we should not use human logic to judge which is the correct way. Actually, cultivating involves letting go of all human notions. Holding on to human notions blocks our cultivation. Things will improve for us when we let go of our human notions.
  • Experience in Harmonizing the Work Environment with Benevolence

    In the present society governed by the CCP, management usually means suppressing people with power, regulating evil with evil, encouraging fighting among people, and encouraging the strong to defeat the weak. Therefore, lying, being fierce, and fighting have become extremely popular.
  • My Cultivation

    Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples cultivate amidst everyday people, and each of our thoughts should be based on the Fa. Dafa disciples have a mission to cultivate well and clarify the truth to save people. It is not to live well amidst everyday people while enjoying the advantages Dafa has blessed us with
  • Breaking Through the Fear of Clarifying the Truth to Strangers

    When thinking about so many sentient beings poisoned and deceived by lies and facing elimination, I was very worried. Through Fa study and sharing with fellow practitioners, I kept strengthening my righteous thoughts, and I made up my mind to break through this fear and step forward to clarify the truth to strangers.
  • Looking Within After Being Hit by a Motorbike

    It was Master who gave us such a form to collectively practice the exercises. I still picked what suited me and I always chose what was more comfortable. My attachment of pursuit of comfort had not been dissolved, and I couldn't properly cultivate. I didn't do well in the past, but now I'm going to break through it!
  • My Grandson's Fever and My Way of Looking Inward

    Selfishness is an inherent part of the old universe. As a Dafa practitioner, I must not be attached to it." At this point, I realized that the problem was due to my concern about my personal benefits as opposed to another's welfare. It was my lack of compassion created the problem. Once I located my problem, I felt much better and relaxed.
  • Eliminating Acquired Notions and Returning to Our Origins

    The disadvantages of this mindset were obvious. When I was about to dothe meditation, my first thought was about pain from double-crossing thelegs, so how could it not be painful? When I came back home late afterdoing Dafa work, I first thought of my husband's questioning. How couldhe not ask, then?
  • The Truth-Clarification Efforts of Our Fa Study Group

    First we paired up the practitioners who were skilled in truth-clarification with the practitioners who were less skilled. Later everyone became capable of going out and clarifying the truth on his or her own. We travel big streets and small alley ways to find places where people are gathered and we start talking to them.