Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Jealousy Caused My Attachment to a Fellow Practitioner's Shortcomings

    If one is always looking at others' shortcomings, analyzing others' shortcomings, one's thought is always hoping that others do not do well, especially not better than oneself. The fundamental cause is jealousy.
  • An Elderly Practitioner's Day of Truth Clarification

    The elderly practitioner told him that she was a Falun Gong practitioner and that she had been arrested by the police. He went on to say that practicing Falun Gong was for becoming a good person, but that a good person had been arrested. He asked, "Who can comprehend such laws?" The policeman was at a loss for words.
  • My Understanding After Fa Study: Awakening to Our “Shi Ming” (Mission)

    So it is clear without further explanation that Dafa disciples’ mission is to save sentient beings. This is what we chose when we descended with our heavenly courage. We have made such a grand wish and obtained Master’s full support in order to fulfil our mission.
  • Reflections on Life: Kind People Don’t Argue; People Who Argue Are Not Kind

    The first thing to pay attention to in the cultivation of speech is to avoid loud and empty talk. Don’t criticize others from head to toe. Be sincere and kind to others. Don’t argue in front of and humiliate others. These are the things that upright gentlemen do.
  • Smiling in the Human World

    Therefore, regardless of what pain and difficulty one encounters, we should maintain a positive and uplifting attitude. When this is achieved, we will become mature with a heart full of hope and light instead of feeling sorrow and pain, and it will lead to a fundamental change in one’s understanding of life.
  • Reflections on Cultivation: Without Getting Rid of Attachments, it is Hard to Transform into Gods

    My most obvious and severe problem was that I didn’t study the Fa solidly. I didn’t know how to cultivate myself and I treated Dafa projects like an everyday person’s job. I got busy running around doing things.
  • Overcoming Obstacles Through Perseverance

    However, many haven't been able to enter the door due to various postnatal notions they have. When a being understands the truth of Dafa and that he/she is here for the Fa, the individual will be able to break through the barrier. My situation was exactly like that--I had to break through family barriers to enter the door of cultivation in 1999.
  • Learn to Cherish

    I have often heard people say,” A person’s whole life is to come to live and to love. That is enough.” I think it is much more meaningful if you add, “to cherish.” The meaning of life is its process! It is another matter whether our wishes are fulfilled or not.
  • Take Action According to Your Level of Enlightenment

    The day after I understood that I should not watch TV, my Fa study turned back to normal. I felt the black cloud disappear from my mind. The material that separated me from Dafa also disappeared. I can study whenever I want.
  • A Short Cultivation Experience Story

    There is a detention centre regulation stating that all cells are to be inspected once a month, but we were still able to make small books by dividing regular letter-size paper into four pieces. Each small book contained one lecture of Zhuan Falun.
  • Knowing versus Doing

    The practitioner who told me the story said, "That practitioner was not in a very good cultivation state. 'Rejecting the evil persecution' has just become a catch phrase for some practitioners."
  • It May Not Be a Bad Idea to Talk about Enhancement As a Whole

    Very often I have been deeply touched by fellow practitioners' motivations and endeavours, some study well the Fa, some do well sending forth righteous thoughts, some practice the exercises well, and some focus well on truth clarification, truly hurrying to save people.
  • Fundamentally Change Human Notions

    Although I had eliminated a lot of attachments over the last ten years, I had not given up the attachment to food. I often joked with my husband, "Nothing in the human world can give me joy, except for food. If I eat well, I feel very satisfied." What a strong attachment!
  • An Experience to Share with Practitioners Who Are Still Trapped In Family Tribulations

    Reminders from other practitioners helped me gradually realize that I had to do well within my family environment, by fulfilling the responsibility of a wife and mother in addition to my everyday work. It was true that I was already doing all household chores, but I often did them while complaining and didn't show much compassion.
  • Becoming Diligent

    I made a plan for daily Fa study, exercise practice, sending forth righteous thoughts, and truth clarification. I treated the plan as my prehistoric vow. If I could not complete it, I would be breaking my vow. When I was becoming lazy, I remembered that I am a Falun Dafa disciple and can never break my vow.