Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Eliminating the Attachment of Jealousy
2008-07-07I understood the Fa principle that jealousy must be eliminated, and looked inward for this attachment. First, I understood that I did not respect my mother, and judged that I possessed more technical skills and knowledge. Having my mother work on the project caused me to feel that the validating Fa project was being taken away from me. In fact, this was the attachment of validating myself.
An Unclean Mind Prevented Me from Achieving Tranquility
2008-07-06I had learned a lesson from my previous attempts to memorize the Fa, which met with failure. This time I would not try to recite the paragraphs I had memorized the previous day. I made sure that I memorized new paragraphs daily. My goal was to memorize the paragraphs for the day. Thus I finally finished reciting Zhuan Falun for the first time.
From Tsinghua University to Flushing, New York: A Reunion after Nine Years
2008-07-06Suddenly, the unprecedented persecution began. On the morning of July 20, 1999, when we went to group exercise as usual, we noticed several police vehicles. That afternoon, we heard about the massive arrests of Falun Gong practitioners all over China. We were going to exercise again the next day but decided not to go to the same place--we wanted to go and appeal for Falun Gong. I did not see Gu Mengsheng after that.
Visiting the Clearwisdom Website Has Helped Me to Be More Diligent
2008-07-05Every time I read articles by fellow practitioners, I can see my own attachments or notions that conceal ordinary human mentalities. Many of my questions are answered. Of course I realize that the website is not a substitute for studying the Fa, but reading the articles has helped me to look within more.
To Get Rid of Attachments, One Must Study the Fa Diligently
2008-07-05Whether we are doing Dafa projects or doing ordinary people's things, no matter how busy we think we are, we should never slack off in studying the Fa. Studying the Fa often, following the Fa and measuring things with the Fa, getting rid of all kinds of attachments, and maintaining righteous thoughts and actions--only by doing all of these things can we ultimately negate the old forces, do the three things well, and fulfill our vows.
Stories of the Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions of Practitioners in Our Fa Study Group
2008-07-04It's your persecution that killed my husband, it's your persecution causing my child to have no father, now you're here still interfering with me." After listening to what she said, those of the CCP were at the brink of tears. Then finally they said, "We came here just to see you, nothing else." So, out they went.
Diligently Improving Together with the Whole Family
2008-07-04When I found that other practitioners had helped more people to quit the CCP than myself, I felt ashamed and became even more anxious. As a result it had the opposite effect of what I wanted. This mentality affected me, and for a long period of time I failed to help anyone to withdraw from the CCP, even my relatives.
Believing in Master and Dafa, Bad Things Become Good Things
2008-07-03With Master's strengthening, we turned their scheme of "visiting" in order to persecute us into a good opportunity to clarify the truth to the police face to face. Master taught us, "Whatever you experience during your cultivation--whether good or bad--is good, for it comes about only because you are cultivating." ("To the Chicago Fa Conference" in 2006)
Destroy Old Force Arrangements with Righteous Thoughts, Rectify Ourselves in Dafa
2008-07-03While getting in touch with fellow practitioners in daily life, I commanded them, like the types of leaders of those among everyday people. I pointed out their shortcomings with acrid and mean language, not with compassion.
My Experience of Quitting Smoking
2008-07-02I would like to offer a word of advice to fellow practitioners who still smoke while cultivating, to eliminate this attachment. It not only harms your body but also gives people a negative impression of practitioners. We are assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification and are manifesting Dafa's goodness. As practitioners, we should meet higher requirements in order to save more sentient beings.
A Few Words Regarding: My "Self" and My True Self
2008-07-02I have come to the enlightenment that whenever I don't conduct myself well in daily cultivation, it is due to my false self being dominant and my true self not being in control. I can conduct myself well when my true self is dominant and I can align myself to the "Fa" taught by Teacher.
Strong Righteous Thoughts Ensure Safety
2008-07-01As Falun Dafa practitioners of the Fa-rectification period, we are walking on a divine path. Our great Teacher has already given us great abilities to protect ourselves. If we have righteous thoughts and actions, we will definitely be safe. Certainly, the premise is that we must diligently study the Fa
Some Thoughts on Resentment
2008-07-01I have found a fundamental issue in my personal cultivation that I have not completely eliminated. It is resentment toward the Chinese people who oppose and hate Dafa. I do not accept them from the bottom of my heart. Even though I understand that I should treat them benevolently from the Fa perspective--and I try my best through my words and actions to treat them that way--I still don't truly treat them with compassion.
I Openly Walked Out of the Demon's Den
2008-06-30On the last day of the three-day Qingming Festival, I became resolute in my mind. Holding on to the iron bars on the window, I shouted with all my strength, "Falun Dafa is good!" I kept shouting it louder and louder. I did this during the visitation time. Many people ran to the open area and looked in my direction. The police officers became very nervous. Several of them used force to drag me back to the cell. However, I continued to shout.
Keeping Our Minds Right; Exerting Greater Efforts to Save People
2008-06-30As Dafa disciples, we should not let the world's people, who are supposed to be saved, be weeded out along with the sentient beings in their cosmic bodies. We should not even think about when the evil Party will disintegrate and when this persecution will finally end. Master clearly talked about this issue in "Teaching the Fa to Australian Practitioners." The only thing that we should be focusing on now is how to best use the time left to save people.