Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Prostate and Bone Cancer Disappear when 80-Year-Old Begins to Practise Falun Gong
2007-11-23My father is 80 years old and used to suffer from both both prostate and bone cancer. The doctors diagnosed him as terminal and his cancer spread. They said that my father could live three months at most. Those patients experiencing bone cancer usually live the rest of their lives in excruciating pain. Seeing the pain on my father's face, I knew that only Falun Dafa could help him.
Looking Inward Should be our First Action
2007-11-23I have noticed that whenever I feel uneasy or angry because of another practitioner's behaviour, I have always started venting at them, resulting in a heated and negative outcome. I can now see that this is all caused by my attachments and notions.
From a Diagnosis of Late Stage Colon Cancer to Excellent Health
2007-11-21Before he practised Falun Gong, my husband often couldn't sleep well and was in pain every day. He could have a blockage in his intestines at any time and was in great discomfort. Since the very first day he started to practise Falun Gong, miracles occurred. He could sleep well, his bones no longer hurt, and his intestines were no longer blocked.
Recollecting the Day's When I First Came Across Falun Gong
2007-11-17February 26th, 1996, was the most unforgettable day of my life. On that day my husband and I were visiting Xifeng, where we spotted real treasure--the book Zhuan Falun. We bought it right away. During the New Year's holiday season, I did not go anywhere but continuously read the book. The more I read, the more I came to understand.
Looking Back on the Falun Gong Lecture Series Held in Yanjie City of China in 1994
2007-11-17In both lectures, as soon as Master started talking, I would fall asleep, or my whole body would feel uncomfortable. Once the lecture was over, I would suddenly wake up. After returning home, I felt more and more energized. My body was undergoing amazing transformations. A section of my spine was irregularly large. I had arthritis in my leg, stomach cramps, sinus trouble and many more illnesses--all of which miraculously disappeared.
Conforming to the Ways of Society While Cultivating
2007-11-16Eventually, through my continued study of the Falun Gong teachings, the Fa, I realized I was not behaving righteously. I came to understand that it would be better to maximally conform to the way of everyday people while cultivating instead of behaving like a lay monk or a nun. I realized that if I didn't come into contact with the general public, there would be fewer conflicts and fewer chances to improve my heart. Without tribulations I wouldn't be able to improve my realm and level.
Looking Inward, Cultivating Ourselves Well and Cooperating Harmoniously to Become One Body
2007-11-16The whole body is unwittingly divided into small pieces if practitioners feel as if they can't resolve a conflict with a fellow practitioner or when practitioners isolate themselves from each other. Also, when we all treat projects in which we have no involvement as other people's things, the strength of the whole body is weakened. Moreover, when we fight over our different opinions, we further weaken each other's strength.
Why Do I Practise Falun Dafa?
2007-11-15I then moved to live with them. I stopped doing anything else to cure my cancer. Instead I truly began to study the Falun Gong teachings, practice, and purify my heart. After a couple of months, great changes happened to me. The cancer disappeared, and my long black hair grew back. I'm active and filled with energy.
The Difference a Single Thought Makes!
2007-11-14The other practitioner advised her to send righteous thoughts. Ms. Wang improved her understanding of the problem. After a period of sending righteous thoughts, the symptoms which had lasted for five years disappeared. It was only the difference of one thought!
Regarding Non-action
2007-11-14Indeed I had given up a lot, but it did not make me improve, and I developed a lot of attachments. I wanted to be diligent, but I had a lot of obstacles. On one hand I wanted to let things happen naturally, but I then felt as if I was falling behind. I got stuck and was not able to put things into perspective. After pondering deep and hard, I came to realize that the root cause was because I practiced cultivation to benefit myself.
I Can Truly Say, "Falun Gong Is Miraculous!"
2007-11-13All these conditions caused her a great deal of daily suffering. Last March I told her to say, "Falun Gong is good! Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance are good!" After she repeated those sentences for less than two months her hypertension, headaches, insomnia, and gallbladder problems disappeared. She had been unable to squat for many years but now she has become more flexible.
Climbing Out of the Abyss and Resuming My Cultivation
2007-11-10I started to practise the exercises in the dormitory. A week later I developed a severe fever. I believed it was not sickness but was to cleanse my body. The next day I recovered. Two weeks later my tendency to easily get a cold and headache had vanished and many questions about life that I had always held were answered one after another. My stepping onto the cultivation path was one of the reasons I had come to this world. I had a chance to practise Falun Gong and so I treasure it.
Never Will I Forget Master's Grace
2007-11-10During the first few days of the class, the illnesses that I had disappeared, including myocarditis, cardiac hypertrophy, edema of the face and feet, migraine headaches, joint pain, irregular menstruation, and frequent colds or flu. For the first time in my life, I felt what it meant to be completely free of any illnesses, I felt happy, fulfilled.
The Benefits My Family Have Encountered Thanks to Falun Gong
2007-11-09My aunt couldn't help sharing her story with her family and relatives. My mother also suffered from several diseases, including emphysema, tracheitis, rheumatism, stomach illness, and constipation. My aunt informed my mother, her older sister, how she had benefited from practicing Falun Dafa, telling her, "Big sister, you should also come to practice Falun Dafa. Look at me--all my diseases were cured. Now I know what it is like to be truly happy."
Cherishing the Opportunity to Practise Falun Gong--The Story of Aunt Qiu
2007-11-07Though there have been bumps along her cultivation path, Aunt Qiu has greatly changed in her health and mind. She used to fight with others over tiny issues; saved money but could not eat or sleep well; and often had dizzy spells, symptoms of anemia, and insomnia with unidentifiable causes. She didn't feel good mentally or physically. She was in a lot of pain. After cultivation, she became joyful and her illnesses all disappeared. With a healthy body and lighter heart, she is capable and responsible.