Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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A Pancreatic Cancer Patient Recovers after Sincerely Reciting "Falun Dafa Is Good"
2008-02-27One of my relatives is a Falun Dafa cultivator. He told me that Falun Dafa only looked at people's hearts. "As long as you sincerely recite 'Falun Dafa is good,' the effect can be very powerful". I thought I'd give it a try, so I sincerely recited "Falun Dafa is good". I recited those words and did not think of my disease. Not long after, I started to get better and better. Later on I went to hospital to be checked again. Much to the amazement of both myself and the doctors I was now completely healthy and free from any cancer.
Gaining Naturally Without Pursuit: Eleven Years of Health
2008-02-26I suffered from rhinitis, arthritis, bursitis in my shoulder, hypertension, etc., but the most worrisome were the hepatitis and diabetes. These two diseases work against each other. If I wanted to treat one of them, I couldn't treat the other. Hepatitis requires eating good food and getting a lot of rest, while plain food, eating less, and being more active are best for treating diabetes. Therefore, it was a heavy mental burden, and my poor health continued, day after day.
Miraculous Health Benefits Arise from Practising Falun Gong
2008-02-26My survival instinct propelled me to recite "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good." As soon as I said that, I did not feel the pain and I stopped vomiting! It was truly a miracle! It was something completely inconceivable! This experience dispelled all the lies I had heard on the television broadcasts.
Former National Ice Hockey Coach: Falun Dafa Totally Changed Me for the Better
2008-02-25When I was seriously ill before, some people learnt that I was still critically ill, and some thought that I had died. When I returned to Changchuan City for the meeting, they were so surprised, asking how I had made such an amazing recovery. I told them openly, "I am a cultivator of Falun Gong. It is Falun Gong that saved me and totally changed me."
Falun Dafa Saved Me from Leukaemia
2008-02-20I was hospitalised in Daqing Oil Plant General Hospital. After many blood and bone marrow biopsies, I was diagnosed with "leukaemia." But it was not clear as to what type of leukaemia I had. I was given many different medications, to no avail. Finally my husband took me to the National Blood Research Centre in Tianjin. However, after another thorough examination, no definitive diagnosis was made. We had no choice but to return to Daqing City.
Falun Gong Greatly Benefits my Health
2008-02-18At the moment of my greatest despair, an opportunity came along. I heard that Falun Dafa was able to cure illness, so I decided to give it a try. In the spring of 1998, I began to cultivate Falun Dafa. Zhuan Falun. Falun Dafa brought miracles to my body. In just over 10 days I went from being a medicine basket since childhood to being healthy again. I did the exercises without taking any medicine and all my diseases were cured.
Turning Misfortune Into a Good Fortune
2008-02-16After listening to the fellow practitioner's words, I expected the fellow practitioner to bring the Falun Gong book Zhuan Falun the next day. After several days, the fellow practitioner brought the book. I read the entire book non-stop, from 7:00 a.m. until close to 8:00 p.m. After I finished reading, I felt that the book teaches us to be good people. Many principles in the book, which I did not understand before, help people become generous and open-minded after reading the book.
Knowing the Truth Brings True Happiness
2008-02-09I learned a lot in a few months. The stranger on the Internet didn't lie to me and he had no reason to lie to me. I had no choice but to believe the facts that I had learned. I appreciated and seized the opportunity to talk to the stranger on the Internet. I also obtained the electronic version of Zhuan Falun from him, not that I wanted to learn Falun Gong, but to learn more about what it was, because it is irresponsible to Falun Gong, to oneself, and to society to talk about things one knows nothing about.
It Is My Wish to Tell Everyone: "Falun Dafa is good!"
2008-02-08A month later, all of my symptoms were gone. I could even perform heavy labour. This is something I would not have believed in the past, but how can I deny something that has happened to me personally, I was amazed. I want to tell all people in the world: "Falun Dafa is good! Do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies!"
Two Senior Citizens in China Experience the Miraculous Effects of Practising Falun Dafa
2008-02-07One month later, all diseases that had tortured me for many years disappeared. I felt very energetic. I could eat food that had been forbidden due to my gastroenteritis and my joints no longer hurt. Since that time I have not taken any medicine. I am now over sixty years old and can work as though I were in my twenties.
"I Want to Learn Falun Gong"
2008-02-01After Ms. Liu's clavicle was broken and repaired with a steel plate, she always felt cold and numb. She worried that she would never recover. But that day she raised her arms up to such a high position, it was as if she had never suffered from the injury.
Recovering from Hepatitis After Starting to Practise Falun Gong
2008-01-29People around me all ask, "How come you recovered from your illness so soon? What supernormal medication did you take?" I tell them that it was Falun Gong that saved me, and I got better by practising Falun Gong. Having witnessed my miraculous recovery several of my neighbours also began to learn Falun Gong.
All Issues Can be Resolved Simply by Looking Inward
2008-01-28I began practising Falun Gong in 1999. After the illegal, ruthless and highly inhumane persecution started against the practice in China on July 20th, 1999, I used my human notions to show other that Falun Gong is something and good and shouldn't be treated in such a way, as a result I was subjected to constant harassment. Afterward I diligently studied the Falun Gong teachings and found that I needed to change my thoughts.
A Young Woman's Psoriasis Is Cured after Practising Falun Gong
2008-01-25My mother continued to urge me to practice Falun Gong. "Don't seek any rewards when you say 'Falun Gong is good' and you will be rewarded for your sincerity," she said. I thought I might as well give it a shot because I was at the end of my rope. As soon as I started saying "Falun Gong is good," I immediately started to feel better
A Story of a Mother and Her Daughter-in-Law
2008-01-12One week later, the breast lump was gone. The entire family was very happy. The daughter said, "Finally, you should believe in hospitals." The mother smiled and said, "I believe in hospitals, but I also believe in Falun Dafa. I have done an experiment on myself." She then opened a drawer and showed the medicines prescribed by the experts. Her family saw that the medicines were untouched.