Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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A High School Teacher's Serious Illness is Healed and Twenty of Her Family Members Also begin to Practise Falun Dafa
2007-06-21After practising Falun Gong, Ms. Wu tried to harmonise her family life. She started treating her sister-in-laws nicely and served her mother-in-law. She stopped complaining about the house work. Gradually, the relationship between she and her in-laws became better and better. Her in-laws also started practising Falun Gong.
How Falun Dafa Helped My Sister and I
2007-06-20I tried acupuncture treatments combined with long-distance walks for 60 days. I used to purchase a lot of medicine as well. If western medicine did not work, I would try Chinese medicine. If Chinese medicine did not work, I would look for folk prescriptions. Whereas, I went with a great hope and came back with great disappointment every time. I looked for doctors everywhere. Therefore, I spent a lot and suffered a lot with little effect.
After Attending the Falun Gong Classes, I Walked Like the Wind and My Body Felt as Light as Air
2007-06-12After the ten lectures, I walked like the wind, and my whole body felt light. My heels couldn't reach the ground when I walked. It was like someone was pushing me on. When I did housework I didn't feel tired at all. I felt I had tireless strength. I was two different people before and after I attended the classes.
My Husband's Lung Tumors Disappeared After Just Three Months of Cultivation
2007-06-11Three months into his cultivation, I accompanied him to the hospital in Beijing to have an examination. After the X-ray, the doctor compared the new film with the original and was astonished, saying "It is truly peculiar. The tumours are all gone!?" For confirmation, we went to first hospital and took another X-ray. The result from the doctor was the same: "The tumours are gone. The lungs are normal!"
A Danish Senior's Predestined Relationship With Falun Dafa
2007-06-04"My mother was unable to give me an answer about my experience. I had to wait 65 years, until one day in 1998 I read the book Zhuan Falun. I suddenly felt that Master understands and knows everything."
This Is My Family's True Story
2007-06-01He finally thought of Zhuan Falun when he could no longer eat or drink. Once he started reading the book, he felt a cool waft of air in his throat, and the more he read the better he felt. It was so miraculous. My father's illnesses, which were present for 30 some years and had cost a lot of money for treatments, were all healed. My parents also started to practise having witnessed the events.
Falun Dafa Purifies Both Mind and Body
2007-05-31In talking about what Falun Gong has given me, as far as I am concerned, on the surface I'm not only completely cured, healthy, honest, peaceful and benevolent, but I also have more wisdom. I've gained so much. I'm gradually coming to understand the truth about human life and the secrets of the universe.
Misfortune Turns into a Blessing -- A Cancer Patient's Dramatic Recovery
2007-05-30The experts' conclusion is that no one can help. You should believe in science." (In my friend's mind, it was without a doubt that Mei was doomed, and they should start the funeral preparations). Right then I met this friend of Mei's and told him about the tremendous healing effects of Falun Gong. He could not accept it. He said, "Do not tell me about Falun Gong. I believe only in Science. You expect me to believe that after practising Falun Gong, one can avoid death?"
A Righteous Deed Is Rewarded
2007-05-29The elderly man noticed that some people stepped on the picture and some walked around it. When it was his turn, he loudly criticised the police by saying, "Why are you making people do bad deeds? Mr. Li Hongzhi is not an enemy of mine, nor has he deceived me. Why must I step on his picture? Take it away immediately!" The man stared at the police righteously and sternly, and then proceeded to take the picture away.
Diseases Disappear Without Spending A Penny
2007-05-27Once I got home I started to read Zhuan Falun. In less than a week, my body, and my "uterine tumour" disappeared. It was truly unbelievable, not only had my illness completely disappeared but I didn't even have to spend a penny in doing so!
The Three Grandparents in Our Home
2007-05-26My paternal grandmother also started to practise Falun Dafa after she witnessed my maternal grandmother's improvements. Even when Falun Gong is being severely persecuted today in China, she still studies the Falun Gong teachings and does the exercises. She quit her 50-year smoking habit after practising the exercises. She has become physically strong. You can only find someone over 70 years old who has no illnesses and does not need to take medication among Falun Gong practitioners.
"How Delightful to Be Free of Illness" - Written for World Falun Dafa Day
2007-05-21Life is ever-changing and one thing people are most afraid of is illness. Whether rich or poor, high class or low, everyone has to go through birth, old age, illness and death. Perhaps tribulations can be a turning point. Many people reflect at critical moments: what is the purpose of being human and why do people have illnesses? They may then choose a path of cultivation to return to their origins and walk on a bright and broad path.
My Friend Was Awakened by the Kindness of Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-05-21She thinks very highly of her views and is sceptical of others. I have known her for a long time. She also knows that I have benefited from practising Falun Gong and that the Chinese Communist Party in China unjustly persecutes Falun Gong. However, she was still doubtful. Whenever I clarified the truth to others she would have a sceptical expression on her face. This lasted until recently when she suddenly changed her attitude. I was very curious and asked her the reason. She then told the following story:
Former Drug Addict in China Finds out About Falun Gong Whilst in Jail
2007-05-10Having heard that the daughter of a relative had been jailed two years ago for taking drugs, I gave her a copy of an article entitled, "A Letter to the Beijing Residents." When she read the letter, she screamed with surprise. "I was asked to do the same thing to a Falun Gong practitioner when I was in jail. Everything it says here is true. Why does this still happen? Isn't it disgraceful?" Overwhelmed by the incident, she related to us her experience while she was in jail.
Promoting the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular Is A Way of Letting More People Learn the Facts
2007-05-03I am a Falun Dafa practitioner working in a large U.S. corporation. Today I would like to share with everyone how I negated arrangements and removed my mental obstacles to clarify the truth and promote the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular and Christmas Holiday Wonders in a U.S. corporation so more people might have a chance to see the performances.