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Thoughts About Cultivation: Diligent Cultivation
2009-02-16Sending forth righteous thoughts is the fourth thing I would like to share on. Sending righteous thoughts four times a day is a must. It is crucial for practitioners to follow Master’s requirements while sending righteous thoughts—any distracting thoughts must be eliminated during that time.
Advance Forward in Clarifying The Truth and Saving Sentient Beings
2009-02-15The effect of talking about the truth of Falun Gong is usually very good. Some senior citizens I have talked to do not know how to read. They are mostly not members of Chinese Community Party (CCP). They would thank me again and again. Some of them want to learn Falun Gong after learning about it.
How a Falun Gong Practitioner in the Countryside Validates the Fa
2009-02-15Ren returned as I was about to go to sleep. When he saw me he said, "You cannot do this. You have to study the Fa before going to bed. He explained and said, "Regardless of how late it is and how busy I am in the daytime, I would make sure I study the Fa each evening before I sleep. It must be done this way." He sounded resolute, but his manner and facial expression was calm and pure. Listening to him, I felt ashamed of myself.
One True Statement Gives People Courage
2009-02-14"What is there to be afraid of! I read Zhuan Falun every day. The book is all about being a good person and having good health. If everyone could do what the book teaches, society would be stable and there wouldn't be any killing or theft. You are good, I am good, everyone is good. In Hong Kong and Macau, it is freely practised. If anyone wants to read the book, I can help you get one."
Eliminating the Selfish Attachment of Protecting Self-Interest
2009-02-14I was not using Dafa’s standard to measure myself when dealing with personal gain and self-interest. Instead, I was haggling over every ounce like ordinary people. Why did I think that if I give something to someone that he should return the favour? As a cultivator, we cannot think this way.
Some Experiences in Validating the Fa Through My Work
2009-02-13After finding those attachments, I was determined to maintain my xinxing (heart and mind nature) and act according to the requirements of Dafa no matter how other people behaved. Things changed greatly in the two training sessions that followed. Hostility disappeared and harmony arose. I realized that the trainees' bad behaviours were actually reflections of my own attachments. When I got rid of my own attachments, those things would not play any role any more. Cultivating oneself well can change the environment.
Hold A Practitioner In High Esteem
2009-02-13ultivators do make mistakes. Yet, for those true practitioners who are able to remove their attachments and bad habits, the progress is quicker and the improvements are greater. Therefore, we should let go of a practitioner’s mistakes or wrongdoings from the past. Also, we should not hold onto any bias or judgment about a practitioner who has made a mistake.
Some Thoughts on Giving Gifts to Family Members of Persecuted Practitioners During Chinese New Year
2009-02-12As practitioners, we emphasize the improvement of our moral values from the very beginning of our cultivation. Walking the cultivation path righteously and well is not only saving more sentient beings, but it also leaves a righteous path for future generations.
Everything We Do Should Be Related to Saving Sentient Beings
2009-02-12I then realized that everything that happens in our life is for us to clarify the facts and assist in saving more people. No matter what happens in a practitioners' life and work, we cannot treat it as an everyday issue unrelated to Dafa.
My Cultivation Story
2009-02-11My husband is a policeman. When I first began practising, he said, "There are all kinds of crooks in society. Don't get duped!" I told him that the instruction was free and the book only cost 12 yuan. There was nothing to gain for any crooks. He saw that I was determined, and didn't object except to warn me to be careful.
Do Not Take Others’ Rights or Wrongs to Heart
2009-02-11In fact, when things happen, if one’s heart is not at ease, conflict is likely to occur. It is this moment that offers us the opportunity to raise our xinxing. When we can put aside our egos, we can then help others quietly with the compassion and wisdom that Dafa cultivation empowers us with. We can do things based on being responsible to the Fa, to the universe and to all sentient beings. Every single thought that we have should consider sentient beings first.
Studying the Fa Well is the Fundamental Guarantee for Doing Everything Well
2009-02-10It may sound mystical, but in my tight schedule, after I spent another two hours every day memorizing the Fa, my work of validating the Fa was not only not affected, it instead made a great leap forward because of the elevation of my individual cultivation level.
Purifying Myself in Falun Dafa
2009-02-10After I studied the Fa, I knew that people have different predestined relationships. As a Dafa practitioner, wherever I am I should try to be a good person, be compassionate, treat everyone well, look within when faced with conflicts, consider others, correct our thoughts and align them with Dafa, validate Dafa in our work environment and save sentient beings.
The Things That Practitioners Do Are Not In Vain
2009-02-09I also persuaded him to renounce his Party membership. What was unexpected was that he was so grateful that he hugged me and kept saying that I saved his life. He said that his wife is also a Falun Gong practitioner and he did not believe her although she had talked to him about it many times. This time, once I talked to him about it, he believed me.
Looking Inward Improves Our Environment
2009-02-09I looked inward and tried to find what made me feel uncomfortable. I found that I still had human feelings. I was too anxious because she is my family member. I was not patient with her. Although I quoted Teacher's words, they lost power when I spoke them. She could not accept it. It was me who held an attitude.