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Germany: Information Day in Berlin Raises Support and Awareness
2006-05-16The information day was a success with many flyers distributed and petition signatures collected, which will be presented to the German government. One German woman said about Germany's business relationship with the Chinese Communist Party: “These are all criminals. It is hard to believe that we have business relationships with such criminals.”
New Book: Our Teacher
2006-05-14In the course of Master Li's selfless effort to spread the practice, many could see that He was no ordinary qigong master--He genuinely exemplified the greatness of the practice. Master Li was truly guiding people to higher realms of awareness. Because of this, millions completely regained their health and attained deeper understandings of what it means to be human and how to upgrade themselves to live virtuous and dignified lives, filled with compassion for all.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Mark Ten Million People Quitting the CCP
2006-05-13April 25th, 2006 was the seventh anniversary of the incident in which over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealed at the Chinese central government compound. Falun Gong practitioners in Paris rallied in the La Bourse Square to expose the Chinese Communist regime’s cruel persecution against Falun Gong.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Explain the Facts about the Persecution During an Informal Meeting of E.U. Health Ministers.
2006-05-13On April 26th, 2006, an Informal Meeting of E.U. Health Ministers was held in Vienna, and the Chinese Health Minister and some other officials were invited to attend the meeting. Practitioners call for an end to harvesting practitioners’ organs.
Germany: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong to the Public
2006-05-13Since the CCP's trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners was exposed, Falun Gong practitioners from all around Germany have been holding urgent rescue activities, including letting more people know about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and appealing for an investigation by the international community.
Denmark: Exposing the Truth on “May Day"
2006-05-13May 1st is “International Labour Day”. Usually many Danish labourers will take half day off and gather in the Folkets Park in Copenhagen city centre. At this time, many people will gather there to enjoy the leisure time of a holiday. The Falun Gong practitioners of Copenhagen came to the park to let people know about the persecution.
Germany: Urgently Calling for an End to the CCP’s Massacre of Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-05-12After the Chinese Communist regime’s crimes of harvesting and selling living Falun Gong practitioners’ organs for profit was exposed to the outside world, the Chinese regime has stepped up efforts to eliminate witnesses and destroy evidence. German practitioners launched a series of protests and an urgent rescue campaign in various cities.
France: People of Paris Sign a Petition to Condemn the Persecution
2006-05-12Practitioners in Paris used loud speakers and poster boards to tell people passing by Montparnasse train station about the human rights atrocities being committed against Falun Gong practitioners in China. They exposed how the CCP harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in the forced labour and concentration camps. After selling the organs, they cremate the bodies to destroy the evidence.
Ukraine: 'The Path of Compassion and Benevolence Art Exhibition' is Held in in Chernigiv
2006-05-12From the 14th to the 16th of April 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Ukraine held an art exhibition entitled “The Path of Compassion and Benevolence” in Chernigiv, a beautiful and old city in the north of the country. The exhibition included photographs introducing Falun Gong’s spreading around the world along with sculptures and paintings by Falun Gong practitioners. The exhibition attracted the presence of people from all walks of life in Chernigiv. Among them were actors, students, lawyers, government representatives and journalists. The art exhibition became a good chance for practitioners to tell people the truth of Falun Gong.
Why Did We Come to the Conference in Geneva?
2006-05-12From the 1st to the 4th of April 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from over thirty European nations and Taiwan gathered in Geneva to attend the 2006 European Falun Gong Experience Sharing Conference and its related events. In this article, some of the practitioners reveal why they feel it is important to use their own time and money to go to Geneva and take part in these events.
Germany: Re-enacting Organ Harvesting Scenes to Help People understand the Truth
2006-05-11Horror, disgust, astonishment and bewilderment were in the faces of the passersby. A recorded female voice explained the crimes committed by the communist regime in China, talking about how Falun Gong practitioners are cut open while still alive and organs are removed from the living body to be sold to the very lucrative organ transplant business.
2006 Benelux Falun Gong Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held Successfully in Middleburg
2006-05-11On April the 23rd, the 2006 Benelux Falun Gong Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held in Middleburg, the centre between Holland and Belgium. Several practitioners shared thier experiences and understandings from doing work to stop the persecution, as well as how they have improved in cultivation during the process of this work.
Germany: “A person should have freedom of belief; this is the dignity of humanity”
2006-05-11Julia, a student whose subject was Education of Society, expressed: “I simply can’t believe that such things still exists among human beings. The reason why I have signed the petition is that I should try to stop the action at least.” Another lady told the reporter that her reason for signing the petition was because the incident was clearly wrong and she hoped her signature could help. Many Chinese tourists carefully looked at the exhibition boards and banners. Some of them accepted leaflets. A Chinese man said: “Falun Gong is the first group to resist the CCP for many years and you are really terrific. It is really difficult for Falun Gong practitioners and you are working too hard.”
Spain: Exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s Atrocities on World Earth Day in Barcelona
2006-05-10Supported by the organiser, practitioners displayed banners and posters at the entrance to the event, strongly condemning the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong. This helped everyone coming to the festival to have the opportunity to learn more about the unspeakable brutal persecution happening in China.
Ukraine: Exposing the CCP's Crimes in Donetsk City
2006-05-10People approached Falun Gong practitioners one after another to inquire about the current situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Many passers-by asked for flyers and newspapers from practitioners, and some people filmed the entire simulated exhibition of the organ-harvesting played by real persons. Some Chinese students took Chinese leaflets.