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Czech Republic: Falun Gong Activities in Brno on International Day Against Torture
2004-07-02On International Day Against Torture, practitioners of Falun Gong from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Great Britain met in Brno, the capital of Moravia, to demonstrate the exercises in the main thoroughfare, Ceska Street, and to let the public know about the terrible persecution of Falun Gong practitioners currently taking place in China.
Finland: Falun Gong Practitioners Condemn the Terrorist Act of Shooting Falun Gong Practitioners in South Africa by Appealing at the Chinese Embassy
2004-07-01A spokesperson for the Finnish Falun Dafa Association said in the appeal at the Chinese Embassy in Helsinki, “We believe that Zeng Qinghong and Bo Xilai are most likely behind this shooting incident. They are following closely Jiang Zemin’s orders to persecute and suppress Falun Gong by all means. The persecutors have committed terrible crimes against innocent people, both inside and outside China, and they are afraid that their crimes will be exposed to the world. This is a gross form of terrorism and persecution targeted directly at Falun Gong.”
Latvia: Peaceful Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in Riga on World Anti-Torture Day
2004-07-01June the 26th was World Anti-Torture Day. Latvian practitioners called for a focus on torture and the various abuses inflicted on Falun Gong by the Jiang regime in China. Additionally, they called for the end of the persecution by appealing at the embassy for five consecutive days. Passers-by supported our campaign, and showed compassion for practitioners' suffering in China.
Falun Gong Parade Through the City of Vienna: Dafa is Spreading Widely
2004-07-01Although Jiang’s political gang of scoundrels began the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China on July 20th, 1999, Falun Dafa still spread through different countries in the world and received over a thousand commendations and prizes from different governments and organisations.
Dafa Practitioners from Many European Countries Alert Public Attention to the Persecution of Falun Gong on the International Day to Support Torture Victims
2004-06-30Mr. Theo van Boven, an expert on torture from the UN, passed an annual statement to the UN Human Right Committee in March this year. The statement included the 420 page edited short reports about torture and ill-treatment, gathering information on torture from 115 countries around the world. The report about China was the longest, recording over 130 ill-treatment cases, in which over 100 cases were related to Falun Gong practitioners. This statement was formally published on March 23rd, 2004.
Russia: Dafa Practitioners Hold a Press Conference to Make Public a Lawsuit Against the Prime Criminal of the Persecution
2004-06-30On June 25th, Moscow Falun Dafa Association, held a press conference at the Moscow Journalists Association, primarily to make public that Russian Falun Dafa practitioners are to file a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in the Russian courts on charges of cruel torture, genocide and crimes against humanity.
An Open Letter to all Who Participate in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-06-30"I am a thirty-one year old Falun Dafa practitioner from Sweden...Since I started practising Falun Dafa four years ago I have benefited tremendously. I used to suffer from various illnesses, severe headaches, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc. I used to do many bad things and lived very immorally. Now I am in perfect health, harmony, and enjoy living my life in accordance with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance."
Practitioners from Denmark and Sweden Hold an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Copenhagen on United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.
2004-06-29For the “Anti-Torture Exhibition”, Falun Gong practitioners used live demonstrations and posters to show different methods of torture suffered by fellow practitioners in China. At the same time, other practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises. Practitioners introduced to the public, in English and Danish, the five-year long persecution of Falun Gong in China and the facts about Falun Dafa.
Ukraine: Introducing Falun Dafa at the "Window of Folk-Custom" Festival in Kiev
2004-06-29On June the 19th 2004, Ukrainian practitioners joined the “Window of Folk-Custom” festival celebrations in Kiev. Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and performed a dance. We also hung a golden banner with the words “Falun Dafa” and “Zhen (Truthfulness), Shan (Compassion), Ren (Tolerance)”.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to the “Festival of Peace” in Glasgow, Scotland
2004-06-28Everyone knows that this persecution of good people is wrong and now more and more are willing to speak out to support what is right. One woman was heard to say to her young daughter while signing the petition condemning the brutal crackdown against the practise in mainland China, “Sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in!”
Belgium: Introducing Falun Gong at a School in Brussels
2004-06-28On the morning of Thursday June the 24th, we explained to the children how to be a good person according to the Falun Gong principles of Truthfulness,Compassion and Tolerance, and we demonstrated the exercises and exposed the evil persecution in mainland China by means of a slide show, which told the story of little Fadu.
Parade in Vienna Captured the Hearts of Many Onlookers
2004-06-28The parade through the centre of Vienna attracted the attention of many people as it made its way through the crowded streets on the 19th of June 2004. As they absorbed the unexpected display of traditional Chinese culture, thousands of people took leaflets and materials, and many stopped practitioners to ask them more about the significance of the parade, and about Falun Gong.
UK: Introducing Falun Dafa in Leeds
2004-06-27On June the 19th 2004, a group of Falun Gong practitioners held activities in Leeds city centre to introduce Falun Dafa and tell people about the campaign of genocide that is being waged against practitioners in China. Many people enquired about Falun Gong and many immediately wrote down the details of local practise sites and expressed wishes to come and learn the exercises.
Morning Exercise Practise before the Experience Sharing Conference in Vienna
2004-06-27Before the 2004 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Vienna, in the early morning of June 20th, about 150 of the conference attendees gathered to practise the Falun Gong exercises together. The scene was reminiscent of China before the persecution when people would gather together in the mornings to practise before work.
Grand Falun Gong Parade Through the City of Vienna: The Dancing Performance
2004-06-26When Falun Gong practitioners paraded through the city-centre of Vienna on June 19th, the residents were deeply moved. The second part of this parade was a dancing performance, which was composed of the lotus dance, the flower-basket dance, the fan dance, etc. performed by female Falun Gong practitioners in colourful Chinese costumes.