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Belgium: Schoolchildren are Enthusiastic to Hear about Falun Gong and are Concerned about the Persecution
2005-02-16On the 16th of November, practitioners from Belgium were invited to a school in the city of Hasselt to introduce Falun Gong and the persecution against the practice in China to a class of ten to twelve year-old children. The children were very enthusiastic. The visit was successful and the teacher was very pleased that the practitioners were able to attend.
Sweden: Falun Gong practitioners Appeal for an End the Persecution at the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm
2005-02-16On February 6th 2005, on the eve of the Chinese New Year, Stockholm Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy to make a peaceful appeal. They called for the ongoing brutal persecution against Falun Gong in China to end immediately.
Switzerland: Davos Residents and Officials from the World Economic Forum Support Human Right for China's Persecuted Dafa Practitioners
2005-02-15At the end of January 2005, the annual World Economic Forum was held in the famous Swiss ski-resort, Davos. Many countries sent their top officials to attend. During the last two days of the meeting (29th and 30th) Dafa practitioners in Switzerland organised anti-torture exhibitions and activities to let people know about Falun Gong.
Letter from Ukrainian Practitioners to Officials from the Chinese Embassy
2005-02-15"In the human race’s history, those people who have contributed to truth and justice are being respected and admired by people, and what’s more they have left compassion and equity in people’s memories forever. In the New Year, we hope that the representatives of China in Ukraine will manifest their courage and justice and can all stand on justice’s side, together upholding human rights and legality. Help to stop the inhumane persecution happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China, and leave behind a beautiful future for your descendants."
United Kingdom: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution by the River Thames in London
2005-02-13On Saturday February 5th, visitors to the New Tate Gallery in London were able to see demonstrations of the Falun Gong exercises. As always, many passers-by had questions to ask; they watched the exercises, took the information available, and learned of the great benefits people have received from practising Falun Gong.
Sweden: Stories from the Appeal at the Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg
2005-02-13Over the last five years, since Jiang Zemin launched the persecution against Falun Gong, practitioners have been at the Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg appealing for an end to the suffering of the innocent people who practise Falun Gong in China. In an attempt to conceal their violations of human rights and of China’s own constitution, the consulate has now taken action to limit the peaceful appeals. Practitioners received support from politicians and the media, who published several supportive articles exposing the Chinese Communist regime’s attempts to deny people their fundamental human rights.
United Kingdom: Anti-Torture Exhibition Tour Arrives in Birmingham
2005-02-12Passers-by carefully read the poster displays introducing Falun Gong and exposing the persecution of the practice by the Chinese communist regime. People queued to sign a petitions calling for an end to the persecution and for the perpetrators behind these human rights atrocities to be brought to justice.
Sweden: Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm to Draw Attention to the Escalated Persecution in China
2005-02-12Practitioners gathered outside the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm to draw attention to the escalating persecution in China. More than 170 deaths have been reported since the beginning of this year. It is now more than a month since the 200 Falun Gong practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province started their hunger strike and they are now in danger.
Germany: First Anti-Torture Exhibition in Heidelberg Demonstrates the Persecution Against Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-02-11When people received flyers and asked for more detailed information, practitioners elaborated on the details about Falun Gong and the five-year campaign of genocide against the practice. Many people signed a petition calling for the instigator of the persecution, former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, to be brought to justice in a court of law for his crimes against humanity.
Russia: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong in Moscow City Centre and Appealing to End the Persecution
2005-02-10Moscow practitioners gathered at Slavyanskaya Square to make an urgent appeal. Recently, Jiang and his followers have utilised the Chinese Communist organisations to intensify their ongoing persecution. Russian practitioners felt that it is their responsibility to let people know the facts and call for their support in bringing the suppression to an end.
Sweden: Celebrating Falun Dafa Day in Lerum
2005-02-10Sunday 30th of January was the third annual Falun Dafa Day in Lerum. A lot of shops close on Sundays so the practitioners met outside the Water Palace where there is a big swimming pool, gym and healthcare facilities. Lots of people passed by this area, took leaflets and waited in a queue to sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution.
Latvia: Appealing for an Immediate End to the Persecution at the Chinese Embassy
2005-02-09Latvian Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy to appeal for an immediate end to the inhumane persecution happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China. Between 200,000 and 1 million have been illegally sent to forced labour camps without trials where human rights workers have documented over 38,000 specific cases of torture or severe abuse.
Italy: Raising Awareness about the Persecution to Tourists at the Coliseum in Rome
2005-02-08Ever since July 2004, Dafa practitioners have been displaying information boards at this tourist spot at least three days a week. While some of the Chinese tourists approach practitioners to take a leaflet and find out more, others are scared and keep their distance, simply staring at the banners reading, “Falun Dafa is Good” and “Righteousness will Prevail and Bring Jiang to Justice”.
Russia: Saint Petersburg People Show their Support for Falun Gong
2005-02-08Falun Gong practitioners from Saint Petersburg went to Nevsky Metro Station to promote Falun Gong and raise awareness about the gross human rights violations happening to their fellow practitioners in China. After learning the truth about Falun Gong and that it is being wrongly persecuted, people took the initiative to sign a petition calling for an immediate end to the persecution.
A Letter from the European Falun Dafa Association
2005-02-07"We have recently learned of a sinister campaign being conducted by the Chinese authorities to target foreign governments and their institutions. Their aim is to spread lies, incite hatred and create misunderstanding against people who practise a popular form of traditional Chinese practice called Falun Gong. In the Ukraine, for example, they have disseminated their sensational and outrageous propaganda to the Ministry of Education and Sciences forcing the authorities to disseminate it to all departments and areas. We would like to forewarn you of the latest ploy in their campaign both at home and abroad to “eradicate Falun Gong”."