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Hungary: Letting People Know More about Dafa during Hu Jintao's Visit to Budapest
2004-06-16During Hu Jintao's visit to Hungary, Dafa practitioners visited local newspapers and a radio station to talk about the abuse that practitioners of Falun Gong suffer in China. They also stressed that the Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai, who is also on official visit in Budapest, has been the subject of lawsuits in countries around the world for his crimes against humanity. They also gave a gift of beautiful lotus flowers made from coloured paper to media personnel they talked to.
United Kingdom: Introducing Falun Dafa and Revealing the Facts of the Persecution During the Glasgow Festival
2004-06-16On Saturday June 12th and Sunday June 13th, Falun Dafa practitioners from all over the UK took part in the Glasgow Festival. On Saturday, practitioners displayed the tranquil Falun Gong exercises, explained the benefits of the practice to an audience in a local Library. On Sunday the practitioners performed traditional Chinese dancing and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.
Germany: Practitioners Appeal at the Chinese Consulate in Munich to Rescue Beijing Dafa Practitioner Ms Chen Jie
2004-06-15On June the 11th, German practitioners appealed at the Chinese Consulate in Munich to urge the unconditional release of Beijing Dafa practitioner Chen Jie, who was a staff member of Beijing Youan Hospital’s Laboratory Centre. On June the 2nd 2004, she was illegally arrested at home again by Shijingshan District’s police, and sent to a brainwashing centre.
France: Explaining the Facts about Falun Gong in Marseilles and Commemorating Fellow Practitioners who have been Persecuted to Death
2004-06-14On June 5th, 2004, at the invitation of the French Marseilles International Amnesty Organisation, French practitioners joined a signature collection and other activities. After viewing the display boards and the photos of those who have been killed during the persecution, a lot of passersby came to ask us about the truth, sent their sympathy and support, and said they would like to pass on the truth to more people.
Poland: Chinese Diplomats Use Illegal Actions in Attempts to Stop Falun Gong Appeal
2004-06-12The beginning of June 2004 saw a visit from the Chinese President Hu Jintao to Poland, accompanied by Minister of Trade Bo Xilai, who has played a significant and extremely evil role in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Because of this, Bo Xilai has already been the subject of legal action in other countries that he has visited, including the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States. Polish practitioners also employed legal action to file a lawsuit against this human rights criminal.
Germany: A Letter to the President of the EU and Members of the European Parliament
2004-06-12"My mother was tormented with lots of physical problems before she started practising Falun Gong. By practising Falun Gong, she became very healthy. Cultivators like my mother and my sister who really benefited from Falun Gong, will not make false statements slandering Falun Gong according to the will of dictator Jiang Zemin. This is the basic principle of a human being."
Interview: A Western Practitioner's Appeal in China
2004-06-12The decision to go to Beijing in January 2002 with the intention of appealing for Falun Gong was one which Falun Gong practitioner Earl made with little need for reflection. Talking with a Clearharmony reporter in his West London home, the forty year-old TV cameraman describes how he was inspired by a previous appeal of thirty-five western Falun Gong practitioners a few months earlier.
The Norwegian Clearharmony Website is Officially Launched
2004-06-11The Norwegian Clearharmony website aims to reveal the facts about Falun Gong, to give readers first hand information about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, to display the voices of support for Falun Gong from all over the world, to let readers know the efforts made by Falun Gong practitioners to stop this persecution, and to provide a forum for practitioners across Europe to share their thoughts and views.
Ireland's Chinese Ambassador Declares That Liu Feng Can Return to Ireland to Study
2004-06-11On May 11th, a week after Wen Jiabao visited Ireland, Chinese Ambassador Sha Hailin actively made an appointment with the Union of Students in Ireland. According to the Union President, during the talks he asked the Chinese Ambassador Sha Hailin if Liu Feng and Yang Fang are allowed to come back to Ireland if they want to. Sha Hailin answered that Liu Feng can return to Ireland.
UK: The Second Anniversary of the Twenty-Four Hour Peaceful Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy in London
2004-06-11UK practitioners have maintained a twenty-four hour peaceful appeal in front of Chinese Embassy in London for two years. Local residents and passing drivers have been moved by the peaceful and persistent action. A member of the UK parliament said, "If you want to know what a peaceful appeal is, you should go and have a look in front of the Chinese Embassy."
Letter to the Chairman of the National People's Congress from Falun Gong Practitioners in Norway
2004-06-10"In your country there is a very good qigong method named Falun Gong. Its harmonious exercises and good values of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance have given us all great joy. We look at it as the most precious gift in our lives...We believe you know Falun Gong has benefited many people. After research in 1998 led by the former chairman of the National People's Congress, Mr. Qiao Shi, Falun Gong was characterised as "having hundreds of positive effects and no damage to the country and its people".
Norway: Bringing the Compassion of Falun Gong Practitioners to a Nursery School in Oslo
2004-06-10On May the 26th, Jane Dai and her daughter Fadu, together with Norwegian practitioners, were invited to Elvebakken Nursery School in Oslo to introduce Falun Gong and the persecution to schoolchildren through the Petals for Peace project. The children learned how Fadu misses her father after he was taken away by Chinese policemen just because he practised Falun Gong.
Bulgaria: More People in Bulgaria Learn the Truth
2004-06-10Last week, at a book exhibition held in the Bulgarian capital city of Sofia, the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association and Gutoranove & Son Publication Co. jointly issued Falun Gong in the Bulgarian language. People are awakening gradually. More and more Bulgarians see the magnificence of Falun Gong and understand the cruelty of the persecution. Righteous people are beginning to support Falun Gong and oppose the persecution one after another.
Norway: Dafa Practitioners' Appeal During Chinese Dignitary's Visit Receives Enthusiastic Support
2004-06-09On June 3rd, the Chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC), Wu Bangguo, paid a visit to the Norwegian Parliament. Norwegian practitioners wanted to appeal to Mr Wu to help end the vicious persecution of innocent Falun Gong practitioners taking place in China. At the same time we also wanted to show him that, even in a small arctic country like Norway, people practise Falun Gong and value the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.
Sweden: Overwhelming Response at a Festival in Malmo
2004-06-09On a beautiful day in May, Swedish and Danish Dafa practitioners participated in a Cultural Festival in Malmo, Sweden. Practitioners performed the Fan Dance and Lotus Dance, demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and talked with people about Dafa and the brutal persecution in China.