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Regarding the lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin and Other Chinese Officials for their Crimes of Persecuting Falun Gong: A Declaration by the Irish Falun Dafa Association
2003-12-20Whereas, testimonies by many victims from different countries who have been personally persecuted in China, reports from the UN Human Rights Commission Working Groups, reports from Human Rights organisations etc. have all proved without doubt that the on-going persecution of Falun Gong in China instigated by Jiang Zemin has caused the killing, torturing, illegal detention of numerous Falun Gong practitioners.........
Ukraine: Dafa Practitioners in Kiev Peacefully Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy
2003-12-20This activity, held in conjunction with World Human Rights Day two days earlier, was organised to draw more people's attention to the persecution of Falun Gong in China, and to stop the Chinese Embassy from spreading slanderous lies against Falun Gong in the Ukraine.
UK: Falun Gong practitioners Hold a Rally and Parade on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-20Letters of support from Members of the European Parliament, UK Parliament, Scottish parliament, as well as members of the Greater London council, were read out. They said that human rights have no boundaries, and that only if the leaders of China truly respect human rights can they win respect from the world.
Germany: Supporting the Lawsuit Against Jiang in Karlsruhe City
2003-12-20On the 13th of December 2003, German Dafa practitioners gathered in Karlsruhe to inform the public of the lawsuit filed in Germany against Jiang Zemin. The indictment of the lawsuit, which accuses sixteen Chinese government officials, including Jiang Zemin, of Genocide, Torture and Crimes Against Humanity was submitted to Germany’s Supreme Court in Karlsruhe.
UK: Scottish Practitioners Clarify the Facts in the City of Glasgow
2003-12-19On the 13th of December, despite overcast and rainy weather, Scottish Falun Gong practitioners went to Glasgow city centre to clarify the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong to the general public. They handed out leaflets, demonstrated the exercises and displayed materials revealing the nature of the persecution.
Germany: Falun Gong Information Day Held in Regensburg on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-19A representative from the NGO "International Association for Human Rights" in Karmu city encouraged people to act according to their conscience: "We cannot watch unjust treatment being done to others without doing something ourselves while living in this world. We should take some action, and do something for the tens of thousands Falun Gong practitioners who are suffering in prison."
Austria: Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts and Clarifying the Facts on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-19Dafa practitioners in Vienna, Austria gathered to expose the slanderous lies that the Jiang regime has fabricated to deceive the general public, and to tell people the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. After reading the banners and watching the exercise demonstrations, many people asked for more information from the practitioners.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Activities to Raise Awareness about the Lawsuit Against Jiang on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-18On the 10th of December, World Human Rights Day, Falun Gong practitioners held events accross Germany to appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong, with a focus on the theme of suing Jiang Zemin for his role in instigating the persecution and the theme of rescuing Xiong Wei, a German practitioner currently incarcerated in China.
Sweden: Appealing to the Public to Pay Attention to Human Rights in China on Santa Lucia Day
2003-12-18Malmo is a sister city of Tangshan in China. Taking advantage of Santa Lucia Day, Falun Gong practitioners in Malmo explained the persecution that Falun Gong practitioners have suffered in Tangshan, and brought the people of Malmo’s attention to the persecution in China. Practitioners displayed cases of persecution that have occurred in Tangshan, including the death and the brutal torture of Falun Gong practitioners.
UK: Scottish Dafa Practitioners Hold a Parade on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-18On the day, the wind was strong with slight rain. The banners were blown vigorously by the wind and were difficult to hold, but every practitioner stuck to their task and the parade went ahead despite the wind. The effect of promoting the Fa was very good and was beyond practitioner's expectations.
Falun Gong Practitioners Ask the European Court of Human Rights to Hear Their Call for Justice
2003-12-17"We thank everybody who has supported this case thus far, and have joined our call for justice. We are grateful to the Belgian government for allowing the possibility of starting this procedure in front of the European Court. Our confidence in the legal system is firm and it is for this reason that we continue to insist on wishing to defend our case in front of a Belgian judge. Martin Luther King once said that ‘Justice is indivisible. A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’ and that ‘a man can only be a man if he can stand up for what he believes in'."
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners in Munich Appeal Against the Persecution on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-17On World Human Rights Day, Falun Gong practitioners protested outside the Chinese Consulate in Munich against the Jiang regime's violations of human rights in the persecution of Falun Gong. A representative from the International Organisation for Human Rights (IGFM) attended and made a speech to condemn these abuses.
Ireland: Vigil in Front of the Chinese Embassy on International Human Rights Day
2003-12-16The persecution of Falun Gong in China has been ongoing for more than four years. Most people in the city of Dublin are familiar with this evil repression that has been triggered by the Jiang regime, and have supported practitioners with many acts of kindness. Many have also chosen to walk the path of Truth, Benevolence and Forbearance by beginning cultivation in Dafa.
Ukraine: Falun Dafa Practitioners Invited to Attend the “Benevolence” Expo in Kiev
2003-12-16Practitioners demonstrated the exercises daily at the expo and many people learned more about Falun Dafa. Some of the practitioners organised performances such as dances, songs and poems. The management felt that Falun Gong was the most positive group and awarded practitioners with a Prize Certificate.
Austria: Dafa Practitioners Invited To Hold an Information Day at the Martini Annual Fair
2003-12-15On December the 10th, Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to hold an information activity at the Martini Annual Fair. Many pedestrians learned the facts about Falun Gong from our activity. One of the people who came to the activities was a member of the European Union. She said that she is very sympathetic towards practitioners.