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Sweden: Telling People about Falun Gong, Article 23 and the Lawsuit Against the Instigators of the Persecution
2003-06-30This weekend, practitioners in Växjö took to the streets to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and let more people know about the severe persecution of practitioners in China. We told people about the lawsuits against several of the people responsible for this persecution, and we told them about Article 23, which is an enormous threat against democracy and human rights in Hong Kong.
Sweden: Collecting Signatures in Malmo City to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-29We hung up a banner and set up display boards, and more and more people offered to sign their names. Through signing their names, they expressed their surprise and anger at the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiangs regime. Some of them asked, Why is such a peaceful movement banned in China? People here can belong to all kinds of movements. Others said, You are all nice people, why should they persecute you?
Sweden: Help the people of Hong Kong to keep their rights to freedom of expression, belief and association.
2003-06-29On 28 June 2003, as part of the global action against the implementation of Article 23 in Hong Kong, practitioners in several Swedish cities informed the public about the threat of Hong Kongs new national security bill. Many Swedish people approached practitioners and asked to sign a petition supporting the Hong Kong people.
Germany: Collecting Signatures to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin and Rescue our Relatives
2003-06-28German practitioners campaign to collect petition signatures in Varsburg has now entered its fourth week and many people have signed our petition. During this month-long campaign, more and more people have found out about this activity and go out of their way to talk with practitioners and ask about the prosecution of Jiang Zemin. In particular, our campaign has been highly supported by the largest local newspaper.
Ireland: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Special Olympics
2003-06-28As the crowds were entering the stadium, Falun Gong practitioners from Ireland demonstrated the exercises. They also exhibited a banner which read Falun Gong practitioners welcome the Chinese athletes in both Chinese and English. Some families took pictures in front of the practitioners banner. Drivers blew their horns to show their support.
France: Dafa Practitioners Participate in the Paris Expo
2003-06-26This annual expo is a particularly popular event and this year it attracted over 2 million visitors. Accompanied by elegant music, some practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises to the audience, while others explained the principles of cultivation, told people about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and outlined the activities of practitioners all over the world in their efforts to stop this persecution.
Germany: Munich Chinese Consulate Officials are Scared of Banner Reading Support Genocide Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-26Dafa practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese consulate in Munich to support the global campaign to bring Jiang Zemin to justice. From June 19 to 22, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts every hour.
Holland: Promoting the Fa and Explaining the Facts at the Forest Park in Apeldoorn City
2003-06-25On Saturday June 21, the annual large-scale Multi-Cultural Festival was held by the Holland Immigration Bureau and the Refugee Association at the beautiful and quiet Forest Park in Apeldoorn. Holland Falun Gong practitioners were also invited to demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises.
France: Photo Report - Introducing Falun Gong near the Eiffel Tower
2003-06-25 -
Netherlands: Photo Report - Dafa Practitioners Send forth Righteous Thoughts in front of the Chinese Embassy to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-06-25 -
Germany: Frankfurt Practitioners Collect Petition Signatures Supporting the Trials of Jiang
2003-06-25Practitioners from Frankfurt and other areas answered peoples questions and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises. Many people signed a petition calling for the people of the world to bring Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin to justice. Recently one phenomenon has become more and more popular: there are always people who come back to our stand and want to talk to us more or those who sit on the nearby benches enjoying the harmonious atmosphere.
UK: Peaceful Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-24The practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts at the top of each hour and told the people of London the facts about Falun Gong. People signed their names on a petition to bring Jiang to justice. It is clear that the dictator will be brought to pay for his wicked crimes against humanity, not only through legal courts, but also through the peoples courts of morality and conscience.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in a Music Festival
2003-06-24Every year on the 21st June, many cities in France hold a mid-summer music festival. This event has gained mass popularity, and this year it even attracted participation from cities around the world, including Chicago. Falun Gong practitioners also participated in this years festival, showing people the graceful dances of Chinese traditional culture as well as the beautiful movements of the Falun Gong exercises.
Switzerland: Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts and Tell People the Facts to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-24From June 13th to 15th, Swiss Dafa practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese embassy and consulates in Zurich, Bern and Geneva. The practitioners also used various ways to voice their support for the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, to tell people about the terrible crimes committed by this dictator and to let more people know the truth about Falun Gong.
Germany: Falun Gong gave a Wonderful Performance as part of the 1000th Birthday Celebrations in the Ancient Town of Kronach
2003-06-24After the parade finished, the governor gave permission for us to perform the dances and exercise demonstration on a nearby stage. He took photos and agreed to be videotaped with practitioners by a TV station. Some practitioners demonstrated the exercises on the grass in the background, and collected signatures for rescuing Ms. Xiong Wei. People stood quietly in the rain, waiting to sign their names. A state councillor from the Kronach area also signed his name to support the rescue of Xiong Wei.