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Practitioners in the UK are Seeking Legal Means to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice for Genocide
2003-08-18'Jiang Zemin must be held accountable for genocide against Falun Gong practitioners and brought to justice for his crimes against humanity, committed over four years of the most despicable persecution in history...Practitioners of Falun Gong in the UK are determined to use any legal means possible to seek reparation and justice for the crimes Jiang has committed against Falun Gong practitioners.'
Germany: Letting People Know the Truth at an Information Day in Limburg City
2003-08-18At the very beginning, there were three young Chinese people standing at a distance from us and looking at us with suspicion. After talking to practitioners for half an hour, they came to our table to learn about the persecution of Falun Gong in China in detail. They told us that we should broadcast the truth about the persecution on TV.
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Write to all Members of Parliament about Preparations to File a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-08-17A case against Jiang Zemin is not a political statement. It is a case that fits within the original goals of the Belgian law on genocide: bring those who form a threat to humanity and to Belgian citizens to justice. A case against Jiang Zemin is not a case against China. Neither China nor the Chinese government is responsible for the persecution of more then one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners in the world. It is Jiang Zemin who tries to involve a complete nation and the government of that nation in his personal battle against Falun Gong.
UK: A Thank You Letter to Practitioners from the Organisers of the Edinburgh Festival
2003-08-17For the second year in a row, Falun Gong practitioners won first prize in the opening parade of Edinburghs world famous international festival. Pictures of practitioners also appeared on the front page of several Scottish newspapers. Recently, festival organisers wrote a letter to Falun Gong practitioners to express their gratitude and to ask them to pick up the first prize trophy.
Finland: SOS Tour Attracts Media Attention in Every City
2003-08-17During this SOS Tour, practitioners had some great opportunities to tell people about the legal process to bring Jiang to justice. In some of the cities they visited, people had never seen Falun Dafa before and were supportive. In every city, a journalist from the local newspaper came to report on the activity and practitioners appeared on the front page of the following days paper.
Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland are preparing to Sue Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin
2003-08-16Ireland is a country with a population of only 3 to 4 million, a small island on the western flank of the European continent. But in such a small country so far away from China, people have still been the victims of Chinese dictator Jiang Zemins campaign of persecution against Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland are working together with a team of prominent Irish lawyers to launch a lawsuit and bring Jiang Zemin to Justice in Ireland.
Sweden: Celebrating Five Years of Falun Dafa in Kalmar City
2003-08-16Five years ago, we did not even have a video tape to learn the exercises from. We had the book Falun Gong, with pictures of the exercises. We put a key on top of the page so that it was not turned over by the wind and then we practised the exercises, comparing our movements to the pictures. We tried to perfect our movements by pointing out each others mistakes.
UK: Irish and UK Dafa Practitioners Work Together to Publicise the Family Rescue Campign in Northern Ireland
2003-08-15Over three days, the UK practitioner and some Irish practitioners went to three of the biggest cities in Ireland - the capital Dublin, Galway, and Limerick - and three important cities in Northern Ireland - the capital Belfast, Lisburn, and Newtown. We gave petition letters and details of the family rescue cases to local councillors and the media.
Belgian Practitioners Officially Announce the Preparation of a Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-08-14Falun Gong practitioners were invited for an interview on one of Belgiums leading radio news programs. Belgian practitioners have already received an encouraging message from a Belgian political party, saying that they support this initiative, wish the practitioners success and hope that the result of the lawsuit will be good.
UK: People Can Feel the Goodness of Falun Dafa During Activities in Solihull City Centre
2003-08-14Amazed at how peaceful the exercises looked, many people took information about free classes around the UK and learned more about the brutal persecution that has now been happening in China for over four years. Many people I spoke to were astonished that such a peaceful practice could be so viciously persecuted.
UK: Touching Peoples Hearts at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2003-08-13A Western man and a Hong Kong lady had heard some of Jiangs propaganda about Falun Gong. A Chinese practitioner talked with them and showed them photos of persecuted practitioners. They said they had suspected that the propaganda was lies and now it was confirmed. They left after wishing the practitioner good luck.
Sweden: Falun Dafa Catches People's Attention at the Middle Ages Festival in Gotland
2003-08-13No matter whether practitioners practised exercises in the park or demonstrated them by the roadside, they caught the attention of passers-by, who came over to ask for flyers. Practitioners grasped every opportunity to let people know more about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution that is happening in China.
First day of the Sub-Commission on Human Rights at the UN: Falun Gong Practitioners Reported on the Progress of the Lawsuits Against Jiang
2003-08-12"In Chicago, United States of America, a lawsuit was filed against Jiang Zemin in October 2002 by survivors of Chinas forced labour camps...More has been done, however: in Switzerland and worldwide, Falun Gong Associations around the world, together with the international Swiss-based NGO TRIAL have set up an international network of lawyers specializing in human rights with the aim of bringing Jiang Zemin and all those responsible for the persecution to justice."
UK: Falun Gong Won First Prize Again in Edinburgh's World-Famous Festival Cavalcade
2003-08-12"Winning this prize for the second year in a row truly shows Falun Gong's popularity in the western society. This heartfelt support creates a stark contrast to the campaign of genocide and propaganda that Jiang Zemin has used to turn people against Falun Gong in China, where people who practise Falun Gong are not rewarded but are tortured, raped, beaten and murdered."
Sweden: Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of Dafas Introduction to Kalmar City
2003-08-12August 9th 2003 was exactly five years since Kalmar Citys first Falun Gong practitioner began to practise. After August 9th 1998, people in the city have seen Falun Gong practitioners performing the exercises and promoting Dafa in the beautiful and peaceful Castle Park every Saturday morning. During the past five years, practitioners in Kalmar City have become more and more mature and steadfast in their cultivation.