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Czech Republic: Zhang Cuiyings Exhibition for VIPs in Prague
2003-05-02One Senator was deeply moved by the experiences of Falun Gong practitioners in China, as well as their kindness, and he was touched by the beauty of Zhang Cuiyings paintings. He offered his help and said that he believes Dafa practitioners can find a lot of support among the Czech government officials.
Croatia: Human Rights Official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Encourages Practitioners to Appeal for Human Rights
2003-05-01In April 2003, practitioner Zhang Cuiying exhibited her artwork in Zagreb. She also accompanied practitioners to visit the Chief of the Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who encouraged her to continue holding exhibitions to help people learn the true facts about the persecution of Falun Gong. The practitioners presented detailed information about the genocide lawsuit against Jiang Zemin to the Foreign Ministry.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Activities to Commemorate the April 25 Appeal
2003-05-01The beautiful exercise demonstration attracted many people who expressed their anger at the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong. They signed the petition to urge the German government to be more proactive in rescuing the detained Falun Gong practitioner Xiong Wei, and other detained family members of German Falun Gong practitioners.
Czech Republic: Opening Day of Painting Exhibition in Prague is a Great Success
2003-05-01A Czech TV station sent a camera crew to film the exhibition preparation and this footage was shown as part of an interview with the artist. During the interview, footage of the Jiang regimes state terrorism against Falun Gong practitioners was shown. This was broadcast nationwide on the Czech Republics main television channel.
Hungary: Zhang Cuiyings Painting Exhibition Successfully held in Budapest
2003-04-30Many people were deeply touched by Cuiyings paintings and her personal story of suffering in Chinese jails for 8 months because of her practice of Falun Gong. Visitors to the exhibition sat down and keenly watched the Falun Dafa videos that exposed the facts of the persecution. A Hungarian television crew were at the exhibition. They were also deeply moved by Cuiyings artwork.
Germany: Letter to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin on the 4th Anniversary of the April 25 Appeal
2003-04-30"Practitioners peacefully waited for more than 13 hours without banners or slogans, until the Prime Minister Zhu Rongji made clear the official stance on the matter...The ban and persecution of Falun Gong has endangered the lives of more than 70 million Chinese citizens and their relatives, as well as threatened their chances of education and work. We are here to urge you to please listen to the truth about the Zhongnanhai event, and witness the facts."
Finland: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong in the City of Oulu
2003-04-30Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises on a pedestrian street in the centre of the city, and displayed materials as well as handing out flyers that exposed the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Many people were happy to take the flyers and stopped to talk to the practitioners to learn more.
Germany: Practitioners Clarify the Facts about the Persecution to Commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of the April 25th Appeal
2003-04-30Practitioners quietly practised the exercises, sent forth righteous thoughts, and exposed the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong by displaying posters and banners. The content of the posters was comprehensive and people read them carefully. Many people wanted to learn more about Falun Gong and we often had the chance to talk with people individually.
Spain: Appealing in front of the Chinese Embassy to Commemorate Four Years since the April 25 Appeal in Beijing
2003-04-30 -
France: Guadeloupe Falun Gong Practitioners Commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of the Beijing Peaceful Appeal at a Human Rights High School
2003-04-30 -
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners from Frankfurt Hold Activity to Commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of the Beijing Peaceful Appeal
2003-04-30 -
Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of the April 25th Appeal
2003-04-29On April 25th 2003, Italian practitioners held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese consulates in Milan and Florence to commemorate the April 25th appeal at Zhongnanhai in 1999. During the past four years, Dafa practitioners have consistently exposed the truth about the Jiang regimes persecution in China and around the world.
Ireland: Dafa Practitioners Hold Activities to Commemorate April 25
2003-04-29On April 25 2003, Dafa practitioners from Ireland held a press conference outside the Chinese Embassy in Dublin to commemorate four years since the April 25 peaceful appeal in Beijing. They also collected signatures at Dublin's two universities to rescue practitioners Liu Feng and Yang Fang, who were detained after returning to China from Ireland in 1999.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Rally to Commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of the April 25th Appeal
2003-04-29Four years ago, ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to peacefully appeal to the government to uphold their basic rights as Chinese citizens. Jiang Zemin spread lies about this event to turn peoples heart against Falun Dafa and launch his brutal campaign of terror against Dafa practitioners.
Denmark: Dafa Practitioners Commemorate the Peaceful Appeal in Beijing on April 25th 1999
2003-04-29One lady carefully read the materials that practitioners were handing out and also carefully examined the display boards, before she had to leave. She soon returned and silently placed a bunch of flowers in front of the photos of the practitioners who have lost their lives during the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong.