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Germany: Introducing Falun Gong During the Chinese Week in Hamburg
2002-10-21We held a "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition and demonstrated Falun Dafa exercises downtown. Many Chinese passing by showed great interest and accepted our information and materials without any hesitation. They seemed to be very happy to have an opportunity to learn about Falun Gong and looked at the photo displat for a long time.
Czech Republic/Slovakia: Introducing Dafa and Clarifying the Truth
2002-10-19In Prague, where there are many tourists, we meet many people who have known for long time Falun Dafa is good and they are well informed about the situation in China. They tell us: Go on. We keep our fingers crossed for you.
Letter from a Practitioner to the Prime Minister of Belgium
2002-10-19Mr. Prime Minister, I, on behalf of the tens of millions of people persecuted in China, sincerely request that you could investigate this issue, take firm actions to support the justice and urge the Chinese government to stop the persecution immediately. -- Zhao Ming
Austria: Practitioners Hold a Parade Entitled Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance---Source of Peace
2002-10-17On October 12, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners from Austria held a parade and an information day with the theme of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance --- Source of Peace at the City of Graz.
Poland: Week Long Vigil Held in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2002-10-16At the start of the vigil, the weather changed and became quite stormy. But despite this, practitioners remained resolute. It was this resilience and pure heart that touched the passers-by.
Ireland: Falun Gong practitioners letter to the Ukraine Ministry of Education
2002-10-15But there are deeper benefits, which I have come to experience. I have found that by applying the principles of Falun Gong; Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, students come to have a respect for my moral standpoint and this then sets them a standard by which they must adhere to in my class.
France: Mayor of Versailles Meets Zhao Ming and Toulouse Media Report Falun Gong
2002-10-14On October 1 2002, Zhao Ming, a practitioner who endured almost 2 years in a Chinese labour camp for his faith in Falun Dafa, met with the Mayor of Versailles Mr. Pinte MP. Mr. Pinte was very pleased at Zhao Ming's release. He expressed his admiration for Zhao Ming's courage in prison and his strong beliefs.
UK: Activities at the UK's largest Contemporary Biennial Arts Festival in Liverpool
2002-10-14Practitioners were graced with a fine day and demonstrated the exercises outside in the heart of the city centre, often attracting a large audience of passers-by. Members of the public were transfixed by the simplicity and serenity of the Falun Gong exercises and were eager to take leaflets; 2000 leaflets were distributed to the public in the space of a few short hours.
Ukraine: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in City Festival Celebration
2002-10-14As our presentation finished, we sincerely asked everyone to remember "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". A local artist was deeply moved by our performance and unexpectedly presented us with one of his paintings. He was almost in tears when we had a conversation with him. We thanked him and had a photo taken with him.
UK: University Lecturer Urges Ukrainian Education Minister to resist Chinese propaganda
2002-10-14A UK university lecturer has written to the Ukrainian Education Minister to inform him of Falun Gong, its support in the UK and the classes and associations in UK universities. In particular, he has asked the Minister to resist Jiang's attempt to pollute the young minds of his country with Chinese state propaganda.
Iceland: Falun Gong Practitioners Clarified the truth to the President
2002-10-12 -
Falun Gong Exhibition Held Every Day in Front of Koeln Cathedral Since June 2002
2002-10-12Koeln Cathedral is an important sightseeing stop and attracts visitors from around the world. Every day several hundred, sometimes even close to a thousand Chinese tourists come to visit the cathedral. Three of the nine photo display boards are in Chinese, and many Chinese tourists have expressed interest in our exhibition.
Germany: Practitioners Invited to Attend a Press Conference Hosted by the Green Party in Hamburg City Hall
2002-10-11We would like to thank Green Party again for their concern about human rights in China, and also pass on the thanks of the Chinese practitioners who cannot speak in public. It goes without saying that what we want is their freedom to practise Falun Dafa and not be under threat of violence, incarceration and even death.
Denmark: The Righteous Actions of Police Officers and Hotel Staff who Realize the Truth about Falun Gong
2002-10-11The police who had realized the truth gave us a lot of support for our peaceful appeals and activities. They showed their admiration several times to Dafa practitioners. As one policeman on duty in front of the Chinese Embassy said, You are even more peaceful than Gandhi.
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Revisit Wolfsburg City
2002-10-10In early June, Jiang Zemin visited Wolfsburg and signed an economic contract with the Volkswagen Automobile Company. Everywhere he went, he disturbed the lives of the citizens. He pressed the local government and police force to avoid seeing Falun Gong practitioners.