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Denmark: Showing the Power of Dafa in front of the Chinese Embassy
2002-10-28Danish practitioners who did not go to the US or Brussels, have in this special period gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy for four days to peacefully appeal and do Fa Zheng Nian [rough translation - send forth righteous thoughts. This can be understood as a type of meditation.].
Austria: Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Outside Chinese Embassy
2002-10-28Every night from October 22 to 27, Austrian practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Vienna to peacefully appeal and to Fa Zheng Nian [rough translation - send forth righteous thoughts. This can be understood as a type of meditation.].
Joint Announcement By Falun Dafa Associations in Europe: Falun Dafa Practitioners To Hold Peaceful Appeals In European Countries
2002-10-27To coincide with North American Falun Dafa practitioners' large scale activities during the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin's visit to the United States, practitioners in Europe will hold peaceful appeals in front of Chinese embassies and consulates in European countries between October 20, 2002 and October 27, 2002.
Germany: Practitioners Gather in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Munich
2002-10-27More and more kind-hearted Germans have realized the truth. They sincerely support us and hope that we will succeed. The practitioners also clarified the truth and handed out truth-clarifying materials to tourists from China at nearby scenic spots.
Austria: Strong Public Support During Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2002-10-27On the evening of October 22nd, people walked by our site one after another, and they all accepted the truth-clarifying materials that practitioners handed out. Many of them said, You are doing a great job! Some said, Carry on with it, and I support you.
UK: Practitioners Appeal Outside Embassy During Jiangs Overseas Visit
2002-10-27 -
France: Practitioners Peacefully Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy
2002-10-26In order for more people to learn about the persecution of Falun Gong and to help bring the persecution to a swift end, French practitioners peacefully appealed outside of the Chinese Embassy in France on the afternoon of October 23 2002.
Italy: Activities In Front of the Chinese Embassy in Milan
2002-10-26Practitioners in Italy have often been to the front of the Chinese embassy in Milan to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to people. Many Chinese asked to read Dafa books when they learnt about the truth and used all kinds of ways to express their concern towards practitioners. During this period, TV stations interviewed practitioners and did a very positive and touching report on Falun Dafa.
UK Practitioners Spread Falun Dafa at Modern Arts Celebration Day in Liverpool (Photos)
2002-10-24The dancing group was invited to give performances at the most famous hotel in Liverpool. We performed the Fan Dance and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Munich
2002-10-23On October 19th, the dark clouds densely covered the whole of Munich and the rain was cold. But when Dafa practitioners unfolded the Dafa banner reading, Falun Dafa in front of the consulate, the sky above the consulate began to clear up.
UK: Telling People the Facts About Dafa in Cambridge City Centre
2002-10-22A large group of children saw pictures of the persecuted practitioners in China and were very shocked and upset by Jiangs persecution. They all signed their names on the petition and immediately asked to learn the Falun Gong exercises. One practitioner taught them the exercises and they all left very happy.
Czech Republic: Practitioners Peacefully Remember the Victims of Persecution in China
2002-10-22A group of practitioners from different countries introduced Falun Dafa to the public in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. They also peacefully appealed in front of the Chinese Embassy against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemins visit to the USA that begins on Tuesday 22nd October.
Denmark: Amnesty International Holds Human Rights Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy
2002-10-22In a message to its members, Amnesty International mentioned the background of this activity, "Jiang and his regime's terrible record on human rights is highlighted. Besides persecuting Chinese people in large scale, they also utilize other countries' governments to persecute the freedom of Chinese people."
UK: Parade, Dancing and Exercise Demonstrations in the Historical City of Cambridge
2002-10-21 -
Clarifying the Truth at a Large Concert
2002-10-21In September and October 2002, world famous English musician and songwriter David Bowie went on tour through Europe visiting Germany, France, the UK, Sweden and other countries. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to each of his concerts so that they could clarify the truth of the persecution to the people there.