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Falun Gong Association (UK) Writes to Japanese Prime Minister
2002-10-01I understand that you will be visiting China soon and would like to take this opportunity to respectfully request your help in securing the release of Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Yoko Kaneko, who has been incarcerated in a labour re-education camp in China for exercising her basic rights of freedom of speech and belief.
Swedish Falun Dafa Association Writes to the Japanese Prime Minister
2002-10-01In May 24 2002, the Beijing police arrested Yoko, together with two other Japanese Falun Gong practitioners, when they were distributing leaflets appealing for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong...Their actions were actually noble and harmless to everybody. Out of compassion, they left the comfort of their homes attempting to help the thousands of innocent men, women and children who are unjustly persecuted in China.
Iceland: Photo and Chinese Painting Exhibitions Receive Warm Response from Icelandic Citizens and Support from Government Officials
2002-09-30On the opening day, an Icelandic national TV station reported on the exhibitions during their evening news program. The Chinese Embassy repeatedly pressured the Icelandic authorities to remove the exhibitions. A city official resolutely stated, No single photo should be taken down. It is Iceland, not China!
France: Practitioners Reveal the Facts about Dafa in the Streets of Paris
2002-09-30Practitioners in Paris came to the centre of the city to demonstrate exercises and clarify the truth about Dafa. They set up exhibition boards and used a projector to show videos which attracted the passing pedestrians.
Irish Practitioner's Letter to The Prime Minister of Japan, The Honourable Junichiro Koizumi
2002-09-30"We all seek truth throughout our lives, but quite often there is no one there to help us find it. The appeals in China offer a kind of truth that breaks through the propaganda used against Falun Gong. Our hope [is] to bring the facts of the persecution to millions of Chinese people..."
Ukraine: Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Invited to Attend a Local Newspapers Celebration Parade
2002-09-29The celebration began with a parade across the entire city ending at the central park. Although the Chinese Embassy put pressure on all of the Ukrainian media, after one year of of learning about Dafa and meeting the practitioners, the reporters were very supportive.
Introducing Falun Dafa in a Ukraine School
2002-09-28Recently, practitioners held a Falun Dafa introductory class at a school in Ukraine, which attracted great interest from both students and teachers. All of the attending students wanted to learn the Falun Gong exercises.
European Falun Dafa Association urges Japanese Prime Minister to Secure Release of Mrs. Yoko Kaneko from Chinese Labour Camp
2002-09-28"We call on you to raise the case of Mrs. Yoko Kaneko with the Beijing authority during your visit to China. Your help would be invaluable to the campaign for her personal freedom and adds to the international standing of Japan as a liberal and democratic society."
Presenting the True Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong to the Business Community
2002-09-27During the Europe Asia Business Forum in Denmark, practitioners distributed "business packages", which contained facts about how the persecution of Falun Gong affected business in China.
UK: Falun Gong Student Society Takes Part in University Freshers Fair
2002-09-26I spoke to a girl from China who was very surprised to hear that I (a westerner) practise Falun Gong. She said you would be arrested in China, arent you frightened? I told her that we are free to practice in peace in the UK and the rest of the world. I did my best to kindly explain to her that the media reports about Falun Gong in China are not true.
Germany: Clarifying The Facts During Shanghai Week in Hamburg
2002-09-26Most people who went there were the Germans who were interested in China, or who often went to China through their work. Many of them are noted people in religious and academic circles.
Copenhagen: Press Conference in City Hall Square
2002-09-26On the 22nd September 2002, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in Copenhagen's City Hall Square.Left: Speech by Lord Francis Thurlow.
Copenhagen: Parading Through the Beautiful City
2002-09-26On the 22nd September 2002, Falun Gong practitioners held a parade through the centre of Copenhagen to commemorate the Falun Gong practitioners who have had their lives taken from them in China.
Germany: Activities during Worldwide Peace Day in Frankfurt
2002-09-25On Monday September 16 2002, 25 German Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Worldwide Peace day in Frankfurt.Left: Passersby reading information on the persecution of Dafa in China on display boards.
Romania: Promoting Falun Gong on a Tour Around the Country
2002-09-25Several Romanian practitioners residing in Canada, Sweden and the United States, accompanied by local practitioners, have started a tour around Romania to let people know about practice of Falun Gong and the brutal persecution in China.