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UK: Falun Gong Comes to the city of Peterborough
2002-01-28One Chinese person was so astonished, he called someone on his mobile phone, saying something like "Falun Gong has come to Peterborough, come and see, people are practising Falun Gong here in Peterborough."
Group Study for Falun Gong Assistants In and Around Russia
2002-01-25 -
Meeting Chinese Students in Germany
2002-01-24“De guo ren zhi dao – Falun Dafa hao!” (Germans know that Falun Dafa is good)!
Photoreport from city of Örebro, Sweden
2002-01-23 -
Practitioners from Belgium and Germany Hold Candlelight Vigil outside Chinese Embassy in Brussels
2002-01-22 -
Belgian Practitioners Clarify the Truth in Front of the Stock Market
2002-01-22There were many Chinese tourists as well, and some enthusiastically took pictures of our practice and of the displayed banners. They also asked us many questions with great interest, and sadly shook their heads when they heard that the people on the pictures we showed them had all passed away. I felt very happy for these people when I observed their kind-hearted faces, and I was grateful in my heart for the opportunity to tell them the truth about Falun Gong.
Sweden: Falun Gong Study Meeting Benefits All Attendees
2002-01-22 -
Falun Gong Practitioner Yan Xiuzhong Dies in Suihua Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-22In March 2000, he was arrested and fined 2000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the average monthly income of urban areas is about 500 Yuan] for writing a letter to Li Guofu, the Deputy County Administrator, to clarify the truth of Falun Gong.
German Practitioners Continue to Hold Peaceful Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy in Germany
2002-01-22 -
Denmark Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil In Front of Chinese Embassy
2002-01-22 -
Falun Dafa comes to Lincoln, UK
2002-01-21It was a beautiful clear winter day, with a cold wind. In the main shopping area, the practitioners put up posters revealing the atrocities of the persecution and explaining about Falun Gong, and handed out over 2000 leaflets. A few practitioners would perform the exercises while others handed out flyers and talked to people. Although this was clearly something very unusual for the people of Lincoln, it all felt perfectly natural, and people were very keen to accept leaflets.
Chinese Foreign Minister continues to hear “Stop killing and persecution” on his UK visit
2002-01-21The policemen on duty were very impressed with the tranquillity of the practitioners and most stayed inside their vehicles. One commented that he has policed many public events and wished everyone was as peaceful as Falun Gong practitioners.
Paris Practitioners Hold Peaceful Demonstration in Front of Chinese Embassy and Consulate to Protest the Killings by Jiang's Regime
2002-01-20 -
Promoting Falun Gong in Front of the Education Division of the Chinese Embassy in France
2002-01-20 -
Practitioners Continue Candlelight Vigil in Front of Chinese Embassy in Vienna, Austria