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People of Sweden Condemn CCP for Obstructing Shen Yun Show in Hong Kong
2010-01-31People from all walks of life in Sweden are showing great concern after hearing that Shen Yun Performing Arts was forced to cancel all seven of its shows in Hong Kong because the Hong Kong Immigration Department denied entry visas to six key members of the Shen Yun production staff. People pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is up to its old tricks again.
United Kingdom: Protesting in front of Chinese Embassy over Sabotage of Shen Yun Performance
2010-01-30Falun Gong practitioners in London held a rally in front of the Chinese Embassy on January 23 and January 25, 2010 respectively, protesting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for pressuring the Hong Kong government to sabotage the Shen Yun performance in Hong Kong. Practitioners in Scotland held a similar protest in front of the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh on January 24.
Lord Avebury: The Chinese Communist Regime is the Primary Reason behind the Hong Kong Incident
2010-01-30After hearing the news that Hong Kong complied with the CCP to interfere with Shen Yun's shows in the city, many United Kingdom political leaders who care about Hong Kong expressed disappointment. Lord Avebury, Member of Parliament, believes that the Chinese Communist regime is the primary reason behind the Hong Kong authority's denial of visas.
Shen Yun forced to cancel Hong Kong shows, interference from Chinese regime in Europe
2010-01-26"According to the presenting organisations, tickets for all seven shows were sold out within the first two weeks of sales. Though the visa requests for the travelling group were already made in October, on January 22, the Hong Kong Immigration Department has denied entry visas of seven of the company's core production team members, leaving the organizers with no choice but to cancel the shows in Hong Kong."
United Kingdom: Scottish Practitioners Protest Hong Kong's Visa Denial to Shen Yun Staff
2010-01-25On Sunday 24th January 2010, Scottish Falun Gong practitioners braved the cold and peacefully protested outside the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh. The protest was to condemn the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for forcing the cancellation of seven sold-out Shen Yun Performing Arts shows in Hong Kong due to start on 27th January.
Article from Scotland on Sunday Newspaper: Visa Protest Targets Chinese Consulate
2010-01-25'Six key production staff of Shen Yun Performing Arts were denied entry visas into Hong Kong six days before their show is scheduled to debut in the Chinese autonomous region on 27 January. Organisers of the performance are demanding the visa refusals should be reconsidered by the immigration department of the government of Hong Kong special administrative region.'
Romania: Truth-Compassion-Forbearance International Art Exhibition Held in Busteni
2010-01-23From December 10 2009, International Human Rights Day, until December 13, 2009, the Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition was held in the art gallery of the Hotel Silva in Busteni, a well known resort in Prahova Valley in the Carpati Mountains. Four television channels and several newspaper all reported on the exhibition.
United Kingdom: Raising Awareness about the Persecution in Manchester
2010-01-18On January 9, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners from York, England, held an event in Manchester to let people know more about Falun Gong and the ten years of persecution waged against the practice in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Almost one hundred people signed the petition calling for an end to the CCP's human rights atrocities.
German Newspaper: A Chinese Man's Happy Time in Dortmund
2010-01-17Before Christmas, Ruhr Nachrichten, a local newspaper in Dortmund, published a story about a Chinese family, titled "A Chinese Man's Happy Time in Dortmund". The Guo family, of Chinese origin, lived 5000 miles apart. They were recently reunited in the German city of Dortmund. The family just celebrated their first Christmas together.
Germany: Protest Against the Refusal to Renew my Passport at the Chinese Consulate in Frankfurt
2010-01-11In order to expose the Chinese Consulate's lies to the general public, some practitioners in Frankfurt and I have held a weekly protest at the Chinese Consulate since July 1, 2009. We tell people about the Chinese Consulate refusing to renew my passport.
TV France Internationale Reports on the CCP's Crime of Live Organ Harvesting
2010-01-05On December 3, 2009, the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong held a meeting in the French Parliament on the topic of the persecution of Falun Gong.
Germany: 2009 Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Karlsruhe
2010-01-04On December 28, 2009, a Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held in Karlsruhe, Germany. More than 10 practitioners shared their experiences of looking inward, cooperating with fellow practitioners and harmonising with family members.
Practitioners from Moldova Respectfully Wish Revered Master Happy New Year!
2010-01-03 -
Practitioners from Romania Respectfully Wish Revered Master Happy New Year!
2010-01-03 -
Practitioners from Denmark Respectfully Wish Revered Master Happy New Year!