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Hungary: Falun Gong at the Kecskmet Health Expo
2010-07-16On June 26, 2010, the Falun Dafa Association of Hungary was invited to the Kecskmet Health Expo by the Humanity Group to introduce the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. Practitioners introduced Falun Gong, and let the public know about the Chinese Communist Party's 11-year-long brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China.
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Dafa at the Exeter Respect Festival
2010-07-15From the 5th to 6th June 2010, the annual Exeter Respect Festival was held in England's southwestern city of Exeter. Falun Gong practitioners received an invitation to take part in the event last year, and this year they were once again invited by the host to take part in this multi-cultural arts event.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Raise Awareness in Munich
2010-07-14On June 26, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners held activities at Karlsplatz in Munich, Germany to raise awareness about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution. Many people signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution, and some also expressed interest in learning Falun Gong.
French Judge Orders Investigation of European Satellite Company for Shutting Down NTDTV's Broadcasts to China
2010-07-13After the European satellite company Eutelsat shut down NTDTV's broadcasts to China via its W5 satellite on June 16, 2008, NTDTV filed a lawsuit. On June 30, 2010, the Cour D'Appel De Paris, made a decision that an expert will be assigned to investigate the real reason that Eutelsat cut off NTDTV's broadcasts to China.
Russian Courts Deliver Two Verdicts That Will Hopefully Help More Chinese People See the Truth
2010-07-13The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has blocked the truth and deceived the Chinese people ever since it violently came to power sixty years ago. As a result, the Chinese people are deeply influenced by Party culture, and have become a product of the lies they've been told for decades. Even though many are aware of the widespread corruption and web of lies the CCP weaves, the vast majority of people in China remain unaware of how the CCP deceives them, let alone do they have any insight into the Party's evil nature.
Poland Councillor Finds Great Wisdom in Shen Yun
2010-07-04Lodz, Poland, was the proud host of Shen Yun Performing Arts on June 14-16, 2010. Among the audience was Councillor Filip Urbanek, who attended the last Shen Yun performance held in Lodz, the third largest city in Poland. He, like the thousands of other people in the audience, bid farewell to the Shen Yun performers with thunderous applause.
Former Dancer Deeply Touched by Shen Yun
2010-07-03Shen Yun Performing Arts was enthusiastically received at each of its three shows in Lodz, Poland. Former dancer Jzabela Polaszczyk was very moved by Shen Yun. She described the Chinese dance techniques and movements in the show as, "Very nice, very delicate, very smooth and emotional, I would say."
Poland: Business Executive: "I Was Completely Transferred to Another World, I Was Captivated!"
2010-07-02The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts completed its hugely successful European tour by staging three exhilarating shows in Lodz, Poland. Marek Klimczak, an economist and the director of a large company, attended the performance with his wife and a few good friends. He described Shen Yun as an unforgettable show.
Poland: Audiences Agree Shen Yun Is Superb
2010-07-01The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company delighted audiences at the Teatr Wielki/Great Theatre, in Lodz, Poland, for three energy-charged shows on June 14-16, 2010. Robert Dybalski, the owner of the famous "Dybalski" confectionery, attended the Shen Yun performance.
Poland: Opera Singer says Shen Yun Performance "Very Precious and Broadened Our Horizons"
2010-06-23The Shen Yun Performing Arts concluded three shows at the Teatr Wielki / Great Theatre in Lodz, Poland on June 14-16, 2010, bringing several standing ovations and curtain calls. Among the many distinguished guests in the audience was opera singer Andrzej Jurkiewicz (pictured with Shen Yun tenor Yuan Qu).
Germany: "Peaceful Cultivators Should Not Be Persecuted Anywhere"
2010-06-22When Eva Leupold was passing by Marienplatz in Munich, a group of people who were meditating caught her attention. What she saw were Falun Gong practitioners holding an activity to expose the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government. Many people came to the booth to learn more. When they learned about the persecution, they were shocked.
Russia: Practitioners Participate in Local Events to Introduce Falun Dafa in Three Cities
2010-06-21Russian Falun Gong practitioners held events to introduce Falun Dafa in several cities. From June 3 to 6, the 6th Health World Expo was held in Moscow. More than 62 organisations participated. Practitioners introduced the practice of Falun Gong, explained how it now flourishes worldwide, yet is still brutally persecuted in China.
Shen Yun Receives Standing Ovations and Curtain Calls at its Premiere Performance in Turin, Italy
2010-06-20Shen Yun Performing Arts met with heart warming applause as it presented its premiere performance to Turin, Italy. The New York-based artists were welcomed by a very responsive audience at the Teatro Regio on Tuesday June 8, with several standing ovations and three curtain calls. Sir Sette was visibly amazed and moved by the show and said it was "fantastic".
Claiming to be Falun Gong Practitioners, Chinese Communist Party Agents Threaten Theatres and Attempt to Interfere with Shen Yun Performing Arts
2010-06-18Recently, the hosting organizations for Shen Yun Performing Arts from all over the world disclosed that many theatres across Europe and North America have received email letters from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents, claiming to be Falun Gong practitioners or overseas Chinese. These letters have followed a similar pattern. They first expressed their gratitude for the theatre's hosting of the show. The emails then take on a threatening tone...
Public Relations Manager: "It's the truth"
2010-06-13A wonderful Mediterranean evening and a warm response from the audience welcomed the first performance of the Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company in Athens on Thursday, June 3. Lola Dafae, the public relations manager of Star Channel, a large Greek TV broadcaster, attended Shen Yun at the Badminton Theatre. Ms. Dafae enjoyed Shen Yun "very much".