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  • Belgium: Truthfulness, Compassion Tolerance International Art Exhibition Touches Belgian People

    After a day’s exhibition, the exhibition organiser was very touched: “Today I suddenly realised that the more people learn the truth, the weaker the Chinese Communist regime becomes. If people around the world all know the truth, the Chinese Communist regime would not have the ability to carry on this persecution. This is the largest significance of our holding this art exhibition.”
  • Germany: The People of Düsseldorf Condemn the Crime of Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

    On October 27th, 2007, a large scale activity marking the “World Human Rights Torch Week” was held in Düsseldorf, as similar activities were held concurrently in other major cities in Germany. These activities were to get the message across to German people that “the crimes of genocide cannot coexist with the Olympic Games in China.” The objective of the activity was to expose the Chinese Communist regime’s human rights abuses.
  • Former Estonian Prime Minister Calls for an End to the CCP Atrocities

    Mr. Laar said that the 27 million Chinese people who have withdrawn from the CCP have made a courageous and correct choice. He said: “a classic communist tactic is both persecuting yourself and your family members. In fact, they [the CCP] fear the public. Once the fear among the public vanishes, the CCP reign of terror will collapse.”
  • Slovakia: Touring Eastern Slovakia with a Petition Against the Persecution of Falun Gong

    From the 25th until the 29th October a petition tour took place through the cities of Presov, Vranov nad Toplou, Kosice and Svidnik in eastern Slovakia. The goal of the tour was to support the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted in China since 1999. People of all ages came to sign the petition, from young children to elderly people.
  • Italy: Rallies Held in Rome and Turin to Support the Human Rights Torch Relay

    Senator Sergio D'elia stated that the rally was very important because it let people in the free world know what is happening in China. He said that one of the reasons that human rights violations take place in China is because the international community doesn't pay enough attention to them. He pointed out that what we need to do is to let the free world know what is going on and then ask them to exert pressure on the dictators. Senator Malan proposed a resolution which would require the Italian media to report on human rights issues in China when reporting on the 2008 Olympics.
  • Ukraine: People in the Small City of Dymytrov Learn about Falun Gong

    Many residents in this city are mineworkers who have lived through suppression by the communists. When they were told that the activity was to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution against Falun Gong practitioners who are cultivating Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, all of them condemned the crimes of the CCP.
  • Germany: Helping Chinese People at the Kassel Festival Learn about Falun Gong and Quit the CCP

    Most of the Chinese people were happy to accept the leaflets. A lady said that they don't have any channels by which to learn the truth in China, so she was happy to accept the materials. Practitioners told her about the 27 million plus people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party, and she didn't hesitate to resign on the spot.
  • United Kingdom: Human Rights Torch Arrived in London

    On the afternoon of 25th October 2007, the Global Human Rights Torch Relay arrived in London. Vice-President of European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott chaired a press conference at the Foreign Press Club and gave a speech on Trafalgar Square along with other politicians and representatives from human rights organizations.
  • Norway: Falun Gong Practitioners Perform during International Culture Week

    The organizers of the event and audience warmly welcomed their performance. Through their singing, practitioners Wang Yajun and Dai Ying spread the message that Falun Dafa is spreading throughout the world and that the Chinese Communist Party, which has persecuted Falun Gong practitioners for over eight years, will soon collapse.
  • Personal Experiences from Sweden’s Human Rights Torch Relay: “I did something meaningful today.”

    This was an extraordinary parade with people of all ages from white haired old men to young children - flyer distributors, runners, bicycle riders and families in their cars followed. They were from different races and genders, but came for the same purpose: to call for an immediate end to persecution in China.
  • Article from German Newspaper Westfalen-Blatt: Torture Victim has Operation in Brakel and Receives Hip Replacement

    Other prisoners forced him to crouch down and stretched his legs, pressing them into the ground in such a way that both of his hips were broken and joints and tendons snapped. Later, Wang was able to move only painfully and with the help of crutches. The operating surgeon, Dr. Rolf Haaker, chief of the Department of Orthopedics said: “These vicious tactics combined with additional brutal stresses in the forced labour camp caused serious damage that could only be alleviated by replacing the two hip joints with prosthesis.”
  • United Kingdom: Human Rights Torch Relay in London

    A grey wintry day in London was brightened by a torch of hope on Thursday, October 25th. The torch is the symbol of the Global Human Rights Torch Relay. This event draws attention to the human rights abuses committed by the CCP and resolutely states that “Olympics and crimes against humanity cannot coexist in China”.
  • Article from Welt Online (Germany): The reason why the West shuts its eyes concerning human rights violations in China

    Liu Wei, born 1972 in Liaoning Province, China, was imprisoned in a pre-trial prison in the Beijing Dongscheng District from September 25th 2001 until January 25th 2003 because she practises Falun Gong. She was then transferred to a Beijing women’s slave labour camp. She recounted what she experienced since August 19th 2005, including psychological and physical torture. In an effort to make her renounce her belief, the torture she suffered ranged from hard slave labour to forced re-education and blackmail.
  • Sweden: Seminar at the Swedish Parliament

    On October 11th, 2007 a seminar entitled "Can the Beijing Olympics improve human rights in China?" was held at the Swedish parliament. More than fifty senators, human rights organisations and China specialists attended the seminar to discuss the implications of China hosting the Olympic Games next year.
  • Bulgaria: “Falun Gong is good! Welcome again to Kazanlak!”

    Many people had the chance to meet practitioners and to give their support for stopping the persecution against the practice. Some of the practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises; others gave out leaflets and invited people to sign the petition. Everybody was happy to support this noble cause and to condemn the atrocities done by the regime in China.