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Greece: Stop the Organ Harvesting from Live Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-12-11On Human Rights Day (December 10th) in Greece, practitioners raised awareness about cases of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. The information was exhibited in a pedestrian area in the centre of Athens, near many universities. Many young people who passed by were shocked to learn about all these abuses but very interested to support an end to the organ harvesting.
United Kingdom: Supporting Justice in Leeds
2007-12-10On November 17th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in Leeds launched activities to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party. Many pedestrians stopped to sign to support stopping the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and many people showed their interest in the peaceful Falun Gong exercises and obtained introductory information about the free Falun Gong classes in their area.
Radio France International: Renowned scholars from China refer to the persecution of Falun Gong as unjust
2007-12-10On December 5th, 2007, Radio France International reported the well-known economist Mao Yushi’s opinion on the system of re-education through labour used by the Chinese Communist Party to persecute many Falun Gong practitioners. Mr Mao stated, "The persecution of Falun Gong is illegal. It is contrary to Chinese citizens’ right to freedom of belief. The Communist Party uses political means to persecute a faith based group that has absolutely no political intentions".
First French-Speaking Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in the Caribbean
2007-12-09The first Caribbean cultivation experience sharing conference was held in Guadeloupe on November 4th. Practitioners from Martinique in the Caribbean also attended the conference. Practitioners arrived three days before the conference and participated in various activities to promote Falun Gong. The experience sharing conference lasted for a whole Sunday. Forty practitioners in total shared their experiences in how they improved their characters and raised awareness about the persecution taking place in China.
The Times (United Kingdom): Report on China’s Cyber Espionage
2007-12-09According to a report in The Times Newspaper on December 3rd, 2007, the Director-General of MI5 has sent letters to executives of major companies warning them that Chinese state agencies were hacking into their systems and trying to steal confidential information. This is the first time the British Government directly accuses China of involvement in cyber espionage. Reporting the detailed warning by MI5, The Times said that British companies doing business in China were under particular threat from hackers with links to the People’s Liberation Army.
Finland: Supporting 29 Million People Quitting the CCP in Helsinki
2007-12-08On December 1st, volunteers from the Epoch Times newspaper, as well as Falun Gong practitioners and representatives from the Finnish Service Centre for Quitting the CCP, held an activity in Helsinki to support the 29 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP. Attracted by the banners, posters and a broadcast of the “Nine Commentaries”, many people came to sign the petition.
The Sound of Germany: The Mirror Will Never Let the Chinese Communist Party Decide what the German Media Should Report
2007-12-08It was reported by “The Sound of Germany” on December 3rd, 2007, that the Editor in Chief of the Mirror Weekly said that he will never let the Chinese Communist Party decide what German media should report. According to the report, Hans-Ulrich Stoldt, the spokesman of The Mirror Publishing House told a reporter from the Sound of Germany that a notice had been received last Thursday from Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art cancelling the Mirror Weekly Front Page Exhibition, which had been planed to start this week.
Germany: The International Society for Human Rights Condemns the CCP
2007-12-07On October 27th, 2007, an event to support the Global Human Rights Torch Relay was held in Düsseldorf, Germany, and many human rights organisations in Germany participated. Mr. Koerper, a member of the China team of the co-host The International Society for Human Rights (IGFM), spoke on behalf of the organisation, pointing out that hosting the Olympics had not improved human rights in China. On the contrary, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has stepped up the persecution of dissidents in the name of the Olympics.
United Kingdom: A Warning to Chinese Special Agents in London's Chinatown
2007-12-06Out of fear of Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist regime has incessantly dispatched special agents to make trouble for Falun Gong practitioners in recent years, together with hooligans in overseas Chinese society. Zhong Zheng, a male Chinese special agent, appeared in London's Chinatown on November 27th, 2007. Pretending to be a Falun Gong practitioner, he was in fact carrying out sabotage activities against Falun Gong.
Czech Republic European 'Celestial Marching Band' in Prague
2007-12-05November 17th, 2007, was the 18th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, during which communism fell in former Czechoslovakia. 80 members of the European Celestial Marching Band, who are musicians that practise Falun Gong, came to Prague to alert the public to systematical abuses of human rights in China.
Poland: An Unshakable Faith
2007-12-04Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa] was officially published in Polish on September 21st. The book has been translated into over thirty languages and published all over the world. Various press conferences, 'information days' and routine open air practice of Falun Gong have allowed more and more Polish people to understand Falun Gong.
Ukraine: The Truth about Falun Dafa Brought to Severodonetsk
2007-12-03Some practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises on the grass in front of the supermarket, some distributed leaflets while others showed people how to fold lotus flowers. Though the weather was very cold, the peaceful and beautiful exercise music attracted many people to stop and watch. Many expressed an interest in the ancient practice.
United Kingdom: Rain Does Not Stop Play in Bradford
2007-12-03To most, the cold, wet & miserable, somewhat typical English weather, would keep people wrapped up warm inside; but local practitioners saw the day as another glorious opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of practising Falun Gong, as well as letting people know about the persecution of the practice in China. Some practitioners handed out leaflets and chatted to passersby while others stood behind the display to perform the five Falun Gong exercises.
United Kingdom: More and More Westerners Learn the Truth and Call for an End to the Persecution
2007-12-02Falun Gong practitioners have been raising awareness of the persecution to the public in central London. For a few consecutive weekends, practitioners came to St. Martin’s Square, which is right next to Trafalgar Square, to display photographs, demonstrate the five Falun Gong exercises, distribute Falun Gong leaflets and collect signatures.
Radio Free Asia: World Association of Newspapers Condemns the Control of the Internet and Media by the Chinese Communist Party
2007-12-02On November 20th, 2007, Radio Free Asia reported a recent announcement by The World Association of Newspapers condemning China, together with other countries, for their control of the internet and media. According to the report, they declare that “China has failed to live up to the press freedom commitments it made when it sought the 2008 Games. At least thirty journalists and fifty other dissidents are currently in Chinese prisons”. They also call on all the participants of the Olympic Games “to exert serious pressure on the Chinese authorities “to cease their flagrant and persistent abuses of human rights.”