Press Releases and Media Reports, Persecution Spreads from China to Europe, Voices of Support, Latest Events

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  • Radio Free Asia: World Association of Newspapers Condemns the Control of the Internet and Media by the Chinese Communist Party

    On November 20th, 2007, Radio Free Asia reported a recent announcement by The World Association of Newspapers condemning China, together with other countries, for their control of the internet and media. According to the report, they declare that “China has failed to live up to the press freedom commitments it made when it sought the 2008 Games. At least thirty journalists and fifty other dissidents are currently in Chinese prisons”. They also call on all the participants of the Olympic Games “to exert serious pressure on the Chinese authorities “to cease their flagrant and persistent abuses of human rights.”
  • Finnish Falun Gong Practitioners Support the EU Parliament

    On November 23rd 2007, some Falun Gong practitioners form Helsinki, Finland went to the Chinese Embassy. They went to lend their support to the EU parliament for having invited formally three China-based Falun Gong practitioners for a public hearing about China’s human rights, which was held in Brussels, Belgium on November 26th
  • Switzerland: Letting Chinese People Know the Truth about Falun Gong at a Tourist Site

    Lausanne attracts tourists from many countries, especially tourists from Mainland China, even more so this year. Falun Gong practitioners in Switzerland make full use of this opportunity, telling precious Chinese people the truth about Falun Gong and urging them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations. Reproduced here are a few little stories.
  • France: Paris Fa Conference Successfully Convenes, Master Li Sends Greetings

    The "2007 France Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference" was held in Paris on November 25th 2007. Falun Gong practitioners from Paris and many other areas attended. Falun Gong founder Master Li Hongzhi sent greetings to the conference, and encouraged practitioners to improve through the conference.
  • European Parliament (Press Release): Keep up human rights pressure on China in the run-up to 2008 Olympics

    With next year's Olympic Games in Beijing just around the corner, the world must keep up the pressure on China over its human rights record, a hearing of the European Parliament's Human Rights Subcommittee attended by over 200 people was told on Monday. Several NGOs, including a Chinese dissident speaking live via Internet telephone conference, described the widespread human rights violations still being perpetrated by the authorities.
  • Belgium: Four-Day Activity in the City of Hasselt Reaches Thousands of People

    The practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun gong exercises, exhibited reprints of paintings from the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition, exhibited photos, taught people how to fold paper lotus flowers and did Chinese calligraphy. The Falun Dafa stand looked very nice and attracted many people.
  • German Press Release: Don’t Send Falun Gong Practitioner Back to Clutches of Chinese Communist Regime

    Mr. Wang arrived in Germany on 2/9/2001. Since March 2003, he has practised Falun Gong and actively exposed the persecution of Falun Gong in China. He filed a petition for asylum on 2/9/2004 but the asylum request was dismissed. Torture victim and friend of petitioner Zhen Wang said, “He can expect torture and possible loss of life if deported to China.”
  • European Parliament Invites Falun Gong Practitioners from China to Hearing on Chinese Human Rights

    Falun Gong practitioners from China, Cao Dong, Niu Jinping and his wife Zhang Lianying, were invited to the hearing. On May 21st 2006, Niu Jinping and Cao Dong met with the Vice-President of the European Parliament Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott in Beijing, and informed the Vice President of the brutal persecution suffered by himself, his wife and other Falun Gong practitioners around him. Two hours after the meeting, Mr. Cao was arrested by Chinese Communist regime security agents and was charged with "accepting an illegal interview". Mr. Cao was sentenced to five years imprisonment and has been secretly detained in the No. 3 Prison in Tianshui.
  • United Kingdom: Leeds Activity Raises Awareness about Human Rights Abuses Against Falun Gong in China

    An activity was held in Leeds to let people know about the human rights abuses that Falun Gong practitioners are suffering at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Many passers by signed a petition to show their support for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, showed their interest in the Falun Gong exercises and asked for information on free classes.
  • Norway: Falun Gong at The Large Health Fair in Oslo

    The Large Health Fair in Oslo, supposedly the biggest in Europe when it comes to the number of exhibitors and offers, took place from the 16th of November to the 18th of November. Falun Gong practitioners participated at the Fair with their own stand and three paintings from the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition.
  • Czech News Agency: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest Against the Persecution in China

    The Czech News Agency reported on the 19th of November, that the European Celestial Marching Band, consisting of over eighty European Falun Gong practitioners, performed at the Old Town Square in Prague on the 17th of November. After the performance, they started a parade in protest against the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution against Falun Gong.
  • Germany: Exposing the Crimes Committed Against Falun Gong in China

    Many people waned to find out more when Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in downtown Bremen to promote the practice and expose the brutal persecution waged against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The practitioners set up poster display boards and handed out leaflets. They told people about the CCP's crimes of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
  • United Kingdom: Exposing the Persecution in Bradford City Centre

    On Saturday the 10th of November, Falun Gong practitioners from northern England went to Bradford city centre to promote the practice. Many people were shocked when they found out that a peaceful meditation practice had been banned in China and expressed their sympathy for those who have died as a result of the Chinese Communist Party's human rights abuses.
  • Germany: Promoting Falun Gong in the University Town of Tuebingen

    Falun Gong practitioners in the German town of Tuebingen exposed human rights violations in China by demonstrating the exercises to peaceful music, displaying poster boards and distributing flyers. A number of people expressed that the persecution in China is hard to believe, especially in the face of the serene and peaceful Falun Gong exercises.
  • United Kingdom: Truth, Compassion and Forbearance Art Exhibition Returns to Cambridge

    A Cambridge resident commented: "People all over the world know about the horrifying persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, including the horrific crime of organ harvesting from living practitioners. These are enough to make anyone angry. But in these art works you cannot find hatred, only the compassionate pledge for justice and forbearance."