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  • Germany: Participants Share Their Thoughts at the Global Torch Relay for Human Rights in Munich

    The torch relay is to protest against the Olympic Games being held in Beijing when such terrible human rights abuses are happening there and among other issues demands the release of adherents of the peaceful meditation practice Falun Gong. A United Nations report regarding torture revealed that 66% of torture victims in China are Falun Gong adherents. According to reports, these people are systematically murdered in Chinese slave labour camps for their organs, which are traded for economic profit in world markets. The torch relay is meant to put pressure on the Chinese Communist regime and bring hope to the people in China.
  • Belgium: Global Human Rights Torch Relay Reaches Brussels

    The Human Rights Torch arrived in Brussels on the 28th of September 2007 after passing through over ten cities in Europe. Belgian senators, athletes, representatives from human rights organisations and citizens gathered at Schunman Square near the European Union to greet the arrival of the Human Rights Torch and witness this historic moment.
  • Article from German Newspaper: “I was crippled through torture in China”

    “They forcefully split my legs until the hip joints broke apart,” said Zhen Wang. “The guards purposely turned away their eyes. After the torture I was not taken to the hospital for treatment.” The Chinese man was imprisoned because he is a devotee of the cultivation practice of Falun Gong which is banned in China and its members are persecuted.
  • Belgium: Human Rights Torch Arrives in Antwerp

    After a morning of heavy rain, the torch from Brussels in the hands of two torch relay messengers led the supporters of the relay, which started from St John Square and finished at the venue of the rally Queen’s Square near the railway station. The route covered the biggest China town in Belgium and attracted local people’s attention.
  • Spain: The People of Madrid Support the Withdrawals from the CCP

    October 1st is the date that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seized power and began governing China. On September 29th, before “China’s sad day”, the Service Centre for Quitting the Party in Spain held an activity at Puerta del Sol in Madrid to support the 27 million Chinese withdrawals from the CCP and collected signatures.
  • Denmark: Supporting Lawyer Zhisheng Gao and Protesting against the Persecution of Falun Gong

    In the afternoon of September 29th, Danish Falun Gong practitioners appealed for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP and rallied to support the Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Zhisheng Gao. On the September 20th, Lawyer Zhisheng Gao published an open letter to the US Congress and was subsequently persecuted by the CCP.
  • U.K. Falun Gong Practitioners Send Greetings to Respected Master Li on the Moon Festival

  • Lithuania: Human Rights Torch Relay Lights Up Kaunas City

    Local human right organisations gathered at Unity Square in the centre of the city to welcome the Torch. Donning traditional costumes, two Lithuanians and representatives from human rights organisations escorted the human rights torch ambassadors to the National Independent Monument to ignite the Human Rights Torch in front of the Monument.
  • France: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose Organ Harvesting by the Chinese Communist Regime

    On September 8th, 2007, French Falun Gong practitioners spent a day in downtown Paris distributing flyers to local residents and tourists. They wanted to expose the Chinese communist regime’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong as well as organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Upon learning the truth, many people signed their names condemning the persecution.
  • Radio Free Asia: Human Rights Torch Arrives in Paris

    "The Human Right Torch Relay, which intends to boycott the Beijing Olympics because the Chinese communist regime utilises the event to strengthen its autocracy and continue its persecution against human rights and Falun Gong practitioners, was lit in Athens, Greece, on August 9th, 2007. The Relay received extensive attention when the torch was carried through Europe. The Relay reached another climax on Sunday, September 16th when the Torch arrived in Paris, the birthplace of the Declaration of the Rights of Man".
  • Holland: Falun Gong spreads in the Kingdom of Flowers

    Before starting to practise Falun Gong, Mrs. Zhu suffered greatly with breast cancer and lost the will to live. “I was dying then. But at the end of 1994, a friend of mine posted me the Falun Gong book. When I read the book, I was moved. Later Zhuan Falun was published. I read Zhuan Falun frequently and within a week, I felt much better.
  • Turkey: Falun Gong Practitioners Wish the Founder of Falun Gong, Mr Li Hongzhi, a Happy Moon Festival

    We assure you that we will follow your instruction to be more studious and thorough in our efforts of studying the Falun Gong teachings and coordinating with one another to do the three things well so as to keep up with the pace of Fa-rectification. We will also cultivate ourselves steadfastly and strive forward diligently to fulfil our prehistoric oaths and live up to your compassionate salvation.
  • Switzerland: Renowned Cellist Performs at Ceremony for the Human Rights Torch Relay

    At a ceremony marking the Human Rights Torch Relay in Geneva, a cellist’s excellent performance won high praise from the audience. The musician was none other than Christian Benda, a renowned cellist in Switzerland and the chief conductor of the Czech Prague Republic Symphony Orchestra.
  • France: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for an End to the Persecution

    China and Europe have just concluded a four day human rights dialogue in Strasbourg, one of the two meeting places of the European Parliament. One of the most important topics that was discussed is the eight year long persecution of Falun Gong in China. Falun Gong practitioners from France and Germany came to Strasbourg to distribute leaflets and call for an end to the persecution and were encouraged by Edward McMillan-Scott, vice president of the European Parliament.
  • Poland: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Large Scale Event in Warsaw

    On September 21st, the Polish version of Zhuan Falun was formally published. Zhuan Falun is the main book by the founder of Falun Gong, Mr Li Hongzhi, and it has been translated into over thirty languages. To coincide with the book's publication practitioners gathered in central Warsaw for a series of activities.