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Holland: Dafa Practitioners Exercise Demonstration was judged the Best Performance
2003-02-15One Chinese person who had been engaged in human rights work in the past, said from his heart, I experienced a lot in my life. I have been in jail several times. And I have not wept like this for a long time. During the human rights conference in Geneva last year, when I saw so many Falun Gong practitioners sitting in meditation, I could not hold back my tears. What I really want to say is, Falun Dafa is good!
EFIC: From Rags to Riches to Torture in a Chinese Labour Camp (Part 1)
2003-02-15The following story is true and every name is real. It is a story about a successful businesswoman who was illegally imprisoned for nine months in one of Chinas most brutal labour camps Wanjia. It is a story of beatings and torture, of survival and perseverance, and it is a testament to the power of her beliefs.
Germany: A letter to the Chinese Ambassador from the German Branch of the Global Falun Gong Practitioner Rescue Association
2003-02-15The literal meaning of "Germany" in Chinese is the country with morality and justice...When the Chinese dictator is persecuting innocent and kind-hearted people, the government of the country with morality should take the lead to speak up for the kind-hearted people.
Sweden: Families of Practitioners Meet together for Chinese New Year
2003-02-15The children had a lot of fun and an opportunity to study the Fa and do the exercises together on their own terms. They also made a painting with a Happy Chinese New Year Greeting to all children in China.
Latvia: Dafa Practitioners Send Chinese New Years Greetings to Master Li
2003-02-15 -
Spanish Senator declares his Support for the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-14"After hearing about and understanding the details of the plight of Falun Gong practitioners in China, I will insist on my stance and continue to respect their belief and guard their rights of expression."
Ireland: Letter from a Practitioner to an Irish Member of Parliament
2003-02-14"The Chinese government have blocked the media so that the Chinese people don't get to hear the truth about Falun Gong. I am sending you this e-mail to ask you to condemn the persecution and also to ask the Irish Government to condemn it. The more people that know the truth about Falun Gong the better."
Dow Jones: Hong Kong's Opposition Denounces New Anti-Subversion Law
2003-02-14'"This is a giant step backward from the system as we know it in Hong Kong, which is open justice and open trial," said lawmaker Audrey Eu..."This is absurd," said Albert Ho, a lawmaker from the opposition Democratic Party.'
A Public Letter from the British Branch of the Global Coalition Against Article 23 to the Chinese Ambassador to the UK
2003-02-14"...The Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin has flouted his countrys laws. He is pursuing power and interest, fooling his own subjects, ganging together for illegal activities and cracking down on dissidents. Consequently, the party and social morality is on the decline and social problems and crimes are rampant..."
Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners Writes to Members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council to Rescue Mr. Chan Wing-Yuen
2003-02-14Mr. Chan is a 70-years old senior citizen who is full of kindness. In December 2001, Mr. Chan was visiting his relatives in Myanmar and also translating the book Zhuan Falun. He was arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison by the Myanmar authorities solely because he unfurled a small banner that read "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" on the street to the airport when China's dictator Jiang was visiting Myanmar.
Pioneer News (Chicago, USA): A Fight for Peaceful Practice
2003-02-14'In November 2002, the Chicago City Council issued a resolution in support of Falun Gong practitioners. The resolution states that the United States should use every appropriate and public and private forum to urge the government of the Peoples Republic of China to release all Falun Gong practitioners from detention and put an end to the practices of torture and other cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment against them.'
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Outdoor Performance in London's Leicester Square
2003-02-13Their songs and dance expressed their praise and belief in "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance." A drama created by an English writer based on the kidnapping and imprisonment of a UK practitioner's fiancée and another UK practitioner's sister exposed the brutal persecution Falun Gong practitioners face from Jiang's regime.
Czech Republic: Revealing the Facts about Dafa during a Celebration Party for Chinese New Year
2003-02-13One Chinese person heard that people were handing out information about Falun Gong and then approached the practitioners asking for all the materials that they could offer. After listening to the practitioners discuss the contents of the Video-CDs, a lady said I will seriously watch them right away, after I get home tonight.
Israel Branch of Amnesty International writes to the Israeli Foreign Minister: Help Rescue Xiong Wei
2003-02-13"Given the evidence we have presented to you, we believe that Wei Xiong is a prisoner of conscience who was arrested only [because she is a Falun Gong practitioner], and as it appears, has not received a fair trail. We are concerned for her well-being, and are afraid that she is subjected to severe torture that might claim her life."
YMTV: News report on Falun Dafa activities in York, UK
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