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Daily Times:Report about Article 23 in Hong Kong
2003-01-20'Heated exchanges between the authorities and opponents of the laws led many to believe that the devil is, indeed, in the details. What has emerged is an almost unanimous demand that the Tung government publish a detailed draft of the laws for one more round of consultation. The government, under intense pressure from Beijing to enact the blessed version, calls this unnecessary.'
UK Chinese Embassy Staff Discovered Videotaping Falun Gong Practitioners' Peaceful Appeal
2003-01-19During the many peaceful appeal activities over the past three years, the Chinese Embassy has often used various means to attempt to interfere with our press conferences, such as using loudspeakers to blast so-called "songs of revolution". Now, the embassy staff seem to be resorting to more underhanded methods against practitioners.
Human Rights Watch World Report 2002 --China (Excerpt)
2003-01-19'Falungong spokespersons reported that, as in previous years, practitioners died in custody in 2002. (As of November 12, spokespersons claimed that since the start of the [persecution] in 1999, 513 practitioners had died in custody.) Followers from abroad detained in China, upon returning home, recounted tales of beatings and torture. Courts continued to sentence [practitioners] to long prison terms; public security officials sent others directly to reeducation camps. In December, a Beijing court sentenced six academics to terms of up to twelve years for distributing Falungong materials.'
Corrieredella Sera (Italian Newspaper): Article about the Peaceful Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-01-19'Falun Gong practitioners held a vigil outside the Chinese Embassy for two days, to appeal against the cruel torture of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Four Chinese women participated in this worldwide activity today to protest against Jiang Zemin, [..] who outlawed the meditation practice of Falun Gong in 1999.'
Sweden: Stockholm Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Wind and Snow to Stop the Jiang Regime's Brutal Persecution
2003-01-18 -
Ireland: Appeal to end the Killing of Falun Gong practitioners
2003-01-18During the dates of the 12 January to the 14 January, Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland held a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Embassy in Dublin. They called for an end to the killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China
Germany: Practitioners Hold Group Exercise In front of the Chinese Consulate in Munich to Protest the Genocide Committed by Jiang's Regime
2003-01-18On January 13 and 14, 2003, Falun Gong practitioners from southern Germany and northern Austria held a two-day peaceful appeal and candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate..Although a cold wind blew hard and it snowed heavily, practitioners' powerful righteous thoughts were not moved at all.
Holland: Dafa Practitioners Appeal Against Jiang's Persecution Outside the Chinese Embassy
2003-01-18On January 11 2003, Western and Chinese practitioners gathered outside the Chinese Embassy. On January 12 and 13, more practitioners joined their peaceful protest and strongly appealed the Chinese authorities' brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Italy: Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in Front of Chinese Consulate in Milan for an End to the Killing by the Jiang-Luo Regime
2003-01-18Practitioners have been regularly appealing in front of the consulate for a long time and many people working in nearby shops have become friends with them. When they learned that at least 43 Falun Gong practitioners have lost their lives since November due to the persecution, they were shocked and said that they simply could not understand why the Jiang regime is treating ordinary Chinese people with such brutality. They were deeply moved by the peaceful appeals of Falun Gong practitioners in the cold weather.
Spain: Practitioners Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy for an End to the Atrocities Committed by the Jiang Regime Against Falun Gong
2003-01-18 -
Poland: Practitioners hold a Peaceful Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy to call for an End to the Killing
2003-01-17On January 13 2003, practitioners in Poland staged a peaceful appeal outside of the Chinese Embassy in Warsaw in order to bring to light the terrible atrocities perpetrated by the Jiang regime.
France: Practitioners Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy to Stop the Jiang Regime's Ruthless Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-01-17On January 13 2003, Falun Gong practitioners in France gathered outside of the Chinese embassy in Paris to appeal to the Jiang regime to end the brutal killing of Falun Gong practitioners.
Denmark: Practitioners Hold a Candlelight Vigil Opposite the Chinese Embassy
2003-01-17This appeal was to commemorate the 43 practitioners in China whose deaths from torture have been recently reported and to protest the killing of Dafa practitioners by the Jiang/Luo regime.
Sweden: Swedish Dafa Practitioners continued to appeal for an end of the Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners
2003-01-17The practitioners, with compassionate hearts in bad weather conditions, patiently revealed the truth about Falun Dafa. They appealed to the public to help stop the killing of practitioners in China under the command of Chinese tyrant Jiang Zemin and his partner-in-crime Luo Gan.
Germany: Practitioners Protest Jiang Regime's Atrocities in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Bonn
2003-01-17On January 13, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners from the western part of Germany, despite the cold and heavy snow, gathered outside the Chinese Consulate in Bonn to protest the Jiang regime's killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China.